Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1013: Ancient Blood Noble

"Brother, are you really coming to this party?" A trace of worry flashed in Kyle's eyes, who helped Caesar into the hall, and asked Caesar hesitantly, "The two humans are still here..."

Because Caesar was knocked out by Louise, no one of the ancient blood nobles attended the party to welcome Queen Ella this time. All the members of the ancient blood nobles felt ashamed and did not want to come to this party.

"Participate, why not participate?" Caesar quickly found Zhang Ziling and Louise in the corner, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "As the prince of blood, I welcome the party of Queen Ella, why I am not qualified to participate ?"


"Enough!" Caesar interrupted Kyle, "Next you go back and prepare everything, and leave it to me here."

Caesar shook off Kyle's support, and then quickly covered his chest with his hands, his face turned pale.

"Brother!" Looking at Caesar's appearance, Kyle hurriedly went over to help, but was rejected by Caesar.

"That **** human woman, what method did she use? There is always a strange force in my body that cannot be dispelled. I must ask her to disperse the strange things in my body, otherwise my strength will also be affected. "Caesar frowned and read, then motioned to Kyle to get a large robe.

After calming his injuries with his blood, Caesar stood up straight, and put on a large robe that Kyle had brought to cover his bandage.

"Brother, can you do it alone?" Kyle still looked worriedly at Caesar in the robe, and he lingered.

"Call me Prince Caesar." After Caesar put on his robe, his temperament changed suddenly, and he said coldly to Kyle, which shocked Kyle's body.

"Could it be that you have been in this place for a long time, and have you forgotten the most basic rules of our ancient blood nobles?" Caesar asked.

"It's... Prince Caesar." Kyle had a complicated expression and returned Caesar with difficulty. Then he stopped admonishing, and withdrew from the hall, leaving Caesar alone.

After Kyle left, Caesar took back the cold look on his face, put a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked in the direction of Ella.

As soon as Caesar took a step, he seemed to be involved in his wounds, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch, obviously suffering a lot. However, Caesar only paused slightly, then took a deep breath, resisting the pain and walked towards Ella.

Before Caesar took a few steps, he was stopped by the other blood elders in the hall. In order to maintain his prince’s demeanor, and Caesar still wanted to win over these elders, Caesar did not refuse their accusations. He started talking with him and was temporarily delayed. Stopped.

"Hey, why did he come?" When Fan Haixin was chatting, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Caesar who was talking with other blood elders, and poked Sean aside, "I'm embarrassed to be beaten like that by Louise. Join this party!"

Hearing Van Helsing's words, Sean also looked at Caesar, then shook his head and smiled, and said: "He seems to have suffered a serious injury, and there is still a disordered force in his body. It is estimated that Louise entered."

"If the power is not removed, I am afraid Caesar will feel better in the future."

"Hey! A trash, my Louise can knock him out of it with a single palm!" Hearing Sean's words, Van Helsing suddenly disdained Caesar.

"Your Louise?" Abby narrowed his eyes to look at Van Helsing, making Van Helsing feel cold in the back of his neck, and couldn't help but shrink his head.

"No matter what Caesar says, his strength is second only to Little Ella. Your strength is the weakest among us. It is estimated that Caesar can shoot you to death with one palm. I don't know where your confidence comes from!" Disdainful taunting, Fan Haixin was speechless.

"By the way, speaking of Caesar, what is his background?" Zhang Ziling glanced at Caesar not far away from the corner of Zhang Ziling's eyes, and then asked Abby.

Although Caesar is currently injured by Louise, Zhang Ziling can still see what power is still hidden in Caesar's body. His strength is probably far more than the surface.

If it were not for the future stability of the blood clan, when Zhang Ziling met Caesar for the first time outside the castle, he would deal with Caesar directly.

After all, I’ve heard from Ella that the number of the ancient blood nobles occupies a large proportion of the blood clan, and was the ruler of the blood clan before the Middle Ages, and has high prestige among the current thirteen clans.

From the fact that Caesar was defeated by Louise by one move, there are still so many elders who go to talk and can see something is coming.

The kinship is an ethnic group that pays great attention to tradition. If Ella was a human before, and if the people in charge of the kinship are young people like Sean, I am afraid it is impossible to see such a non-serious party among the kinship. .

Therefore, leaders of ancient blood nobles like Caesar, many blood elders respect Caesar very much.

If Zhang Ziling slaughtered Caesar directly, even if Zhang Ziling could forcefully suppress the elders of the thirteen clans like last time, this would not be a long-term solution.

True stability is never created by violence.

Of course, violence is also an indispensable factor in creating stability.

"The ancient blood nobles originally disappeared hundreds of years ago. We even think that there is no such bloodline in this world." Seeing Zhang Ziling asked, Abby did not hesitate and explained directly to Zhang Ziling: " It is said that they are the direct line of Lilith, and we are the direct line of Cain. Like Cain, Lilith is also the origin of our blood."

"Lilith is far stronger than Cain, so the ancient-blooded nobles consider themselves to be higher than our blood. So after we integrated the blood, the half-way appearance of the ancient-blooded nobles also conflicted with us."

"But because the old guys of the Mo Party insisted that the ancient blood aristocrats are the pride of our blood family and should not be treated by war, so little Ella had to choose to absorb the ancient blood aristocrats, and also what Caesar He was named a prince."

"But even if that is the case, Caesar has been doing small moves during this period of time. If it weren’t for the strength of Little Ella and your two magic soldiers from Xiaoziling to restrain them, I’m afraid the members of the thirteen clans will be renewed. I recognize Caesar as the emperor of the blood clan."

"This blood race is clearly what Xiaoziling you and all of us did hard to do today, so why should Caesar grab it halfway? If it wasn't for a lot of scruples, I would have beaten it long ago!" Abby was halfway through, as if he was out of anger. , And hummed indignantly.

"Yes, this **** ancient blood nobleman, we werewolves can't stand it anymore. If Queen Ella wants to expel them, we can help at any time." Fan Haixin also hurriedly said.

"Abby, don't be angry!" Ira looked at Abby's pouting mouth, and smiled and persuaded, "The ancient blood nobles are involved too much, and the elders are always stubborn. You don't know, for a while. I can't solve them in a while."

"Ancient blood nobles..." Zhang Ziling listened to Abby's detailed introduction to the ancient blood nobles, Zhang Ziling also pondered, his eyes flickering.

As Zhang Ziling was thinking, Caesar had already got rid of the entanglement of the elders and walked in the direction of Zhang Ziling.

"Queen Ella, princes, werewolf leaders and two human friends, shouldn't you mind joining your discussion?"

With a faint smile on his face, Caesar asked the people of Zhang Ziling politely, as if he had forgotten the unpleasant things that happened outside the castle.

When Caesar approached, everyone did not speak, but chose to cast their eyes on Zhang Ziling.

Seeing this scene, Caesar's pupils flashed an imperceptible coldness, but his face still had a smile.

"Of course I don't mind," Zhang Ziling laughed at this moment and snapped his fingers, "Lucius, go and add a bench to Prince Caesar."

"Attention, it's...'bench'!"

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