Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1016: Total suppression

"What do you want to do?" Looking at Zhang Ziling's intriguing expression, Caesar always felt a little guilty, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"I don't want to do anything," Zhang Ziling smiled, "rest assured, I won't embarrass you, if you think you can't do it, you can also refuse."

"If I refuse your request, the power in me..."

"Forgive me for nothing." Zhang Ziling said without hesitation with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Caesar grasped both hands, then relaxed again, and finally said to Zhang Ziling, "Just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Now Caesar is in a completely passive state, and he has no right to bargain with Zhang Ziling.

Although Caesar didn't use all his strength when he shot Zhang Ziling before, and Louise's move also had his careless factors.

But Caesar also knows that Louise did not use all his strength. Now Caesar still has a strange force of Louise raging in his body. If you want Zhang Ziling and Louise to attack now, I am afraid that Caesar has no chance of winning. .

Therefore, the current Caesar is like the fish on the chopping board, and Zhang Ziling and Louise are the knives, and Caesar has no capital to resist.

"It seems that Prince Caesar is sensible." Zhang Ziling saw Caesar doing this, and smiled at Caesar in a false manner.

Caesar could also hear the ridicule in Zhang Ziling's tone, but he didn't dare to go back now, so he responded with a wry smile and secretly wrote down the hatred.

Caesar swore that even when their ancient-blooded nobles were forced into seclusion by Dracula, he had never been so passive!

This hatred must be reported!

Caesar roared in his heart, but his face was calm, making people completely unable to see his inner activities.

Looking at Caesar's eyes, the playful color in Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more intense, and then said lightly: "This first thing..."

"It's you who took the initiative to announce your resignation from the prince."


As soon as Zhang Ziling said this sentence, Caesar excitedly shattered the small bench he was sitting on and stood up directly.

"It's impossible!" Caesar didn't hesitate at all, blurting out the rejection.

Caesar was excited for a while, and the blood in his body burst out suddenly, and the entire banquet hall was filled with Caesar's terrifying aura. The kinsmen in the hall changed their colors and looked at Caesar running away in horror.

What happened there?

The kinsmen didn’t know the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Caesar. They only knew that Prince Caesar was sitting on a small bench somehow, and then went violently.

Feeling Caesar's terrifying aura, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall became suppressed, the joyous atmosphere of the party disappeared, and all the bloods who attended the party became extremely tense.

Empress Ella’s boyfriend had already had a conflict with Prince Caesar outside the castle. Is it possible to fight again here?

"Then there is nothing to talk about?" Zhang Ziling didn't care that the atmosphere of the party was disrupted. Instead, he calmly looked at Caesar who was running away and chuckled.

On the surface of this party, the kin was to pick up Ella and him, but the ultimate goal of Zhang Ziling was to take advantage of this opportunity to solve the hidden danger of Caesar.

The sooner this kind of thing is resolved, the better for the blood clan, after all, there is still the Holy See outside, and Zhang Ziling still has his own affairs, it is impossible to slowly figure it out in the blood clan.

Just use a little violent method, there is no need to be so particular.

"No..." Caesar looked at Zhang Ziling coldly, but before he even said his complete rejection, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the blood in his body was swallowed frantically by the force that eroded into his body. .

The source of the power of the blood family is the majestic blood, and now the power of the Tyrant's Dao swallows Caesar's blood, which is equivalent to directly swallowing Caesar's power!

Even the kinsmen in the banquet hall who were oppressed by Caesar's aura, obviously felt that the pressure of their aura had become lighter.

I found my strength was constantly losing, coupled with that unbearable pain. Caesar's face turned green in an instant, and he hurriedly covered his chest and said to Zhang Ziling: "Yes, you can discuss..."

However, Zhang Ziling didn't seem to hear Caesar's retreat. He just calmly looked at Caesar, who was holding his chest, with a distorted face, unmoved at all.


Because of the unbearable pain, Caesar knelt on the ground with his chest, his head pressed against the floor, gritted his teeth, his expression distorted.

Caesar's sweaty look was obviously bracing.

"You are really obsessed with power..." Zhang Ziling looked at Caesar's strong support, and said indifferently, "But is it worth using all of your power to exchange a false name among the blood clan?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Caesar's pupils suddenly enlarged, and he woke up instantly, and quickly said to Zhang Ziling, "I accept!"


As soon as Caesar said it, Zhang Ziling called out softly, the light in Louise's eyes disappeared, and his eyes became clear again.

Caesar found that his heart no longer hurts, and the force that had swallowed his own blood began to slowly return the blood that had been taken back.

Although those vigorous Caesars can recover by themselves, in that short period of time, Caesar has lost the vitality that it takes more than ten years for him to recover!

After discovering this, Caesar suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and became more and more afraid of Louise.

That **** human girl...

Caesar stood up weakly from the ground, looked at Zhang Ziling a little hesitantly, and said, "I will announce my resignation as the Prince of Blood."

"Very good, the second condition..."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Caesar clenched his fists suddenly, and his body began to tremble violently. Caesar could not even conceal the hatred in his eyes.

Immediately, Caesar thought of his end just now, and couldn't help taking a deep breath before slowly saying, "Please tell me, Mr. Zhang!"

Almost all of the three words "Mr. Zhang" were bitten out by Caesar, apparently he was almost unable to suppress his hatred for Zhang Ziling.

The people on the side looked at Caesar who was eaten to death by Zhang Ziling, and they were a little surprised at Zhang Ziling's methods and courage.

Being able to suppress a powerful blood clan with the strength of a prince in such an all-round way, even if Ella had the power to invade Caesar's body, it would be impossible to do like Zhang Ziling!

As any person, I am afraid that under the guidance of Caesar, that force was taken out of Caesar's body.

From this incident alone, everyone can see... how strong Zhang Ziling's control over rhythm is!

Since Caesar came here, he has fallen into the big net woven by Zhang Ziling...

Can't escape!

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