Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1014: Ugly little bench

"Bench?" Caesar's eyelids jumped when he heard Zhang Ziling's words.

His dignified prince of blood, the leader of the ancient blood nobles, thinks that he personally comes to this impetuous party, and joining them in the conversation is considered a lot of face, even if you can’t be greeted, at least you have to let him sit like you. On the sofa?

What the **** is this bench?

Caesar swore that he had never seen anything like a bench in his life.

Even if Lucius heard Zhang Ziling's instructions, the whole person was stunned, and did not react for a while.

To be honest, in this castle... there really is no such thing as a bench.

It's either a sofa or a chair here, the kind of rough bench without armrests...There really isn't any kinsman ever sitting on.

But when Lucius wanted to ask Zhang Ziling again, he suddenly thought about the identity and rumors of the nine emperors of Zhang Ziling, and abruptly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

There is no bench, just make one now. With his ability, a wooden bench can be made very quickly if no craftsmanship is considered.

"Yes." Thinking of this, Lucius didn't hesitate too much, and immediately responded to Zhang Ziling, then turned and prepared to go outside.

After knowing Zhang Ziling's identity, Lucius already understood how he should stand in line.

And Lucius also knew what impact Empress Ella would bring back her Nine Emperors boyfriend on the current kinship.

At least, Lucius can predict that within the next few days, the blood clan will definitely change upside down.

Perhaps it is not impossible for the ancient blood nobles to be completely annihilated.

Lucius didn't believe that if the dignified sword emperor came here, he would not do something.

If the disturbance is a bit small, Lucius will feel that it does not fit the personality of one of the nine emperors.

Lucius, like Ella, is of blood slave bloodlines, completely different from the traditional blood clan, so he does not respect the ancient blood nobles as much as the Thirteen clans, but maintains a neutral attitude, even a little disgusting. Ancient blood nobles.

Lucius was very displeased with the attitude of the members of the ancient blood nobles all day long.

Had it not been for the thirteen clans, Lucius would have persuaded Queen Ella to attack the ancient blood nobles.

Even Lucius could see Caesar's mind.

Lucius believes that Caesar is definitely not the kind of person who can stay idle.

"Stop!" When Caesar saw that Lucius was really going to move the bench, his face turned dark, he immediately yelled at Lucius, and then pressed his anger and said: "Aren't there still seats here? No need to add another bench, Lucius, stand there honestly for me!"

When Caesar said that, there was a slight threat in his tone of voice. He was a dignified leader of the ancient nobles, and his blood was extremely noble. How could he sit on a small bench?

Even if it was Queen Ella, Caesar didn't really think Ella's status was higher than him from the bottom of his heart. He was only temporarily the prince of blood.

Caesar believes that one day he will pull Aila from the throne and sit on it himself!

Originally one of Caesar's plans was to pursue Ella and make Ella his woman. Although Caesar felt that it was shameless to let a blood slave become his woman, but in that way, he could become the emperor of the blood clan without any effort, and the benefits would be greater than the grievances he received, so he could still accept it.

However, the appearance of Zhang Ziling completely broke his plan, which is why Caesar was so angrily and frustrated when he was outside the castle.

"If you don't want to sit, then leave here." After Caesar stopped Lucius, Zhang Ziling said lightly, a little cold in his tone.

"You..." Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Caesar squinted his eyes and looked directly at Zhang Ziling, with a dangerous light shining in his eyes.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't look at Caesar with a straight eye. He just gently shook the glass in his hand and said indifferently, "Louis, can you control the strength in your body now?"

"I can try, Master." Louise looked at Caesar and smiled.

Seeing Louise eager to try, Caesar stepped back subconsciously, and then accidentally pulled his wounds, and his whole body convulsed.

Now Caesar has a psychological shadow on Louise.

He didn't understand at all, why could a human girl possess such a powerful force?

Where did those powers come from? Caesar was very curious.

"Since you don't want to sit, let's go." At this time, a trace of impatientness flashed in the eyes of Charlotte who was sitting next to Sean. !"

"Today is a party to welcome Ziling. It has nothing to do with you."

Charlotte is the person who hates the ancient-blooded nobles the most. On the first day when the ancient-blooded aristocrats were accepted by the blood, Caesar wanted to fight Charlotte's idea. If Ira hadn’t shot Caesar at the time, I’m afraid that Charlotte would still be there now. Harassed by Caesar.

Charlotte is a younger generation of the blood family, and has no cold at all for this ancient blood nobleman who has disappeared for hundreds of years in the world's history.

