Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 168 The country no longer cares about commodity prices

Zhao Yong promised well, but when the couple returned home after viewing the house, people who never watched the financial channel silently started to pay attention to the stock market.

Li Manjun thought to himself, if you let him go, you will have to hit the south wall before you know how to turn back.

It is better to try it yourself than what others have said ten thousand times.

In the domestic stock market, retail investors can never make money.

The main reason is that she knows her man's character well. He is not a gambler like Zhu Yaowei. He has to pay a little tuition, but it will not exceed 20,000.

Even though Zhao Yong is very generous with his money, all the things he buys for his daughter are imported goods, and he spends money on his wife without blinking an eye, but as long as the money is spent on himself, Li Manjun can't bear to look at his fuss.

She always advised him to be kind to herself, and he agreed every time, turning around and going out to deliver the goods by himself, even reluctant to buy a bottle of drinks.

"I'm used to it." He always said this to her with a smile on his face, which made her feel distressed and sullen.

But he couldn't change, but she could. When he had time, he asked Yao Zhaowen to pull a cart of energy drinks and throw them in Junda's office. He asked Xiaoguan to put one on each car for the brothers so that they could easily get it when they wanted to drink. .

Especially now that the weather is getting hotter, the brothers in the team are even more grateful to the boss lady for her thoughtfulness.

Every time he heard everyone thanking the proprietress, Zhao Yong picked up a bottle of Jianlibao, unzipped the buckle, took a sip, and slowly savored the taste of happiness.

This afternoon, the two of them looked at five houses, all of which were near the school. There were new houses, second-hand houses, and rough second-hand houses.

The house layouts are all quite similar, with three bedrooms and one living room, four bedrooms and one living room, all square and square.

The previous owners of these houses were at least middle class or above in Rongcheng, but they all looked the same.

Li Manjun was not very satisfied. She was still thinking about the new community and high-rise elevator commercial housing that Mrs. Qiu mentioned last year.

Although she didn't have the money to buy it after the year, she still ran over and took a look. It was also a square apartment, but the big viewing balcony struck her heart immediately.

Thinking of the balcony, Li Manjun knew why he always felt that the house he looked at today was not good enough, because none of these old-fashioned houses had large balconies.

There is one family with a small balcony behind the kitchen, but the previous owner sealed the entire balcony and incorporated it into the kitchen area to increase lighting. If the time comes to dismantle and restore the balcony, it will be time-consuming and labor-intensive and not cost-effective.

Li Manjun called the agent in the house and asked him to help her look at other properties.

"It's better to be relatively new, with good lighting and an independent balcony."

The agent said that he would remember it and he would help keep an eye on it and notify Li Manjun if there is any news.

Zhao Yong carried his daughter and came in to find her mother. The little girl was now angry. Her father accidentally hit her gums with the bottle while breastfeeding. The pain made the little girl cry a lot. She didn't want her father to hold her, she just wanted to find her mother.

Li Manjun took her daughter, whose eyes were red from crying, held her in her arms and coaxed her for a while, and she immediately started laughing again.

This temper comes and goes quickly. She and Zhao Yong are both emotionally stable types, and I don't know who they are like in Nian Nian.

Zhao Yong glanced at his daughter guiltily and wanted to touch her little hand, but she refused to touch her.

Li Manjun laughed rudely, "Let you accidentally hurt us every year."

Zhao Yong smiled aggrievedly, "She was dangling by herself and bumped into her accidentally."

Nian Nian was such a small ball, like a cat in his arms. He didn't dare to use force at all. How could he hit her gums with such force? It was all caused by the little girl himself.

If your man feels wronged, he must be coaxed.

As if coaxing Nian Nian, Li Manjun stretched out his free embrace, "Come on, come on, give me a hug."

How could such a good thing be let go? Zhao Yong was so shameless that he came over immediately.

A big head came up in front of her, and how could Nian Nian let it go? She grabbed her father hard with her small hands and almost made her father bald.

Seeing the father and daughter fighting, Li Manjun laughed so much that tears came out. He took a deep breath to calm down and asked curiously: "Do you like any of the houses you looked at today?"

"No!" Zhao Yong answered quickly and firmly.

My wife just called the agency to ask for more attention, which means she is not satisfied with what she saw today.

Zhao Yong exclaimed in fake pain, "Ouch, ouch," and Xiao Niannian, who didn't know the danger of the adults, giggled with joy.

Li Manjun hummed proudly, "Then let's take another look. There's no rush now anyway."

I thought it was impossible for such a small house to accommodate so many people.

But now that I'm living here, I'm used to it.

"By the way, how do you plan to use the nine million?" Zhao Yong asked.

Li Manjun freed her husband's hair from her daughter's fingers, put her on the bed, threw her a rag doll made by her grandmother, and she could play with it for a long time.

The couple sat on the edge of the bed, and Li Manjun said, "Stock up on raw materials."

Hoarding raw materials?

Zhao Yong frowned slightly, not understanding.

"Clearout sale. If you don't buy it now, it won't be at this price next year. If you want it at this price, you won't be able to buy it in the future!"

Early in the morning, the sound of sellers using loudspeakers came from the farmer's market near my house.

That hoarse roar successfully woke up Li Manjun.

Turning around to look at the bedside alarm clock, it was only half past seven in the morning.

"The soundproofing of the old house is very poor." Zhao Yong also stretched and sat up, his strong arm muscles bulging. Li Manjun glanced at it, and his abdominal muscles seemed to be less obvious.

She stretched out her hand to touch it, and was immediately pressed down by a big hand, preventing her from moving away.

"Stop making trouble~" Li Manjun kicked him.

The man's eyes darkened before he let go of her hand.

Li Manjun took the cup and went to the sink in the corridor to wash up. Aunt Sun's voice came from the stairwell: "Slow down, slow down, there are steps ahead, be careful."

"Sister-in-law Sun, are you planning to open a grocery store?" Li Manjun asked in surprise as he looked at the large box of pots, pans, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar in Brother Sun's arms.

Zhao Yong hurriedly put down the water cup and went up to help, replacing Sister Sun. Then the two grown men moved the pile of things to Sister Sun's house.

As a result, as soon as Zhao Yong let go, Grandma Qiao downstairs was also shouting: "Xiaoyong, Xiaoyong, come down and help me lift my things!"

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun looked at each other, hurried downstairs, and helped Granny Qiao carry two boxes of daily necessities up.

"Grandma Qiao, you won't be able to use up so many things until they expire." Zhao Yong asked in confusion: "Why did you buy so many at once? Just buy these daily necessities as you use them."

Sister-in-law Sun went to the sink to get water and wiped her face, then handed the handkerchief to Brother Sun, "Wipe the sweat off your head."

After saying that, he urged Li Manjun, "You two, please go downstairs and buy more things. Everyone says that now that the country has liberalized prices, prices will definitely rise sharply in the future. While the prices of things remain unchanged, hurry up and stock up on more things to save money." It’s a big bet!”

"Hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to grab anything!"

Sister Zhou stood at the door holding Nian Nian. When she heard Sister-in-law Sun say this, she asked worriedly: "Is it true or not? The country doesn't care about commodity prices?"

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