Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1131: Sense of urgency

"My lord, are you finally going to kill it?"

At the call of Xuntian, the Staff of Power and Chu Yuanjie also rushed in excitedly and yelled at Zhang Ziling, very excited.

"I've long seen those gods get upset and look high all day long, and there are already many gods in the gods who have begun to plan plans to exterminate adults. It's too self-conscious!"

"Yes! Gods only? The gods in Xuanxiao Continent have long been annihilated. The gods in this small place are so rampant, I can't bear it for a long time!"

Chu Yuan Jie and the Staff of Power roared without a word, wishing to fly up to destroy the gods.

Looking at the red-faced two people, Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow and smiled, and said, "Looking at how confident you are, the gods of the God Realm have been given to you?"


As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, Chu Yuanjie and the Staff of Power were stunned, their excited expressions solidified on their faces, leaving only Xuntian snickered beside them.

Although the strength of the Chuyuan Ring and the Power Staff are still recovering well, they are still some distance from the heyday. Even if they both look down on the gods, there are still many saints in the gods. With Yuan Jie and the Staff of Power, I am afraid that they will go up with meat buns and dogs, and they will never go back.

In an instant, the whole room fell silent.

"You talk slowly, I won't get involved with things about gods and Buddhas. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the world!" Seeing the aggrieved look of Chu Yuanjie and the staff of power, Ella couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled, and then said to Zhang Ziling several people, and walked out of the room quickly.

After all, Ella herself knew that for the gods in the sky, her strength was still too weak, and standing here would only be a waste of work. It would be better to help Zhang Ziling handle the affairs of the cultivation world.

Ella could tell that Zhang Ziling cared more about this mortal world than anyone else.

Seeing Ella's back, Zhang Ziling's eyes couldn't help but a trace of tenderness flashed, and then he looked at the startled Chu Yuanjie and the power staff, his eyes became serious.

"Okay, I just made a joke, it's time to say something serious."

When Zhang Ziling said this, Chu Yuan Jie and the Staff of Power also put away the hip-hop appearance, and lined up with the heaven seeker.

The three little people hovered quietly in front of Zhang Ziling, waiting for Zhang Ziling's instructions.

The room became quiet at this moment, and the atmosphere gradually became serious.

Even for Zhang Ziling, stepping out of the gods was a big project.

The flow of time between the gods and the earth is different, so every step of Zhang Ziling in the gods must be carefully planned and time strictly controlled.

Zhang Ziling did not control the avenue of time and space, and was unable to arbitrarily shuttle through the long river of time and space. If too much time was spent in the God Realm, it would be worth the loss.

After all, Zi You's incomplete soul couldn't wait too long.

If the soul in the hands of the evil emperor cannot be taken back as soon as possible, then the current situation will be more passive to Zhang Ziling.

In the battle of the Holy See a month ago, the evil emperor really showed his current strength in front of Zhang Ziling.

It can be fixed-point positioning, distorting the time and space of a single person...

Such a method cannot be achieved by a mere emperor.

Although Zhang Ziling is now convinced that the evil emperor has not broken through the great emperor, Zhang Ziling also believes that the evil emperor is not far from that threshold.

Time has become more urgent.

Every time the Evil Emperor is allowed to take another step in the dark, the strength of the Terrifying Evil Emperor will rise by one point!

"How is your two gains this month?" Zhang Ziling looked at Chu Yuanjie and the Staff of Power and asked.

"I have already figured out the structure of the Angel City. The angels deployed in each area are drawn on this picture. Master, you can go to the God Realm and you can kill it directly!" A piece of parchment came and handed it to Zhang Ziling.

For more than a month, Chu Yuan Jie and the Staff of Power were not idle. With the help of Cain and Lilith, the two of them often sneaked to the gods to check for information. Chu Yuan Jie was in charge of Zhang Ziling in the gods. The first stop of Angel City, and the Staff of Power is the last stop to investigate Zhang Ziling in the God Realm...

Heavenly Court.

"Very good, it can save a lot of time." Zhang Ziling took the picture drawn by Chu Yuanjie, glanced roughly, and couldn't help but admire, "This is your reward."

Zhang Ziling's fingertips flew out of a small group of dark red, surging energy balls, and then quickly sank into Chu Yuanjie's chest.

That is the power of Zhang Ziling's Great Emperor.

"Wow! Thank you, boss!" With the nourishment of Zhang Ziling's power, Chu Yuanjie felt that he was one step closer to the peak, and couldn't help but thank Zhang Ziling excitedly, and even changed his name.

"You guy..." Zhang Ziling smiled and received the picture drawn by Chu Yuanjie in the space ring, and then looked at the power staff, "What about you?"


Seeing Zhang Ziling's question, the power staff couldn't help but glanced at the complacent Chu Yuan Jie, but he didn't say anything for a while.

"Boss, don't ask, the power doesn't even penetrate into the heaven. The power of heaven seems to have blocked the heaven, and you can't get in at all!" Chu Yuan Gang power said with joy, as if he was gloating.

After all, Zhang Ziling’s great emperor’s power is extremely cherished, even if they are not often available, so Zhang Ziling’s several great artifacts are often privately compared to who owns the great power of the emperor. Nowadays, the mission of the power staff is crippled. The staff of power appeared twice.

The two of them usually love each other most.

Hearing Chu Yuanjie’s words, the Staff of Power couldn’t sit still, and he quickly complained to Zhang Ziling: “Sir, you don’t know, my current strength itself hasn’t recovered much, and I can hide from the investigation of two or three saints. It's already very exhausting, but there is still the power of Heaven's Dao sweeping back and forth on the side of the heavenly court, and I can't get close at all."

"Moreover, the Nine Heavens Devil Orb seems to be in the Heavenly Court. The kid didn't intend to sneak in for me at all, and stopped me several times. It's damned!" The Power Staff said bitterly.

"Nine days..." Zhang Ziling frowned when he heard the power staff. "I have placed Nine Heavens by Izanami, and I have been with Izanami. Even if they go to the heaven, they should be Nothing will happen."

"Although the guy at Jiutian is more irritable, he is still very stable in the overall situation. It stands to reason that it shouldn't prevent your penetration unless..."

"Unless it is something important that makes it have to do it!"

At this time, the heaven seeker spoke with a solemn tone.

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