Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1147: Zhang Ziling

"The Devil? It's you!" When Lucifer heard the name, he was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted, exclaiming!

The master of Gilgamesh is called the Devil Emperor!

Thinking of this, Lucifer was in ecstasy, but then complained.

"Why are you only appearing now?"

"I've been there all the time." Zhang Ziling's voice was very calm, without the slightest emotion. "You now have only two choices, either die or accept me as the master."

"Who are you?" Demon Dao Will seemed to feel very upset about Zhang Ziling's intervention, and directly criticized Zhang Ziling in Lucifer's mind.

Now God will immediately discover the fact that he is not in Gilgamesh. At that time, God will definitely turn to Lucifer and finally find himself.

The Will of the Demon Path now does not have the origin of the Demon Path to increase Lucifer's power. Lucifer is not an opponent of God, so once God discovers that the truth is against Lucifer...

Mo Dao Will knows that he will come to an end.

From the point of view of the will of the magic way, the only way to survive now is to gain control of Lucifer's body, turn Lucifer into the incarnation of the magic way, mobilize the law of the big way in the world to tear up a crack in this world, and then let himself escape go with.

For the Will of the Demon Dao, there are two levels of strength that can be exerted by entities and those without entities!

But just when Mo Dao Will felt that he was going to successfully confuse Lucifer, Zhang Ziling's appearance disrupted Mo Dao Will's overall plan.

The Will of the Demon Dao was originally angry because of the loss of the original source, and now Zhang Ziling came to disrupt its plan, which directly caused the Will of the Demon Dao to run away.

"To shut up."

However, Zhang Ziling didn't seem to be ready to pay for the will of the Demon Dao to run away, and he said lightly, his tone indifferent to the extreme.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mo Dao Will was shocked for a moment, and was stunned for an instant.

At that moment, Mo Dao Will suddenly had an illusion that Zhang Ziling could erase it at any time.

"You two, don't argue in my head if you want to fight, okay? Didn't you see that the situation is dangerous now?"

Suddenly Lucifer became a little impatient, and directly yelled.

Two unknown beings screamed in his mind, which made Lucifer feel very aggrieved.

What's more, God is still drawing Gilgamesh's soul, and it is extremely critical.

"Let's continue with the next topic." Zhang Ziling didn't seem to care about Lucifer's attitude at all, and his voice was still extremely calm, "I let Gilgamesh come to the Demon Realm, you must also know. But I am not Gilgamesh. Very patient."

"I don't have so much time for you to choose."

"whispering sound!"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's strong words, Lucifer clenched his fists fiercely, trying to look up, but found that he was still stepped on by God, unable to move at all.

"You first get away from God and show me your strength." Lucifer said to Zhang Ziling in his heart.

"You don't have any qualifications to make conditions. My time is limited. Don't test my patience." Zhang Ziling did not show any mercy to Lucifer.

"Boy, don't listen to that guy, now we don't even know whether that guy is a human or a ghost, you might as well open your mind to me, anyway, you have seen my power in Gilgamesh." Suddenly, The voice of the will of the magic way sounded in Lucifer's mind again.

"What did I just say?" Zhang Ziling's icy voice sounded again after Modao Will finished speaking.

"I care about you...Ah!!!" Before the Will of the Demon Dao could complete his words, he uttered an extremely scream, and Lucifer had goose bumps.


God seemed to have noticed the anomaly of Lucifer at his feet, but before God carefully checked, Gilgamesh’s soul was drawn out, which attracted the attention of God, and God did not care about what was under his feet. Lucifer.

"Enough is enough! I was wrong! I won't talk anymore!" The Modao Will seemed to be unable to stand Zhang Ziling's methods, and he repeatedly begged for mercy, and Lucifer's spine was cold.

The strength of the Devil Emperor seemed to be stronger than he imagined.

Lucifer, the power of the will of the magic way, has also seen it, and can directly turn Gilgamesh into the existence of a fourteen-winged angel! Although it was just a flash in the pan, it was enough to show the horror of the will of the Demon Dao.

But the Devil Emperor can make the horrible existence of the fourteen-winged angel to the tidy and obedient...

Lucifer suddenly understood why the Devil Emperor was so strong.

If he has such a strong power, he is also so strong.

Zhang Ziling didn't torture the Demon Dao Will too much. After Demon Dao Will begged for mercy, he let it go.

Although for Zhang Ziling, who has obtained the origin of the magic way, mastering the will of the magic way has no meaning for him, after all, he himself can use the laws of the magic way as freely as the will of the magic way.

But after all, the Law of the Magic Way is one of the top ten supreme laws, and the will possessed by the Law of the Magic Way may also know something that Zhang Ziling does not know.

Therefore, leaving the will of the magic way is also in Zhang Ziling's plan.

As for the means to torture the will of the Demon Dao, after subduing the will of the evil spirit Dao and other great wills, Zhang Ziling has explored hundreds of methods to deal with their great wills.

After Zhang Ziling let go of Demon Dao Will, Demon Dao Will obviously also realized that Demon Emperor was a ruthless character, and did not dare to be presumptuous anymore, and stayed honestly in Lucifer's body.

After all, there is still the Jiuyao Imperius Array outside, and the Demon Dao Will has no place to escape. You can't fight and fight, you can't escape and you can't escape...Although it's the top ten supreme laws, the will of the magic way is still clear when you should be counseled.

After the demon's will calmed down, Lucifer fell into silence again, and Lucifer began to hesitate.

It is undoubtedly difficult for the proud devil to make him recognize the devil as the master.

Just when Lucifer hesitated again and again, God had already drawn out half of Gilgamesh's soul.

However, the smile on God's face has gradually disappeared, and his brows are slightly furrowed, and there is something wrong with it.

Half of Gilgamesh's soul has been extracted, but God has not found a trace of the will of the magic way...This makes God's heart full of doubts.

"No, the will of the magic way is not in his body!"

God reacted abruptly and threw Gilgamesh directly to the ground, and Gilgamesh's soul also took advantage of it and returned to his body.

Without paying attention to Gilgamesh, God looked down at Lucifer, who was stepping on him, with a gleam in his eyes.

"You can really hide!" God gritted his teeth, remembering the scene of Lucifer running away with Gilgamesh before, "Do you know how precious my time is?"

God roared, grabbed Lucifer by the hair, and directly lifted Lucifer up.

"Old beast, you...cough!"

Without waiting for Lucifer to finish speaking, God punched Lucifer in the stomach and directly caused Lucifer to spit out blood.

After pressing his hand on Lucifer's stomach for a while, God also showed a subtle smile on his face, and he was slightly relieved.

"I found it..." God looked at the weak Lucifer, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "It looks like a false alarm."

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