Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 122 I thought I was killing my enemy

Li Manjun and his wife put the New Year gifts they prepared for their parents in Heather Town, picked up their parents and Li Lijun, and drove towards their hometown together as a family.

The snow had fallen and melted these days, and there were many mud pits on the road. It was difficult for the car to walk. By the time it arrived at the entrance of Hongxing Village, the car was covered with mud.

The road underfoot was in bad condition, so the villagers spread some straw on the road to pave a path into the village.

But even if the black car was stained by mud, it still looked dazzling in the eyes of the villagers.

Almost as soon as Li Dalong heard the villagers talking about someone driving a car back, he immediately led his two sons and Li Jianjun to the entrance of the village.

Sure enough, it’s the second child’s family!

Li Dalong looked at Li Dawei in surprise, who was standing in the trunk picking up new year's goods, "Is this the new car that Manjun and the others bought?"

"Brother!" He was celebrating the New Year. Even if there were many conflicts in the past, he was still very happy to see his relative Li Dawei and greeted him enthusiastically.

He nodded and said that this was the new car bought by his daughter and son-in-law, and called the three boys over to help get the new year's goods.

He and Wang Xiaojuan bought a lot, plus what Li Manjun and his wife bought, including fruits, melon seeds, sugar, tobacco and alcohol, filling the entire trunk.

Li Lijun and Li Manjun also smiled at their uncle and called out, "Uncle."

Li Dalong smiled perfunctorily with his two nieces and called Wang Xiaojuan: "Your sister-in-law is killing chickens. Please take Sister Manjun to have a look."

Wang Xiaojuan knew that she would not be able to escape the kitchen work, so she took out the blouse she made from her bag, greeted Li Lijun and left.

As for Li Manjun, she returned to the passenger seat and pretended to be busy. Li Dalong looked at her and found it hard to call her again.

After all, people are different now. After buying a car, dressing up in a fashionable and fashionable manner, and carrying a bag, they don't look like the honest and easy-going people they used to be.

After unloading the things, Zhao Yong moved the car to another position, and then everyone walked towards the Li family's old house together.

Many people in the village followed them, greeted them, and then dispersed after they entered the house.

After a while, the whole village knew that the second child of the Li family was going to be successful. The daughter married a rich boss and drove a car back to celebrate the New Year.

The village chief made a special trip when he heard about it, and even several families in the village who were doing well outside also came to sit at Li's house for a while.

They all came to see the son-in-law of the big boss of the Li family. They gathered around Zhao Yong and asked him what business he was doing, how much money he made this year, and if they had the opportunity to have dinner together.

Li Manjun poured the candies he brought on the plate and gave them to everyone to eat. Everyone said thank you politely without even looking at her.

In this era, men in the countryside are like this. They feel that success is all due to men, and women are nothing.

Li Dawei frowned slightly. He had no control over other women, but when this neglected woman became his daughter, he felt uncomfortable.

Obviously his family Manjun made a lot of money, and she also contributed a share of the money for the car, but these big men made it sound like his family's Manjun was lucky enough to have Zhao Yongtian.

Therefore, Li Dawei deliberately mentioned that Li Manjun could make a lot of money by opening a store in Rongcheng, and he was still a self-employed owner.

Everyone turned to look at her. Their eyes were not admiration, but suspicion and surprise.

Li Manjun smiled at everyone, took out his business card from his bag and gave it to everyone, "In the future, if you have any business in this area, you can contact me."

Some of the better-off people in the village couldn't read a word. When they saw the business card Li Manjun handed out, they recognized the word manager, and that's when they really became serious.

At this time, the phone in the bag rang. Li Manjun said sorry, walked to the table where the bag was placed, picked up the phone, and walked to the flat outside the house to answer the phone.

It was Yao Zhaowen calling, wishing the boss a happy New Year's Eve, and a female voice appeared next to him.

"Boss, the advice you gave me is very good. I am taking her to watch Andy Lau's movies now, and I also bought a silver bracelet. She likes it very much." Yao Zhaowen said this very quietly, probably behind the girl's back.

Li Manjun heard this and was happy for him, "Then I wish you success in your pursuit!"

"My signal is not very good in the countryside. I wish you a Happy New Year in advance!" Li Manjun said loudly into the phone.

It's not that she was deliberately loud, but the signal received by the mobile phone is relatively slow, and it's impossible to hear the other party clearly if she doesn't shout loudly.

After hanging up the phone, Li Manjun walked into the house with the phone in hand. It was eerily quiet. The village chief and others looked at her blankly, with an unspeakable complexity in their eyes.

Zhao Yong looked proud.

Li Manjun thought to herself that Yao Zhaowen's call was so timely that she succeeded in pretending to be cool.

After a while, Mrs. Li shouted in the kitchen: "Manjun, come here!"

"What?" Li Manjun asked confused.

The old lady didn't say what she wanted to do, she just called her over.

Li Manjun got up helplessly and came to the kitchen. Mrs. Li directly wiped a handful of unknown ash on her hands. It was dark, and the white palms immediately turned black.

"What is this?" Before Li Manjun finished speaking, Mrs. Li touched her belly, "It's been more than half a year, should there be some movement?"

The sudden touch startled Li Manjun, and he hurriedly stepped back, frowning at Old Mrs. Li who was not even taller than her shoulders, "What are you doing?!"

Mrs. Li smiled strangely, "This is pot ashes. It is cooked in the pot that the calf has eaten. It can ensure you have a boy."

He also glared at Li Manjun, "Just touch it. I'll see if you're scared. Milk can hurt you. I just touch it to see if there are any babies in your belly. How about it? Is there any baby?"

Li Manjun waited for five seconds before holding back his disgust and replied: "Not yet."

Qian Shufen, who was lighting a fire in front of the stove, immediately said: "You are so young, you should have had it a long time ago. Your cousin got pregnant in the third month just after getting married. You are still young. If you have something wrong, go to the health center as soon as possible." ."

As he spoke, he poked his head out from in front of the stove and said enthusiastically: "I know an old Chinese medicine doctor who is very good. If you need it, just ask my aunt and she will take you there."

Li Manjun looked into her sincere eyes and suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

They are all trapped in this vicious circle, and they will never be able to break free, and they don't want other women to break free. In the end, they will end up like her, or worse off than her, so it seems that she is happy.

"No need, auntie, we are in good health." Li Manjun replied with a smile and a relaxed tone.

Qian Shufen curled her lips and said, "If there is something wrong, just treat it. What is there to say?"

Li Manjun ignored her, walked to the hot water basin in front of Ren Yan, and washed the ashes from the pot on his hands.

Mrs. Li's face changed, and she stared angrily at Li Manjun as if she was offended. But before she could lecture, Li Manjun had already picked up the kitchen knife and turned around to ask her, "Nai, how do you cut this pig's feet?"

The old lady said angrily: "I don't know! Ask your aunt!"

"Okay." Li Manjun looked at Qian Shufen with a good temper. Qian Shufen frowned and walked over to her to demonstrate. Li Manjun said that he had learned it, raised the kitchen knife and chopped it with a "bang", and the pig leg bone broke instantly. , bouncing and flying up from the chopping board, scaring the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law behind them so much that they took three steps back.

"Be gentle," Old Mrs. Li warned in a trembling voice.

But she didn't dare to look at Li Manjun's murderous eyes, and thought to herself that this girl seemed to be a different person, with a very angry temper.

After saying a few words to her, he raised his knife and slashed at her. Those who didn't know it thought he was chopping up his enemy.

Ren Yan looked at her mother-in-law Qian Shufen's face turning green and smiled sullenly at the side.

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