"Sit...I'll sit!" Caesar saw that everyone didn't give him any face at all, and a gloomy flash of eyes flashed, but he said quickly.

He urgently needs to let Louise dispel the strange power in his body. In order to achieve this goal, it is acceptable to give up the pride of some ancient blood nobles.

"Huh!" Charlotte glanced at Caesar who was taking a step back with disdain, then stopped talking and turned her head away.

If it hadn't been known that Ziling had a plan for this, I'm afraid Charlotte would have got up and left now.

When Sean saw that Charlotte was angry, he was comforted and ignored Caesar who was standing still.

Seeing that everyone was getting more and more unwilling to see him, Caesar always felt that his dignity had been trampled on, and anger rose in his heart.

"Be faster and don't delay too much time." Zhang Ziling put the wine glass on the coffee table, "Charlotte is angry, let's not slow down."

"Yes, yes..." Lucius naturally knew what Zhang Ziling was talking about, nodded repeatedly, and then quickly left the hall to prepare for the bench.

After Lucius left, the atmosphere here became a little dull, and Caesar, standing in front of everyone, felt like a prisoner under scrutiny, uncomfortable.

"Prince Caesar, don't be nervous, relax." Ella watched Caesar stand in a daze, and chuckled, "Charlotte, I know, she is such a straight-forward character, I think you should be used to it."

"I understand, Empress Ella." Caesar's ability to become the leader of the ancient blood nobles is naturally very unusual. Although his heart is about to be swallowed up by anger now, it is good for him to maintain his sanity and put a smile on his face again. , "We have always had some misunderstandings between us, and I believe time will solve those misunderstandings."

"It seems that Prince Caesar is as open-minded as always," Ella smiled, "You shouldn't mind that Louise hurt you."

"Of course I don't mind." Caesar smiled reluctantly, how could he not mind?

When Kyle returns, his first revenge is definitely Louise!

Caesar thought viciously.

"There was a bit of unpleasantness just outside the castle, but it was just some misunderstanding." Caesar continued to laugh, "Queen Ella, you know, our ancient blood aristocrats have always been relatively conservative and wary of humans. When I hear that Queen Ella’s boyfriend is a human, it is inevitable that there will be some gaffes."

"Of course, I have already witnessed this gentleman's excellence outside the castle. He is worthy of Queen Ella, and I am completely relieved." Caesar seems to have completely forgotten the tension between the two before. , Made a generous look, and smiled at Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Caesar's hypocritical appearance, Zhang Ziling also smiled slightly and said: "It seems that Prince Caesar is also a reasonable person. I am very happy that you think so."

"It seems that I was a bit stingy in deliberately making things difficult. It is indeed an offense to let a prince sit on the bench."

"Sir, what are you talking about? We were rivals in love before. It is naturally understandable for you to treat me like this. Now you can just say it, I don't care." Caesar heard Zhang Ziling's words, the corner of his mouth Turning up naturally, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Anyway, sitting on the bench really hurts self-esteem. Caesar really can't stand it. Now that he can sit on the sofa, it naturally makes Caesar feel better.

"Mr. Zhang, the bench has been made." At this time, Lucius walked over with a rough wooden stool. The wooden stool was simply four wooden sticks nailed to a board, which looked extremely ugly. Extremely inferior, completely incompatible with other luxurious decorations in this hall.

Even the other blood races in the hall cast their eyes on the small wooden stool in Lucius's hand from time to time, with a smile in their eyes.

What is that ugly thing?

All the blood races were all guessing, wondering what the bench was for.

"Hey, I didn't expect Lucius to move so fast... It looks like you did it yourself, Lucius?" Caesar looked at the stool in Lucius's hand and smiled slightly, "It seems that the butler is also not good at it. one side."

"Yes, yes." Lucius saw Caesar's happy expression, and the whole person was taken aback, and he nodded subconsciously, not understanding why Caesar was smiling so happily.

Is this man a masochist?

Lucius was filled with doubts.

"Just put it there, thank you for your hard work." Caesar's personality seemed to have become much more gentle when he was able to sit on the sofa, and he said to Lucius, and then walked towards the empty seat next to Ella.

"Prince Caesar, Lucius has worked so hard, and you can't live up to the housekeeper's kindness, just sit down."

At this time, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Lucius' ears, and at the same time Lucius suffered an internal injury, causing Lucius's heart to twitch, and his entire smile froze on his face.

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