Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1129: Holy See, the last person

Gabriel looked at Zhang Ziling quietly, the fear in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his expression became indifferent.

After accepting his own ending, Gabriel's heart suddenly became clear.

Seeing what Gabriel looks like now, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth is also slightly raised, and said lightly: "Interesting guy, it's a pity..."

"You are already that guy's." Zhang Ziling shook his head, then put his palm on Gabriel's forehead.

"Relax and take a breath of fresh air at the end." Zhang Ziling whispered to Gabriel, his tone indifferent, as if speaking to a friend for many years.

"Although it smells of blood, it's not worth your life."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Gabriel closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

"Thank you."

Gabriel took a deep breath of cold air.

A trace of demonic energy escaped around Zhang Ziling's palm, slowly seeping into Gabriel's head.

After the magic energy entered Gabriel's body, Gabriel's body gradually became illusory.

The spirits of Morgana and Hua exist in Gabriel's body, entangled with Gabriel's soul.

At this moment, Gabriel has the memories of three people.

When Zhang Ziling extracted these memories, he would also erase Gabriel's soul.

When Zhang Ziling took out all of Gabriel's memory crystals, Gabriel's death was announced.

Among the ruins of the Holy See, all the members of the Holy See are no longer there. Only the Pope, dressed in a clean white robe, kneels on the ground without a thought, looking up at Zhang Ziling in the sky.

Two drops of turbid tears fell from the corner of the pope's eyes.

His whole body is long gone, and his body is unbearable.

It's about to die.

It was the last moment in his life, and his muddy eyes were wet with muddy tears. After Zhang Ziling took out the memory of Gabriel, the Pope sent away the last member of the Holy See.

The life of the Pope will also end.

At this time, Kasaba also rushed to the sky above the ruins of the Holy See, just to see Gabriel turn into smoke and completely dissipate.

In Zhang Ziling's palm, a clear crystal floats slowly, and within the crystal, one can vaguely see a fast flashing picture.

Each frame represents a memory of the three Gabriel.

Huge, hundreds of thousands of years, memory.

It's all contained in the small piece of crystal in Zhang Ziling's hand.

Kassapa stood in the sky blankly, the cold wind slowly blowing her hair.

Three fallen saints, just like this...


Without the wailing of all things, and the screaming of the road, it is like an ordinary widow and lonely old man, quietly dying, without causing any impact on the world.

No one cares.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the memory crystal in his hand, his expression indifferent. From Zhang Ziling's expression, I can't tell what Zhang Ziling is thinking.

After a long silence, Zhang Ziling put away Gabriel's memory crystallization, and did not rush to spy.

The monks who rushed over from the cities around the Vatican all came to the vicinity of the ruins of the Holy See, blocking the water surrounding the huge ruins of the Holy See.

All the monks looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky quietly, silent.

Gilgamesh was still treating fallen angels who were unconscious, Kassapa quietly suspended in the sky, and the Pope...

Kneeling lonely in front of the ruins of the Pope’s Palace, with apathetic eyes.

The monks were very moved when they saw the appearance of the pope.

The once imposing Holy See, now there are only ruins left, and the knight academies all over Europe are all withered.

The lofty king is now like a humble old man, kneeling in front of everyone without the spirit of his former style.

Those big figures who knew the Pope had extremely complicated expressions on their faces at this moment.

Such a hero fell like this...

Thinking of this, all the cultivators looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky, feeling more and more in their hearts.

The Nine Emperors are still so young, still so glorious.

Invincible in this world.

Among the monks, Li Shuangyan held the sword in her hand tightly, emotions flowing in her beautiful eyes.

A middle-aged woman standing next to Li Shuangyan sighed softly and hugged Li Shuangyan into her arms.

"Child, that adult...too dazzling, you...can't fly over." The woman said softly, "We are too ordinary."

"Um..." Li Shuangyan buried his head in the woman's chest, sobbing in a low voice.

All the monks who knew or didn't know Zhang Ziling were just standing quietly on the periphery at the moment without stepping up to bother them.

The annihilation of the Holy See represents the end of an era.

And these people also mean that they have witnessed the rise of another era.

At this sacred moment, it should be serious.

Quietly witness is.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the monks who had already enclosed the ruins of the Holy See. He landed slowly and walked towards the Pope with his hands.

In any case, the Holy See was once the top power on earth for thousands of years. In addition to the fact that the Pope is also a man of great influence, Zhang Ziling decided to give him a grand funeral.

The powerhouses of the whole world come together to witness the annihilation of the Holy See.

At this moment, the pope is the Holy See...

The last person.

During the period when Zhang Ziling was designed by the evil emperor to go to the prehistoric world, the Pope really gave Zhang Ziling a lot of help. Although the Pope was ill-intentioned, he stayed with Zhang Ziling for some time in the prehistoric period.

Master and servant play.

The pope knelt on the ground without a thought, and was suddenly covered by a shadow.

Zhang Ziling walked in front of the Pope.

"Master Devil..." The Pope opened his chapped lips and greeted Zhang Ziling hoarsely.

Zhang Ziling looked at the Pope indifferently, with both hands on his back.


A dark flame ignited from under Zhang Ziling's feet, and then quickly spread to the surroundings!

The cold and cold magic flame condensed a magic circle on the ruins of the Holy See.

Zhang Ziling and the Pope stood in the middle of the circle.

In the sky, the Five Great Dao Laws of Evil Ghost Dao, Spirit Dao, Gu Dao, Tyrant Dao, and Devil Dao manifested, and the great road roared incessantly and with great momentum.

The sky became gloomy, and the black fire became coquettish.

Gilgamesh quietly looked at Zhang Ziling's back, and the fallen angels beside him were all awakened.

Understanding Zhang Ziling's thoughts, Gilgamesh did not speak too much, and flew into the sky with five fallen angels, looking at Kassapa.

Kasyapa nodded, and finally Gilgamesh stood in the middle of the circle. Six fallen angels stood at the hexagon of the circle, all spreading their wings.

The seven fallen angels sang hymns together, and the beautiful and sacred song echoed in the sky along with the roar of the main road.

The twelve-winged angels, leading six seraphs, are holding the grandest funeral in the mortal history!

Just because of that person...

He was once a servant of Zhang Ziling.

Around the ruins of the Holy See, the monks looked at the beautiful picture infatuatedly.

Black flames lingered around Zhang Ziling, and the melodious hymn echoed in the ears of the Pope.

Looking at the fallen angel in the sky, the pope closed his eyes with a trembling, tears streaming down.

"My Lord Demon Emperor, the old servant will accompany you to fight for tens of thousands of years to seize the soul of His Highness. There are a total of 371 great gods, a total of 128 great demons, and seventeen saints... although this is only For a moment, the old servant was the enemy of the adult, and the adult still set up such a big burial for the old servant."

"Old servant..." The pope trembling, kowtow to Zhang Ziling, "grateful."

"May the next life, old servant, meet Lord Demon Emperor first."


While kneeling, the pope was swallowed by flames and his white robe was burned.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched the pope burned by the black flames and still bowing to him, unmoved.

Now, Zhang Ziling can still be the Pope.

But it's meaningless.

Let him, with the grand flame, disappear.

Zhang Ziling turned around, accompanied by the angel's chant, disappeared into the flames.

The pope was completely turned into ashes in his kneeling and saluting.

The Holy See is now annihilated.

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