Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1090: Saco Group


The girl looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, her eyes full of curiosity. She didn't understand why Zhang Ziling wouldn't let her kneel.

Grandpa Mingming also knelt.

Zhang Ziling seemed to see the girl's doubts, and smiled lightly: "You don't have to apologize, don't follow these adults."

The old man got up from the ground again and again and looked at Zhang Ziling tremblingly, "Master Nine Emperors..."

He had never thought that Lord Nine Emperors hadn't blamed his granddaughter, and listening to Lord Nine Emperor's tone, he seemed to be somewhat intimate with his granddaughter...

This unexpected surprise made the old man a little excited.

This **** and heaven change, the old man admitted that his heart couldn't stand it.

At the moment, the attitudes of the big people in the meeting towards the old man have changed. Many people looked at the old man jealously, wishing to change their identities with the old man.

They also have sweet and lovely daughters or granddaughters, why didn't they bring them here?

The big men felt extremely regretful in their hearts, as if they had completely forgotten that they had mocked the old man just now.

"Don't you blame Grandpa?" The girl wiped away the tears from her eyes with her hand, and asked Zhang Ziling.

"But it's just walking carelessly. Why is it right or wrong?" Zhang Ziling rubbed the girl's head and squinted with a smile.

The Nine Emperors laughed!

Looking at Zhang Ziling's gentle spring breeze, all the big figures exclaimed directly in their hearts.

In the impression of everyone, the sword emperor Zhang Ziling is the embodiment of cold and brutality, and a horrible existence that will flatten the clan if it is not the way.

But is such a peerless demon able to laugh so warmly?

The great figures found that they had always demonized the image of the Nine Emperors.

The rumors are not credible!

When all the big people saw Zhang Ziling's smile, they thought of those rumors, and couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled.

How could a demon **** have such a warm smile?

When the old man saw Zhang Ziling's smile, he was also stunned, and his panic was calmed down at this moment.

Nine Emperors...

It's not as bad as the rumors!

Such thoughts flooded in everyone's hearts, and relaxed smiles appeared on their faces.

When everyone was waiting for Zhang Ziling to enter the arena, it was as if they were going to the battlefield, and they were extremely nervous, as if they would be wiped out when they sneezed in the venue.

The Nine Emperors are the Demon Gods, this view... has disappeared from everyone's hearts without knowing it.

Although the great figures still hold the Nine Emperors in awe, they are not as exaggerated as before. You have to be cautious about what you do around the Nine Emperors, even breathing is a bit difficult.

Red Dragon and Chen San beside Zhang Ziling could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that this was the case, and their mood suddenly became more relaxed.

After all, on such a day, seeing blood is always a bad thing.

"Then you still blame Cocoa?" The girl couldn't help but laughed when Zhang Ziling didn't blame her grandfather anymore, then her expression changed, and she asked Zhang Ziling with a bitter face.

Zhang Ziling smiled slightly and asked, "Cocoa? Is it your name?"

"Well, my name is Nicole. Grandpa always calls me Coco." Nicole nodded in response.

I don't know why, Nicole felt very comfortable in front of Zhang Ziling, and the whole person's mood improved and she was smiling.

"Very cute name." Zhang Ziling praised Nicole, and then he looked at the old man and asked, "Haven't you consulted?"

"Don't dare!" The old man hurriedly bowed to Zhang Ziling, "The old man is named Ke Ge Mo and he is the chairman of Sacco Group."

Zhang Ziling nodded, and after a little thought, he said, "Sacco's a bit of an impression, but there was a bit of overlap."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Kegmo felt flattered, and quickly sneered at Zhang Ziling: "Master Nine Emperors are joking. How can a small company like ours be in the eyes of Master Nine Emperors?"

Regarding Kegmore's modesty, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled without comment.

Zhang Ziling is not really polite.

Eight years ago, Sacco Group also built a factory in Nanzhou City. Zhang Ziling also went to Sacco Group to work in order to support Ziyou. Although Zhang Ziling was eventually expelled on the grounds of child labor, this is still a fate.

After all, because of the Nicolas Group, Zhang Ziling also had a meager income, but it made Zi You the cake she wanted most at the time.

Zhang Ziling still remembers Zi You's smile at that time.

It is a good memory.

Although Kegmo said so, but being able to be commented like this by the Nine Emperors, Kegmo was also very happy and wished to have a long conversation with Zhang Ziling all night.

With Zhang Ziling's words, the future orders of the Sacco Group will probably continue to flow, and the size of the entire financial empire will become even larger.

With this alone, Kegmore had no regrets on this trip.

Other big shots are also envious of Kegmore's opportunity.

"Brother Jiu Di, can I go to my house to play? My house is very big, I can treat you to chocolate cake!" It seems that because of Zhang Ziling's attitude, Nicole became lively again, as if he really regarded Zhang Ziling as Brother, directly invited Zhang Ziling.

"Naughty! Lord Nine Emperors have a lot to do, why are you so messy? There is Coco, you will be called Lord Nine Emperors from now on!" Seeing that his granddaughter was showing signs of mischief again, Kegmo quickly stopped Nicole.


Nicole was scolded by her grandfather again, and suddenly pouted, but because of the previous incident, Nicole was also a lot more sensible, but quietly walked behind Kegmore, pulling the corner of Kegmore's clothes and stopped talking.

Seeing Nicole's cute look, Zhang Ziling's mouth also twitched slightly, and whispered: "It's okay, I want to sit in your house when I have time."

Zhang Ziling's words made Kegmo petrified in an instant, his expression stiff on his face.

What did Master Nine Emperors say just now?

"Nine, Lord Nine Emperors?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, the big men could no longer suppress the shock in their hearts, and even those with hot tempers stood up directly from their seats.

If the Nine Emperors go to the Saco Group as a guest...

That's incredible!

Even Chen San and Red Dragon on the side looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and didn't understand what Zhang Ziling was making.

Even if you love that little girl, there is no need to do this for the Nicolas Group?

You know, every move of the Nine Emperors today can have a huge impact on the world. If Zhang Ziling really went to the Saco Group as a guest, I am afraid that another world-class financial empire was born.

The company that is valued by the nine emperors, everyone can predict what kind of bright and smooth the company will have.

This is simply a big pie!

Kegmore even felt that he was going to be stunned by the sudden huge pie.

At this moment, Kegmo couldn't wait to pick up his granddaughter and kiss him fiercely. He did not look like the leader of a generation of financial empires.

"You can rest assured, Lord Nine Emperors, as long as you come, we will definitely welcome you with the grandest banquet! Sako Group will always serve Lord Nine Emperors!"

Kegmo was not a fool, and immediately stated his position at this time, announcing that Sako Group is a financial group serving the nine emperors.

It may cost a huge amount of money to serve the Nine Emperors, but the benefits...can't be measured by money at all.

Kegmore would still settle this account.

Hearing what Kegmore said, Zhang Ziling also took a deep look at the shrewd old man in front of him, and finally smiled and said, "Okay."


Zhang Ziling's words completely detonated the venue!

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