Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1128: Accept fate

"Devil, Demon Emperor..."

Gabriel forcibly stabilized his disordered breath, looked at Zhang Ziling with some fear, and subconsciously stepped back.

At this moment, Morgana and Hua took the initiative to block in front of Gabriel, staring at Zhang Ziling vigilantly.

After Gabriel's imprisonment was forcibly broken by Gilgamesh, Gabriel had already been severely injured and was no longer able to fight. And the Pope, who is a saint, was kneeling on the ground motionless at this moment, Morgana and Hua didn't even know if the Pope could stand up.

From now on, you can still fight...

Only Morgana and Hua are left.

At the thought of facing the terrifying Demon Emperor, Morgana and Hua were also uneasy.

But they also know that the so-called vigilance...

There is no meaning in front of the Devil Emperor.

Gilgamesh had just rushed out of Gabriel's body, but he didn't choose to rest, so he turned and rushed towards Gabriel.

For the current Gilgamesh, being trapped by Gabriel as a fallen saint for so long is a shame!

Gilgamesh could no longer restrain the anger in his heart. The pressure of the high-ranking saint burst out at this moment, and the earth that had not been calm for long shook again violently.

The surrounding cities felt the horrible atmosphere from the Vatican, and the major monks in the cultivation world rushed to the Vatican to find out.

The cultivators have not forgotten that the Nine Emperors are still there!

When Gilgamesh broke out with all his strength and rushed towards Morgana and Hua, both Morgana and Hua's expressions changed drastically. They did not expect that Gilgamesh would rush towards them like this, even the time to prepare. No.

Morgana and Hua could only watch Gilgamesh attack and kill them, but they could not do anything.

As low-level saints and fallen saints, it would be okay if they were fully focused. They were unprepared for the sudden attack of high-level saints like Gilgamesh. They couldn't react.

But just when Gilgamesh was about to attack Morgana and the others, Zhang Ziling stood in front of Gilgamesh and stopped him.

"Devil Emperor?" Gilgamesh stopped his figure and looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, not understanding why Zhang Ziling blocked him.

No matter how you look at it, Gabriel and the others are enemies and should never be kept.

"You retreat and they give it to me." Zhang Ziling said faintly, and forced Gilgamesh's power down. "Go and take good care of the angels who followed you. Although their physical injuries are healed, The mental state is still very poor."

"Next I have things to do for you."

"Yes..." Gilgamesh didn't mean to disobey Zhang Ziling's order. After Zhang Ziling ordered, Gilgamesh only gave the three of Morgana in front of him coldly, and then fell back to the ground, stunned a few. The fallen angels all gathered together to heal them.

No longer feeling the oppression of Gilgamesh's powerful force, Morgana and Hua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and smiled bitterly at each other.

If Gabriel was hit by Gilgamesh once in his current state, Gabriel would undoubtedly die.

However, Morgana and Huacai had just relaxed for a while, and Zhang Ziling's stronger aura pressed over again, and even made Morgana and Hua's throat sweet, almost vomiting blood.

Only then did they realize that Gilgamesh’s departure did not mean that their danger was over, but that...

The real horror has just begun!


Seeing Zhang Ziling's calm expression, the three of Gabriel swallowed slightly, quite guilty.

After all, what they did just now, their hearts are very bright.

Impossible to be forgiven.

The wound on Gabriel’s abdomen has almost healed at this moment. Although Gabriel’s face is still pale, as the core of the three, Gabriel came to the front of Morgana and Hua, resisting the fear and fear in his heart. Zhang Ziling looked at each other.

"Do you know what you did?" Zhang Ziling looked at Gabriel who was a little guilty, and asked with a chuckle.


Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Gabriel's heart suddenly thumped and remained silent.

Of course they do.

The monsters that were raging just now were created by them. If Zhang Ziling came out a little bit more, I am afraid that the whole of Europe will be devastated and there will be no living people.

They wanted to destroy the world.

"It seems that you are very clear." Looking at Gabriel's silent appearance, Zhang Ziling nodded slightly, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

"And you who are helping the evil emperor do things, I think you should also know... what will happen after doing such a thing."

"The Devil..." Gabriel looked at Zhang Ziling's deep eyes. Although his expression was calm, his trembling hands covered the fear that was not in his heart.

They, who have been active since the prehistoric period, naturally know how terrifying the handsome man in front of them is!

The so-called saint was just a slightly stronger ant in front of this man.

"What...what do you want to ask?" Gabriel understood that any resistance they made at the moment was futile, and Gabriel simply gave up the resistance and asked Zhang Ziling directly.

"As long as you give us three of them, we will tell you everything we know."

When they were first awakened by the Pope, they thought it was only a slightly stronger person who came to trouble them and could solve it at any time. But following the massacre of Zhang Ziling in the Holy See, the Pope brought them into the Papal Palace, when the voice of the adult rang in their minds...

They have already understood their fate.

The three of them have been in the mortal world from the precipice to today, in order to destroy the world when the Devil Emperor appeared.

Whether it succeeds or not, they know that their lives will end in the hands of the Devil Emperor.

This is the fate that the adult gave them.

"Very good..." Zhang Ziling nodded with a cold face, "Cooperate well, there will be no pain in the last part of your life."

"Thanks a lot."

Gabriel thanked Zhang Ziling, then turned to look at Hua and Morgana, with inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Morgana and Hua looked at each other, and then shrugged to Gabriel with a wry smile, and said, "It's up to you, anyway, we have already accepted our fate."

"I have seen the strength of the Devil Emperor, plus I have lived for so long, there is not much regret." Morgana laughed, the fleshy wings behind it gradually fell off, and the breath of the whole person began to shrink rapidly.

As Morgana's breath began to shrink, Hua also experienced the same change, and even the bodies of the two gradually became illusory.

Even Gilgamesh below felt the strange breath of Morgana and Hua, and quickly looked up.

"Spirit sacrifice?" Gilgamesh couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the situation in the sky!

One person transforms himself into a spirit body and lets another person absorb it so that the absorbed person can obtain all the memory and inheritance of that person. This secret technique is called "spiritual sacrifice."

And the person who uses this technique is often the ultimate secret technique that the person is about to die, and he doesn't want his ability to disappear and pass on to his disciples.

This kind of secret technique is rarely mastered even in the God Realm!

Gabriel opened his arms, and Morgana and Hua changed into mist and were completely absorbed by Gabriel.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched Gabriel's actions without any movement.

Zhang Ziling knew that Gabriel and the three could not escape.

After the breath of Morgana and Hualian disappeared, Gabriel turned to look at Zhang Ziling, pointed his head and said with a smile: "All their memories have been saved here."

"As long as the Lord Demon Emperor gives me a good time, then the three of us from the prehistoric era to today, including our memory of that lord... let you use it."

Gabriel's voice fell, and the cold wind blew past several people.

Zhang Ziling's eyes became deeper and deeper.

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