Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1015: Caesar's Forbearance

Abby Amy looked at Caesar froze in place, and hurriedly covered her small mouth with her hand, apparently holding a smile, but her body was trembling all the time, and she seemed to be suffocated and uncomfortable.

The others couldn't help but laugh, although they all pretended to be serious, but when they saw Caesar's expression like eating shit, they were very happy.

Even Lucius couldn't help it, suffocating a smile and placed the ugly small bench in front of Caesar, and then stood behind Zhang Ziling.

I don't know when, Lucius has changed from standing behind Ella to standing behind Zhang Ziling.

Although Ella and Zhang Ziling are sitting together, it can be seen from this small detail that Lucius has completely recognized the identity of the nine emperors of Zhang Ziling.

I’m afraid, apart from the Nine Emperors, not many people in this world dare to play with Caesar who has the power of a prince.

The blood duke is already standing at the top of the world, and the prince is even more impressive, standing on the top of the world, overlooking all the scenery.

It can be said that if Caesar's strength is placed in the cultivation world, it can definitely set off a **** storm, and all the major forces in the world have nothing to do with Caesar.

But Caesar is here, but he doesn't have the dignity that a strong person should have, and he has been played around.

Seeing Caesar's current situation, even Lucius felt that Caesar was a little pitiful.

That slap on the face was more painful than a real punch on his face.

At this time, Caesar lowered his head and his hands were trembling slightly. It was obvious that he was on the verge of running away, and he might turn his face at any time.

But at this time, the strange power inside Caesar began to wreak havoc again, causing Caesar to feel extremely painful. The sharp pain instantly pulled Caesar from his anger back to his sanity.

If you turn your face now, I am afraid that Caesar will have to pay an unimaginable price to get rid of the strange power in his body.

As soon as he thought of this, Caesar squeezed a smile on his face again, and said with a strong smile at Zhang Ziling: "Look, it seems that Mr. Zhang likes to joke.

"In fact, sitting on this bench occasionally is quite fresh, and it's not bad to try it." After that, Caesar stopped hesitating and sat down on the cold bench.

"Oh my God! Prince Caesar actually sat on that ugly little bench!"

"I'm not mistaken, am I? The dignified prince of blood... actually, it is so..."

"How do I feel that Prince Caesar looks a little funny now?"

When Caesar sat down, the bench shook twice because it was not nailed, and Caesar almost didn't fall to the ground!

After finally stabilizing his figure, Caesar heard the discussion of the blood in the banquet hall, a face suddenly fell, and he hated Zhang Ziling extremely.

"My dignified prince of blood, actually sat on such a vulgar thing! I will return such humiliation to you thousands of times! You wait for me, despicable human!" Caesar thought viciously in his heart, but his face Shang Shang, with a smile again, looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "Mr. Zhang is a distinguished guest of our castle today. As the prince of the blood family, I naturally have to come to pick up Mr. Zhang.

"But just now I had a little misunderstanding with Zhang Ziling, which caused me serious injuries. I didn't come to the party to welcome Mr. Zhang in the first time. It was my fault!" Caesar pleaded with Zhang Ziling, "Look at Mr. Zhang's You should be from Huaxia, right? Then I will follow Huaxia's custom and fine myself three cups first!"

After that, Caesar grabbed the empty wine glass on the table, poured three glasses of wine, and drank it directly.

Now that he even sat on the small bench, Caesar didn't care about losing face. He completely threw his noble manners aside, and the whole person seemed to become bold and unrestrained.

The kinsmen in the banquet hall looked at Caesar's current appearance, and they were all dumbfounded. They didn't understand which tendon the Prince Caesar had burnt.

Not to mention sitting on such a small bench, the whole person still behaves like a rough villager at all.

Seeing Caesar's appearance, Zhang Ziling's eyes also flashed a trace of mockery, and said nothing.

Everyone knows the purpose of Caesar's coming here. The power left in Caesar's body is the power of Louise's tyrant. With Caesar's own power, there is no way to get rid of it.

In other words, in this world, with the exception of Zhang Ziling and Louise, even if other avenue boarders took action, there was no way to get rid of the power stationed in Caesar.

The power of the tyrant's road has penetrated into Caesar's bones. If there is no correct guidance, it is impossible to perfectly peel it from Caesar's body.

Moreover, the power of the tyrant's road tortured Caesar all the time, and over time consumed Caesar's power. Eventually, Caesar would become like a mortal, and then died in painful torture.

Originally, Louise herself didn't expect to cause such a result. She was simply because she didn't control her own power, and subconsciously let the power of the Tyrant's Road invade Caesar's body.

When Zhang Ziling controlled the power that Louise was going to run away, he had the opportunity to get rid of the power that invaded Caesar's body by the way, but Zhang Ziling still didn't make a move in the end and let the power erode Caesar.

The end result is that Caesar is now sitting on a small bench, smiling face to face with Zhang Ziling, completely forgetting to abandon the dignity of his nobleman.

At least, before the strength in Caesar's body was stripped out, what Zhang Ziling said, Caesar had to do.

Unless Caesar doesn't want to live anymore.

For a guy who has lived for hundreds of years, the longer they live, the more they cherish their lives, and they are naturally reluctant to die easily.

The world's luxury and obscenity have not yet been fully enjoyed, how could Caesar willingly die like this?

It was the first time for Fan Haixin to see Caesar's appearance, and they immediately became interested. They looked at Caesar with a smile, with an unspeakable joy in their hearts.

In the past, because of the stability of the blood family and the fact that Ella was the new emperor, even though Ella was very strong, her status was still unstable, so Sean and the others had tolerated Caesar everywhere and gave the ancient blood nobles privileges.

Even if the Holy See took action against the blood clan, the ancient blood nobles were under the protection of the blood clan, and no members of the ancient blood nobles were captured by the knights of the Holy See.

Seeing Caesar deflated now, they were happier than anyone else.


After Caesar finished the third glass of wine, he placed the glass on the table pretentiously and looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "Mr. Zhang, it was mine before. I apologize to you first!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are the boyfriend of Empress Ella, and I am the prince of the blood family. I have been working hard for the empress, and occasionally making some mistakes, I must be forgiven."

"I hope that our previous grievances will be exposed in one fell swoop. At the same time, in order to make amends, I also prepared a bottle of wine from a thousand years ago to Mr. Zhang. After the banquet is over, I will order someone to send it to Mr. Zhang's room."

"I hope Mr. Zhang can get rid of that power in my body."

Having said that, Caesar finally brought out his purpose.

It can be said that everything Caesar is doing now is to get rid of the strange power in his body.

Seeing Caesar's sincere expression, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with an imperceptible red glow, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Caesar's face suddenly showed ecstasy.

"But..." Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice changed again, causing Caesar to start slightly, then clenched his fists.

"Don't be nervous..." Seeing Caesar's current appearance, Zhang Ziling gave a chuckle, and then slowly said, "I only have a few conditions."

"As long as you do it, I promise... the power that bothers you will disappear in an instant!"

Having said this, Zhang Ziling looked at Caesar deeply with an intriguing smile on his mouth.

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