Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 121 Going home for the New Year

The restaurant that Boss Mo found was somewhat similar to a farmhouse style, and the food tasted like home cooking. Zhao Yong found it quite palatable, so he finished five bowls of rice and packed away the rest.

He knew that his wife didn't like it at the dinner table and couldn't taste the delicious food at all. He took it back and heated it up for her. She would definitely find it delicious too.

"Let's go shopping in the mall." Zhao Yong suggested, "It's almost the Chinese New Year. I'll buy you new clothes."

And the ring.

When we got married, we promised to take her to buy a ring next time, but I was so busy that I forgot about it and put it off until the end of the year.

Today, the 29th, both of them have a rest, so they can go out for a walk.

Li Manjun was nestled in the warm quilt. Hearing Zhao Yong's words, she wanted to sleep again and go shopping right away.

Finally, he quickly got up, got dressed, put on beautiful makeup, and went out together.

The two of them went to a breakfast shop owned by a neighbor downstairs to have breakfast. The boss asked them: "Xiao Zhao, where are you going to celebrate the New Year this year?"

"Go to my wife's house." Zhao Yong asked him to make an omelette with a whole candied heart. "I like to eat soft-boiled eggs, so be sure not to overcook them."

I also asked the owner when the family will be open this year and whether it will be open tomorrow.

"After a busy year, I can only take a few days off in these two days. We will not open tomorrow morning." The proprietress smiled and brought the whistle noodles that the two ordered, looking forward to the arrival of the New Year.

Li Manjun joked: "Then we will come to your house to eat again next year."

"Okay, you're welcome to come." The landlady was also cheerful, and even gave Li Manjun an extra spoonful of minced meat, free of charge.

The couple had a good breakfast, thinking that the shopping mall was not far away, so they planned to walk there while eating, and pass by the Golden Street to look at the rings.

"I don't really want to buy gold." Li Manjun tried tactfully.

Zhao Yong only wanted to buy gold. When he heard what she said, he thought she wanted to save money for himself, so he hurriedly tried to persuade her: "Silver is worthless, but gold is grand."

Li Manjun waved his hands funny, "No, I want to buy a diamond ring, a small one."

Zhao Yong suddenly realized, "So you like the diamond rings worn by foreigners in movies. Okay, let's go see them and buy them if you have them. Buy a big one!"

Li Manjun felt sweet after hearing this. When the two of them came to the jewelry store and asked, the clerk said apologetically: "We only have gold, silver, jade, and no diamond rings. If you want to buy diamonds, you can go look inside the department store. They should be there." have."

The two of them went to the jewelry counter of the department store. The teller heard that they wanted to see diamond rings and enthusiastically took out a plate for Li Manjun to choose from.

She has slender fingers and fair skin. She wears a diamond ring. Zhao Yong thinks that anything she has ever worn looks good.

Li Manjun chose a six-claw thirty-cent female ring and a plain platinum male ring. The female ring was paid by Zhao Yong, and the male ring was paid by her. The two of them put it on each other.

Zhao Yong didn't know why she did this, but he felt happy when he thought that the ring he was wearing was bought by her.

There were many lights in the shopping mall, and the ring on Li Manjun's hand refracted dazzlingly under the light. It flickered, and Zhao Yong said softly: "It's quite pretty."

He turned over the back of his hand and looked at the ring on his ring finger. He smiled and held her hand, and they went shopping for clothes together.

Li Manjun has bought a lot of clothes in the past six months. Now most of the wardrobe at home is filled with her clothes, but Zhao Yong only has a few pieces, which is a bit pitiful.

She mainly looked at the clothes that fit him. If she felt they were suitable, she would compare them with him and ask the salesperson to get the right size.

Zhao Yong followed her and was good-tempered, letting her do whatever she wanted, changing clothes when she was asked, and trying on shoes when she was asked. He especially enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by his wife, and quickly kissed her secretly behind the waiter's back.

The young couple looked at each other with sweet eyes, making others envious.

