Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 123 New Year’s Eve Dinner

Under the care of the women, a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner was served.

The village chief and the villagers had already gone back to their homes. Li Dawei and Zhao Yong saw that dinner was about to begin, so they got up and went to the kitchen to help with dishes, chopsticks, etc., and did some small things within their ability.

Li Dalong and Old Man Li looked at each other, feeling smug, thinking that they looked like men like this.

Unlike the middle child, who is afraid of his wife and has no future.

As for Xiao Zhao, the newlyweds are still confused. They are all young people and can understand.

Li Lijun had already sneaked out to play with Li Jianjun and Li Xiaoniu. The three of them took Li Daniu's daughter Nannan with them, and they didn't come back until dinner was ready. This was an accurate card.

No one with more than ten years of experience could achieve such accuracy.

"I wonder where Lan Fang is?" Qian Shufen stood on the flat dam in front of her house and looked towards the entrance of the village.

Li Lanfang has been working in the south for more than half a year, and she sends money back home every month after she is paid. In order to earn more, most of the workers went home before the year, but she continued to work overtime and did not take a break until the 29th.

Coming back so late, I couldn't get a seat on the train. I could only buy a standing ticket. It would take eight hours to get to Rongcheng Station.

Take a bus from Rongcheng to Heather Town, and then take another half-hour ride from the town to get home.

It’s hard to say whether we can make it for the New Year’s Eve dinner.

Qian Shufen only hoped that she would arrive today. If it was after New Year's Eve, there would be no cars on the street on New Year's Day.

"We'll have dinner at six o'clock." Mrs. Li said to everyone. She patted her little grandson's head and grabbed a handful of fruit candies to appease him. "Wait a little longer. If you're hungry, I'll give you some milk first." Eat a chicken leg."

Old Man Li's eyes widened: "You're used to it. You're so old and don't understand any rules. How dare you eat first without everyone using their chopsticks?!"

Mrs. Li loved her grandson very much and muttered: "It's just a chicken leg, it's nothing."

Li Dawei smiled and said, "Don't worry, we can all eat together when Lanfang arrives. It's the New Year, and it's best to be together."

Qian Shufen gave him a rare look of gratitude, and asked Li Daniu to drive out on the tractor to take a look and pick up her sister if she met him along the way.

Li Daniu sighed and waved to Li Jianjun and his younger brother, and the two boys followed happily.

Firecrackers rang out in the village. After one family set off, a series of firecrackers rang out, and everyone was about to start eating New Year's Eve dinner.

The sound of tractors came from the entrance of the village. Li Manjun and others walked out of the house, and it was Li Daniu and others who came back.

Li Jianjun held Li Lanfang's luggage bag in his hand, and Li Xiaoniu held a bag of cans in his arms. Li Lanfang was wearing a thick pink jacket and walking behind with a smile on her face.

"Li Lanfang is back!" Li Lijun whimpered and ran out.

Li Lanfang saw her running over, waved and smiled at her. After not seeing her for more than half a year, this originally immature girl had become mature, with a perm and fashionable clothes.

The only accent from my hometown remains unchanged.

"Sister!" Li Lanfang called Li Manjun with a smile.

Li Manjun pointed to the tall man standing beside him, "This is the eldest brother-in-law, Zhao Yong."

"Happy New Year, brother-in-law." Li Lanfang was a little embarrassed.

Zhao Yong smiled and nodded, "Happy New Year."

"Hurry, hurry, let's have dinner, eat first!" Qian Shufen greeted happily.

I haven't seen my daughter for more than half a year. Looking at her slimmer cheeks, my eyes secretly turned red, and I tried to cover them up with my busyness.

Wang Xiaojuan sighed twice, and her grandma brought two handfuls of hard vegetables that were hot on the stove to the table.

Li Xiaoniu and Li Jianjun went to burn incense and paper. In the Li family, only boys could do this, and girls were not allowed to touch them.

After all the sacrifices and obeisances were done, Li Daniu smoked a roll of firecrackers, lit them with cigarette butts, and threw them out.

The crackling sound of firecrackers rang out, and everyone covered their ears and hid in the house. Only the children who were attracted by the sound from the neighbor's house stood aside and waited for the firecrackers to finish. They rushed up to find the unexploded cannon heads and took a small pocket. Play with incense.

The Li family closed the door, and the whole family sat at two tables to have a formal New Year's Eve dinner.

Li Manjun sat at the men's table. If she didn't sit here, Zhao Yong would go with his wife and sit at the children's and women's table. Old man Li hurriedly let Li Manjun stay.

In addition to Li Manjun's pretense when answering the phone earlier, the old man looked at her differently than usual. Li Manjun seemed to have gained some kind of qualification and could sit at the same table with them.

Li Lanfang, who had not known anything about his family for most of the year, looked at this scene in surprise. His inherent concepts seemed to be shocked. He was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses at his mother's call.

While eating, a voice kept echoing in her heart - it turns out that girls in the family can sit at the same table with men to eat. It turns out that this is okay!

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Wang Xiaojuan and Qian Shufen's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cleared away the dishes, added two more dishes to the men's table, and continued drinking.

Li Manjun got up and wanted to work with them. It wasn't that she was very diligent, but she just wanted to help Wang Xiaojuan share some of the work.

Li Dalong suddenly called Li Manjun to sit down, "Let Lan Fang and the others do those jobs. You are the boss now, how can you still do these jobs? Sit down, sit down, and let's talk about our affairs."

Li Manjun looked around in surprise and found that she was the only one surprised by this. Grandma and aunt didn't say anything.

Therefore, it is really important for women to make their own money.

At least at this moment, in the eyes of Old Man Li and Li Dalong, she seemed to be different from other women.

However, Li Manjun didn't like to hear them brag, so he got up and left the table to go to the kitchen to help wash the dishes.

After not squatting for a minute, Zhao Yong walked in, rolled up his sleeves and squatted beside her, picked up the dishcloth and scrubbed skillfully.

Li Manjun asked in surprise: "You don't want to drink anymore?"

"I don't dare to drink while you're washing dishes here." He joked, "Otherwise, you'll make me kneel on the washboard when I get home."

Li Manjun curved his lips and laughed, and said angrily: "When did I ask you to kneel across the washboard?"

One of them did the first wash, the other rinsed, and they quickly finished washing a basin of dishes.

Ren Yan looked at her sister's husband and felt a little envious.

Just when I was thinking that it would be great if my man could have this kind of heart, Li Daniu actually appeared in the kitchen.

He picked up the broom by the door and walked in. He smiled innocently at his wife, said nothing, lowered his head and started working, sweeping the kitchen and main room clean.

Li Dawei suddenly felt like there were needles growing on the bench under his butt. He stood up involuntarily. His mind said not to move, and his body walked towards the kitchen uncontrollably.

Wang Xiaojuan raised her eyebrows proudly, thinking that you know the truth, but she still saved enough face for the man. She just wanted to let him go back and have a few more drinks with the old man.

Li Dawei then walked back without any psychological burden and continued drinking with his elder brother and father.

Li Dalong was laughing at first, but suddenly he met Qian Shufen's knife-like eyes, and suddenly felt that the wine in his hand no longer tasted good.

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