Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1088: Pinnacle event

The headquarters of the Bounty Hunter Guild, the largest venue that can accommodate thousands of people, has all been filled.

In this venue, the big powers, the leaders of various countries, and the major casual cultivators all sat quietly in their respective positions. No one had a bodyguard or servant by his side, all alone.

Anyone in this venue has a problem, it will set off a huge wave in the cultivation world or the world of ordinary people, and the world will be shaken by it.

It can be said that this is the highest-spec event in the history of the world.

No one has ever been able to gather so many big people together.

Although everyone did not bring their guards into the venue, outside the headquarters of the Bounty Hunter Guild, a large number of soldiers and strong monks had already been hoarded.

Whether it is a modern army or a hidden powerhouse, various characters stay outside, waiting for the return of their master.

From this moment on, the defense force of the Bounty Hunter Guild Headquarters is the world's top, none.

Even if Qinglong, the strongest of the dragon department, wants to break here, I am afraid he will hate it.

It is precisely because of this that everyone thinks this is the safest place, and no one dares to be presumptuous in the territory of the Nine Emperors.

This is also the first time these big figures have participated in a meeting led by the Nine Emperors. Each is extremely excited, and the gifts brought by the various forces are almost too much for all the warehouses of the Bounty Hunter Guild.

If all the resources hoarded in the bounty hunter guild warehouse are released now, a superpower can definitely be created within a short period of time.

The influence of the Nine Emperors can also be seen from this.

All the big figures waited quietly for Zhang Ziling's arrival. No one had an impatient look in their eyes. Most of them just talked quietly, but did not discuss anything about the interests of their respective forces.

Obviously, the big people gathered here, any two of them can have a huge impact on the world, but no one takes the initiative to negotiate the interests in this area.

In their opinion, all the unions are not as favored by the Nine Emperors. This time the meeting is sacred and will not tolerate other interests tainted.

Suddenly, the lights in the venue dimmed, and everyone instantly refreshed, staring straight at the high platform ahead.

The whole venue was quiet at this moment.

"Grandpa, is the nine emperors here?" At this time, a 13-year-old girl sitting in the back row asked the old man next to her in a low voice.

The old man and this girl are the founders of a financial empire from Europe. Their condensed money is enough to cause the European financial system to collapse in an instant. Their family is also quite influential in the practice world.

It is precisely because of this that they are barely qualified to come to this venue, but they can only sit in the last row.

"Hush! Don't talk! Grandpa brought you to see the world. Just look good!" The old man quickly covered the girl's mouth, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The old man knows exactly who the people who come to this meeting are. Even the big people sitting in front of them can easily collapse his financial empire. The old man dare not be presumptuous here.

However, the girl hadn't come into contact with the cultivation world very much, and she was not very clear about the meaning of the word Nine Emperors. She thought that the Nine Emperors was a big star and was extremely excited.

From the girl's point of view, there is nothing in this world that money cannot buy. As long as she is happy, she can even buy a small country with her pocket money!

The girl didn’t understand why her grandfather was so careful, she broke free from the old man and said with a pouting: "Humph! Grandpa, you don’t like me! Why do we have to sit in the last row? I have to sit in the front! I want the Nine Emperors to give it to me. Sign! I want to take a photo!"

"Why don't we let the Nine Emperors go to our castle? I will treat him to a big meal!"

The girl's voice was so piercing in this quiet meeting place, many big figures frowned and looked back, their eyes filled with consternation.

"Who is so bold?"

"I don't dare to be arrogant in the third row. Is the one sitting in the back row so rampant?"

"It's so stupid that someone brought all the children in..."

For a while, various thoughts arose in the hearts of all the big figures, most of them sympathized with the old man with a little ridicule.

In fact, many people know the financial giant, and most of them cooperate with the old man in trade, but now many big people are reconsidering their partners in their hearts.

If the Nine Emperors are angered, this huge financial empire will be unstable...

After hearing what the girl said, an arms giant sitting next to the old man also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and moved his **** to the other side, not wanting to be next to the old man.

"Don't say it!" The old man is in anxious cold sweat now, and wants to educate himself on the spot with his ignorant little granddaughter, but usually the old man has been used to his granddaughter, and he is afraid that he will do it. To make the situation worse, the old man was completely panicked.

He shouldn't bring his granddaughter!

The atmosphere in the venue became more embarrassing because of the old man and his granddaughter.

The Red Dragon standing on the high platform was also extremely embarrassed at the moment, so he had to cough lightly and said, "Master Nine Emperors are coming soon, take care of yourself."

Hearing Red Dragon's words, the old man was shocked directly, and quickly took his granddaughter and fled out in a panic.

If he continues to stay here, the old man is really afraid of problems.

If his granddaughter is ignorant, he has to take full responsibility. When the Nine Emperors are to blame, the collapse of the financial empire can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

After I go back, I must strengthen my granddaughter's education, which is really outrageous!

The old man kept thinking in his heart, hurriedly pulling his granddaughter out of the venue, the speed is not like an old man can achieve.


Suddenly, the old man felt like he had hit an iron pole, and he was dizzy and fell directly to the ground.

"You guy, why hit my grandfather!" Although the girl didn't know why her grandfather was pulling herself out, but when she saw her grandfather was hit, she immediately exploded, like a little She guarded the old man like a mother cat, and barked her teeth at the person who hit her grandpa.

All the big people in the venue looked at the little girl in a daze, not knowing why she had the courage to yell at that person!

You know, she and her grandfather are just sitting in the next row, just barely qualified to participate in this meeting, and they can't afford anybody in this meeting place.

Although the big men didn't know the identity of the young man who walked in, they could guess one or two from the young man's temperament.

That young man is definitely the top big man who can sit in the first row!

After seeing the young man, Hong Long's legs suddenly became soft. He hurriedly ran off the platform and rushed to the young man, bowing loudly and saying, "Master Nine, Nine Emperors!"

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in the meeting were frozen on their faces.

The entire venue became deadly silent.

Nine, Lord Nine Emperors?

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