Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1130: Find the sky

One month has passed since the fall of the Holy See, and the world of cultivation and ordinary people has gradually returned from chaos to the right track.

Although the wave of strange animals that broke out in the Holy See attacked the cities around the Vatican, the practice world was directly exposed to the world of ordinary people, and it set off a huge wave in the world of ordinary people, and once set off a frenzy of apprenticeship among ordinary people.

However, the major sects in the cultivation world strictly ordered their disciples not to accept disciples privately. In addition, most ordinary people have no talent for cultivation, and the monks in the cultivation world like to set up the mountain gates in the mountains and forests. , So many people have not even seen the sect of the cultivator!

This time the Holy See incident has had a relatively large impact, which is to allow cultivators to show their power in a large public. However, various countries have also urgently introduced laws against cultivators.

And Zhang Ziling also made a live speech at the request of the Dragon Ministry, which shocked the monks in the cultivation world. All the monks listened to Zhang Ziling's words surprisingly, no monk dared to mess around this month, and the world was calm.

The monks don't mess around, and the government wants to deal with ordinary people is too simple, so this time the cultivation world is completely exposed, and there is no too bad influence, which makes the leaders of all countries secretly relieved.

After slowly transitioning, everything will regain its direction.

As long as the Nine Emperors still exist in this world, this world will not be chaotic.

After the settlement of the Holy See, with the support of Zhang Ziling, the kinsman also re-entered the world and became a super power. Aila naturally became the top leader of a super power, and he had a certain degree in the world. The right to speak.

The Bounty Hunter Guild is also in everyone's expectation. Its reputation is skyrocketing, the quality of its members is soaring at an unimaginable speed, and the speed of strength improvement is staggering.

For a whole month, Zhang Ziling still stayed in Europe to deal with a series of follow-up matters after the fall of the Holy See, but he did not have time to kill the God Realm.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Ziling's performance in the room was too exaggerated, and no gods and Buddhas came to trouble Zhang Ziling this month.

Although the world of ordinary people and the world of cultivation were completely separated in the past, the Holy See is different from other forces. There are many intersections between ordinary people and cultivators. Many priests are famous in the world of cultivation and have many interpersonal relationships in the world of ordinary people. .

Therefore, when the influence of the Holy See in the cultivation world was destroyed, the Holy See in the ordinary world was also greatly affected, causing considerable fluctuations in a certain range.

Zhang Ziling spent most of his time dealing with trivial matters such as supporting the new pope and training new priests.

After all, one-third of the ordinary people in the world are members of the Holy See. If this is not handled properly, it is almost the end of the world.

These things were still sloppy, so even if Zhang Ziling personally handled them, it took quite a while.

However, one month passed very quickly for ordinary people, and it was a blink of an eye for Zhang Ziling.

After it's over, it's over.

"Ziling, the pope and the archbishops of the major dioceses have all been determined, they are all ordinary people, and they are very capable. The Holy See has also been completely isolated from the cultivation world under the efforts of those people."

Ella walked into the room and reported to Zhang Zilinghui, who was sitting on her desk looking through the copy: "After Ziling your live broadcast, there are no monks in the cultivation world who believe in gods. Now all the church members of the Holy See are ordinary people."

"You signed the words, you don't have to worry about the next thing." Ella put a stack of documents on the table of Zhang Ziling and said with a smile.

"Hey..." Zhang Ziling looked at the papers Ira put on the table, rubbed his temples, and sighed slightly, "These trivial things are really troublesome!"

"But you still have to do it, don't you?" Ella walked behind Zhang Ziling, rubbed his shoulders for Zhang Ziling, and said softly, "Ziling, you are almost a recognized leader in the cultivation world now. Certain things are naturally responsible Fell on your shoulders."

"I understand this." Zhang Ziling nodded, then picked up the document and signed it. "But let the people on the Longbu side do the rest. They are quite keen on these things."

"Although the dragon is strong, but its reputation..." Ella couldn't help but ask in a soft voice.

"It's okay, with my name, Wei Lao is very good, and has already prepared everything." Zhang Ziling said with a smile, and after signing the last document, his tone became a little brisk, "After all, I still have Do more important things without delay."

"Is it a matter of the gods?" Ella asked softly, "I think Cain and Lilith are getting more and more excited recently. It has something to do with this?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling didn't mean to conceal anything, and said directly, "I have a bit of enmity with those gods."

"That's all gods..." Ella made no secret of her worry, "I don't know how strong gods are, but I heard from Lilith that there are many monsters in the gods, Ziling you..."

"Don't worry." Zhang Ziling smiled at Ella with a soft voice, "For the gods in the sky, I am a monster."

"Right, Xuntian?"

"Yes, yes! Your lord is a monster, a proper monster!"

At this time, a crystal clear compass flew out of Zhang Ziling's arms, turning into a slapped boy, looking at Zhang Ziling with a bit of resentment.

"It's been almost a month since I regained consciousness, my lord still doesn't inject strength into me!"

"The power you need is a bit special, and the pure power of the emperor can't let you use the power, why bother?" Zhang Ziling smiled, not caring about Xun Tianyi's complaint.

"Hey!" Xuntianyi pouted her back to Zhang Ziling, obviously sulking.

And Ella behind Zhang Ziling saw Tianxun's appearance like this, and couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, laughing like a silver bell.

In this month, Ella and the Heaven Seeker have also gotten acquainted a lot and often joked.

"Well, you go and call Chu Yuan and Power, I have something to do."

"Finally recovering for me?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xun Tianyi turned around to look at Zhang Ziling with some surprise.

Seeing the excitement on Xuntianyi's face, Zhang Ziling also shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Yeah."

"Hao Le! I'll call them two!" The Sky Seeker flew out happily, as fast as lightning.

Ella stared blankly at the disappearance of the heaven seeker at the corner, and then asked Zhang Ziling, "Ziling, how can it recover its strength?"

"It..." Zhang Ziling smiled, "In a sense, although Xuntian has the weakest strength, it is the most powerful one among my ten magic weapons."

"However, Xuntian cannot rely on my strength to restore himself."

"Then what does it need?" Ella asked curiously. After all, both the Chuyuan Ring and the Staff of Power can be recovered by Zhang Ziling's power. Now Ella doesn't even know how much the Chuyuan Ring and the Staff of Power are. Strong.

Under the nourishment of Zhang Ziling's power, they recovered too quickly.

Regarding Ella’s question, Zhang Ziling also raised his eyes slightly, looked upwards, and said quietly: "The Way of Heaven."

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