Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 167 Multimillionaire

Zhao Yong was a little disappointed, but thinking that his daughter was still young and didn't know how to appreciate it, his smile returned.

Sister Zhou came in with a plate of vegetables. The living room, which was not big, was so crowded that she could hardly stand.

Li Manjun rolled her eyes at Zhao Yong angrily, "It's still early, we won't need it now, so put it away first." She urged him to wash his hands before holding his daughter.

In the past, Zhao Yong would have complained about "being particular", but now he immediately washes his hands in order to prevent his daughter from being invaded by outside bacteria.

Once the walker was placed on the storage box in the corridor, the home felt even smaller.

"Tomorrow is your day off, let's go look at the apartment." Before going to bed, Li Manjun said calmly while sitting at his desk and applying skin care products in the mirror.

With such a normal tone, Zhao Yong thought he heard wrongly. What she wanted to see was not a house, but something free.

"Do we have money to buy a house?" Zhao Yong asked tentatively.

After wiping the extra skin care products on his hands and putting them away in the drawer, Li Manjun turned around and winked at him.

Zhao Yong was shocked, "Has the money come back?"

Li Manjun sat on the bed and nodded. Zhao Yong rushed over excitedly, grabbed her shoulders and asked softly: "How much did you earn?"

If the money can be returned, it will definitely not be a loss.

Moreover, in the past few days, people all over the country have known about the craziness of Shanghai Stock Exchange stocks. Anyone who bought stocks in the early stage, no matter which one they were, made money.

I heard that a large wave of millionaires have appeared, but I don’t know if she is included in this wave.

"You will know for yourself when you go to the bank tomorrow." Please allow her to give it a try. Li Manjun leaned over and kissed his rough chin, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Zhao Yong gave a joking "tsk", "Look at how much money you can make like this, your tail will be raised to the sky."

He thought that after making a lot of money, he would always get some interest.

It just so happened that the company was about to expand and the shortfall in the amount could be filled. Zhao Yong fell asleep with his wife Meimei in his arms.

She started drinking milk powder every year and stopped breastfeeding. Finally, Li Manjun was able to sleep through the night.

The next day, the couple washed up, had breakfast, said goodbye to their daughter, and went out hand in hand.

Zhao Yong specially brought an empty travel bag. He would not return empty-handed today.

Before getting in the car, Li Manjun glanced at his small travel bag jokingly, "I'm afraid this won't be enough."

"What?" Zhao Yong just turned on the ignition and started the car, but he didn't hear what she muttered clearly.

Li Manjun got into the car, fastened his seat belt, and smiled at him, "It's nothing."

Seeing her expression, Zhao Yong felt itchy in his heart. Without further ado, he went straight to the bank.

As soon as Li Manjun arrived at the counter, she handed over her ID card. The teller's eyes changed and she looked at her in surprise, "You are our VIP. Please follow me to the VIP room to handle business."

Zhao Yong raised his thick eyebrows. Even though his company had hundreds of thousands of working capital deposited in the bank, he didn't get such a high treatment.

The couple went to the VIP room, and the manager walked in and handled business for Li Manjun alone.

Li Manjun first checked the total amount, and the manager replied: "The total balance on your account is currently 9.96 million yuan."

Zhao Yong didn't even listen to the string of odds and ends, and only had the ever-increasing "9.96 million yuan" in his mind!

He has been wandering around the world since he was a child and has seen a lot of great things in the world, but he couldn't help but tremble.

Originally, he didn't want to sit down when the manager pulled out a chair, but now he fumbled and sat down.

Picking up the tea that the manager put in front of him, Niu took a sip, but he couldn't suppress his racing heart.

The couple sat next to each other, and Li Manjun could hear the violent beating in his chest. She was afraid that her husband would have a heart attack due to excitement, so she leaned over to his ear and whispered comfort: "Calm down, calm down, we have seen the world after all."

Zhao Yong had no expression on his face and nodded, "Yeah."

The more his inner emotions fluctuate, the colder his facial expression becomes, making it look as if he is real.

Li Manjun chuckled lightly and continued to discuss with her husband, "I will transfer the change of 960,000 first, transfer 500,000 to your account, and apply for a new card with the remaining 460,000, and we can use it to buy a house."

Zhao Yong: "Okay." He has no objection at all!

Li Manjun looked at the manager, who motioned her to wait and quickly completed the transfer.

The manager looked at the remaining nine million in the account and recommended that Li Manjun buy a fixed-term financial management product, and the annual interest rate was very cost-effective.

Li Manjun refused. She still had a lot of use for this money. She had to take advantage of the market economy to fully open up and let it double again!

The couple walked out of the bank carrying handbags full of cash. The hot June wind blew in their faces and the noise of the crowd reached their ears. Only then did Zhao Yong feel the reality.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, the two drove to see the house.

Li Manjun was also able to bear it. He was stunned until he got on the bus. Zhao Yong asked, and then he excitedly told Zhu Yaowei's operation process at the Shanghai Stock Exchange during this period.

After Zhao Yong listened, he gave a two-word summary, "Gambler."

Li Manjun shook his head, "What kind of gambler am I? Zhu Yaowei is. How much money do you think he made this time?"

Zhao Yong didn't want to guess, he was afraid that he would become jealous if he was stimulated again.

Li Manjun snorted at him and said to himself: "Excluding the principal and interest paid back to me, he earned at least 3.2 million."

This data was calculated by her. Zhu Yaowei, a stuck gambler, did not sell his stocks with her at all on the 23rd. He waited until the last moment on the 24th and stood at the top and sold off all his stocks.

That's why she told Zhao Yong that she was not a gambler, because she was nothing compared to Zhu Yaowei's craziness.

The initial capital of 50,000 was exchanged for 3.2 million. If this story was told to outsiders, they would say that she was bragging and did not know how to draft.

After hearing her emotion, Zhao Yong felt something in his heart and pointed at the travel bag placed at her feet, "How about we go into the stock market again?"

"I don't want it to be doubled dozens of times, just make a small profit of ten times."

He was full of interest, his eyes were serious, and he was really moved.

If he had known that the stock market was so good, he would have given her all the company's turnover and the money to buy a truck last year, and now both of them would be multi-millionaires.

Ten million, how many millionaires are there these days? You can count them in one slap.

With 10 million, they still struggle to death, take their daughter directly abroad, travel all over the world, and they can't spend all the money.

Li Manjun turned his head and looked at Zhao Yong's expression. When he saw that he was serious, he slapped his thigh and said, "Please wake up!"

Zhao Yong was in pain and screamed, "Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps."

Li Manjun said coldly, "I'm not kidding you. The domestic stock market is very immature. The situation in the first half of this year can never be replicated again."

Seeing how serious she was, Zhao Yong stopped joking. He sighed and said in a deep voice, "I know."

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