"Xiao Guan always said that he was most afraid of going shopping with his wife. I think that boy is in the midst of blessings and does not know how to be blessed. He behaves well even though he gets an advantage. I used to really believe in his evil deeds." Zhao Yong complained.

Li Manjun asked him to stop complaining about his wife to Xiaoguan. This kind of behavior is not good.

Zhao Yong hurriedly explained, "I didn't say anything. I also advised him to talk less and be careful when his wife goes back and kneels on the washboard for him, hahaha."

Li Manjun didn't know why he was so proud. He thought the clothes looked good, so he asked the salesman to put them on and took out his wallet to pay.

"Buy one for your parents, too," Zhao Yong reminded when passing by a clothing store for middle-aged and elderly people.

He didn't say it, but Li Manjun almost forgot. Thinking that everyone would be happy together during the New Year, he also brought a set of clothes for his younger siblings.

After the two of them visited the mall, they went to the supermarket to buy a lot of daily necessities, and then went home after eating hot pot outside in the evening.

On New Year's Eve the next day, the two of them slept until half past eight before getting up. They loaded the car with all the New Year's gifts they were going to take home, checked the door and window electrical, locked the door, and drove towards Heather Town.

There were too many people going home and the road was very narrow. There was a traffic jam on the road for more than an hour. They arrived at Heather Town at almost noon.

Before, Li Manjun and Wang Xiaojuan naively thought that they had such a big quarrel with their eldest uncle last time they got married, so they finally had a reason not to go back to their hometown for the New Year this year.

But I didn't expect that what was supposed to come could not escape. Both parents were at home, so there was no reason not to go back and reunite.

Moreover, in Qian Shufen's view, the two families were reconciled last time Zhao Yong drove back to his hometown to help deliver food.

Wang Xiaojuan used the excuse of wanting to visit the store, but she only postponed it until the morning of New Year's Eve.

Li Jianjun had already gone back with Li Daniu, who came to town to buy new year's goods the day before. The two elders of the Li family liked the feeling of having their grandchildren around them the most.

As soon as Li Jianjun came home, he took out all the good things at home and ate whatever he wanted. He was afraid that his grandson wouldn't have enough to eat, so he stuffed two handfuls into his pockets.

The girls in the Li family don't get lucky money, but Li Jianjun, the three grandsons, get big red envelopes every year.

Li Lijun is cunning. Every year, she coaxes her younger brother to use the New Year's money given by her grandparents to treat guests, either snacks or fireworks.

When he was younger, Li Jianjun always realized it later. After playing and having fun, he remembered that the money was gone, and he ran to his grandparents crying aggrievedly.

Li Lijun hid behind the mountain and refused to come down. She didn't run down until her family called for New Year's Eve dinner after dark.

Because there are rules in Lao Li's family, those who are celebrating the New Year are not allowed to spank their children, so they escaped.

Li Manjun told Zhao Yong these childhood things, and Zhao Yong smiled but stopped laughing.

Because he suddenly realized that she did not exist in the story.

So I asked out of curiosity: "What about you? What are you doing during the Chinese New Year?"

Li Manjun said calmly: "Help prepare the New Year's Eve dinner in the kitchen."

"Why don't you go out and play with them?" He was a little confused.

Li Manjun sighed helplessly, no boy could relate to this kind of thing.

Girls who don’t help with housework are ignorant, disobedient and unlovable.

These invisible restraints tied their feet and fixed them in the kitchen. They felt uncomfortable when they left this place.

Because when you appear in places other than the kitchen, you will feel strange eyes. Even though there is no one around, you always feel like your every move is being watched.

That kind of strange peeping is everywhere. It seems that if you are not careful, the invisible secrets in your heart will be seen by them, whispering in places where you can't see.

Li Manjun feels that she is fine now, just once a year, and besides, she is married and has a family now, so they dare not care about her.

But the two cousins ​​at home have to stay in such an environment all the time.

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