Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1089: Prestige

As soon as the red dragon's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire venue became very strange. Everyone swallowed fiercely and stared at Zhang Ziling who was standing at the entrance.

He... is the Nine Emperors?

A group of big figures looked at Zhang Ziling frantically, and they could not see other peculiarities except for the aura that belonged to the superiors from Zhang Ziling.

However, the Nine Emperors are the Nine Emperors, no matter how unremarkable from the outside, once the title is put on, everyone feels that Zhang Ziling has become mysterious and unpredictable.

In fact, everyone in the venue had watched Zhang Ziling's video of the battle against Shennongzi, but no one remembered Zhang Ziling's appearance, and they didn't even remember Zhang Ziling's figure very clearly.

Something seemed to obscure their memory.

Many people have spent a lot of energy researching why this happens, but so far no force has made a little progress in research.

In the end, everyone can only be attributed to the power of the Nine Emperors, mastering a certain terrifying secret technique, and using this to affect everyone's spirits, erasing the memory of the appearance of the Nine Emperors in their minds.

The girl did not notice that the atmosphere in the venue had become weird. When she heard the red dragon call out the word Nine Emperors, she immediately looked at Zhang Ziling with a scrutiny gaze.

"Are you the Nine Emperors?" The girl looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "It's a little different from what I imagined!"

"Anyway, you bumped into my grandfather, you must apologize to my grandfather!" Suddenly, the girl changed her conversation again, pulling Zhang Ziling in a loud voice.

Zhang Ziling looked at the girl in surprise, but did not move.

Zhang Ziling could have avoided the old man when he entered the venue, but Zhang Ziling did not choose to give way, instead letting the old man directly hit him.

In such a scene, Zhang Ziling really couldn't think of how this kind of people got in.

Chen San, who was following Zhang Ziling, saw that the girl looked troublesome to find Zhang Ziling, and also had a headache. He hurriedly turned his face to Hong Long and motioned to Hong Long to take the little girl away.

Not to mention that the people present are all big and powerful people, and letting a girl mess around will damage her image. If the irritable character of Lord Nine Emperors alone is really anxious, I am afraid that both grandfather and grandson will suffer.

Naturally, Hong Long could see Chen San winking at him, but Hong Long didn't dare to move in front of Zhang Ziling, and as soon as he heard the girl's voice, his whole body became a little stiff and he didn't dare to move at all.

So Hong Long had no choice but to ignore Chen San's eyes and stood beside Zhang Ziling in fear, not daring to intervene.

Chen San saw that the Red Dragon did not take any action, and the whole person was somewhat helpless, but Chen San also couldn't muster any courage to exit, so he could only stand in place and wait for the development of the incident.

The big figures present at the scene also kept their mouths shut. They just felt a chill on the back and did not dare to make too many movements for fear that the Nine Emperors would notice them.

The surrounding atmosphere has become dignified to the point of suffocating. Even the big figures in the front row who are used to watching the big scenes feel extremely pressured.

The old man also woke up at this time and saw his granddaughter questioning the Nine Emperors. He was so scared that he quickly got up from the ground and pulled the girl behind him.


"Shut up!" The old man yelled at the girl himself, shocking the girl.

When the girl was yelled at by the old man, her eyes suddenly became red, and she looked at the old man directly, and began to cry.

She has never been yelled at by her grandfather.

Moreover, the girl didn't think she did anything wrong.

In fact, the girl really didn't do anything excessive, she was just using her usual daughter-in-law model to protect her grandpa.

However, in this meeting place, the behavior of the little girl was obviously infinitely serious by everyone, always thinking that the behavior of the little girl would bring endless disaster to their family.

This is also the attitude of most people in the world today, and they are too in awe of the Nine Emperors. They didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the Nine Emperors.

The old man was also very afraid of the Nine Emperors, so he, who had always spoiled his granddaughter, didn't care about comforting his granddaughter at this moment, and he knelt down to Zhang Ziling without hesitation.

"Master Nine Emperors, I'm so confused. My granddaughter has never done anything wrong. She is offensive to Master Nine Emperors, but her nature is not bad, please let Master Nine Emperors let her go!"

"If Master Nine Emperors is unhappy, please take my life!"

The old man cried to Zhang Ziling, and then banged his head three times at Zhang Ziling.

The girl stood behind the old man, looking at her grandfather's humble appearance in shock, with tears still hanging on her cheeks.

The old man's actions had a huge impact on the girl.

In the past, the girl always thought that her grandfather was an omnipotent existence, and she could give her whatever grandfather she wanted, and everyone around her respectfully treated her as a treasure.

In the past, it was only for others to kneel to her.

However, the old man's humble appearance in front of the Nine Emperors today shattered the worldview that the girl had cultivated for a long time.

It turns out that there are people in this world who are more powerful than grandpa.

It turns out that the omnipotent grandpa also has people who are afraid.

The little girl stared at Zhang Ziling with her mouth bulging, with doubts in her immature eyes.

The Nine Emperors... turned out to be even more powerful than Grandpa!

Wrong, everything is wrong.

The little girl naturally knew who her grandfather was kneeling for, and she also realized how much trouble she had caused.

In such a serious meeting place so nonsense that his grandfather kneels to others for himself.

When she thought of this, the girl started crying again, gritted her teeth, put away her princess attitude, looked at Zhang Ziling and wanted to kneel.

At this time she already understood that she had to take responsibility for her mistakes, not her grandfather.

But when the little girl bends her knees slightly, she feels a strong palm on her shoulder.

Zhang Ziling instantly went to the little girl and prevented the little girl from kneeling.

Zhang Ziling was speechless at the old man's sudden kneeling, but now he found that the girl behind the old man was about to kneel, and he quickly stopped.

Zhang Ziling didn't take what happened just now. However, because the prestige of the Nine Emperors was already exaggerated to the point, Zhang Ziling knelt down before he could stop the old man.

The prestige of the nine emperors was too swollen, but Zhang Ziling was extremely troubled.

However, the old man knelt down, Zhang Ziling was also used to such a scene, but let a 13-year-old girl follow her grandfather to kneel at every turn, which Zhang Ziling could not do.

After all, the child is still young, and he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, and Zhang Ziling's psychological changes were also spotted by Zhang Ziling, who actually liked the girl.

The nature is not bad.

For children, Zhang Ziling has always been particularly tolerant.

"You have a good granddaughter, get up."

Zhang Ziling's peaceful voice sounded, making the old man startled.

All the big figures in the venue also looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, with incredible eyesight.

Nine Emperors...

It doesn't seem to be as brutal as the rumors.

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