"It seems that you chose to die?"

After God caught Lucifer, Lucifer had not had time to give Zhang Ziling a reply, so Zhang Ziling also acquiesced to Lucifer's choice and said with a chuckle.

"wait wait wait……"

After hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Lucifer called out subconsciously.

"Wait?" God looked at Lucifer a little jokingly, raising his eyebrows slightly, "You are so naive! You have the will of the devil in your body, how could I wait?"

Lucifer did not pay attention to the God who grabbed him, but directly shouted into the air: "I recognize you as the master! The army of fallen angels in the devil world will be handed over to you! As long as you save me and Gilgamesh, you I can do whatever I want!"

Lucifer roared hoarse, her voice echoing in the sky.

After all, Lucifer made the choice Zhang Ziling wanted him to make.

"Who are you talking to?" At this time, the Lord also realized that Lucifer was talking to others, his eyes suddenly burst, and he yelled at Lucifer.

God thinks it is impossible for him to discover this trick of sound transmission!

But in fact, he just didn't find out.

But Lucifer still ignored God and continued to yell at the air on his own.

"Master Demon Emperor, please! Save this world..."

After Lucifer roared these words, it seemed that something had been touched in this world, and the Nine Lights of Souls in the sky solidified at this moment, as if time was still.

"Wise choice."

Zhang Ziling's voice seemed to come from nine days, like a **** of creation.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, God's face suddenly changed, as if he had realized something, and quickly mobilized the Jiuyao Soul-Capturing Array in the sky, wanting to capture Lucifer's soul as soon as possible.

But no matter how God manipulated the magic circle, the Jiuyao Soul Despairing Array did not react at all!

"This, this is?"

When this happens, a trace of panic flashes in God's eyes. However, God quickly recovered his calm, his eyes became fierce.

Without hesitation, God made five fingers into claws, and slammed Lucifer's abdomen.

He wants to pull out the will of the magic way forcibly!


When the Lord's hand was about to touch Lucifer, a dark barrier suddenly condensed in Lucifer's abdomen, blocking the attack of God.

God blasted on the barrier, immediately produced a huge impact, the barrier was broken, and the Lord and Lucifer flew out directly!

"Stand firmly, Lucifer."

Just when Lucifer was dizzy by the explosion, he suddenly felt a strong hand grabbing his collar and stopping his body from flying out quickly.

Lucifer recovered, and saw a young man standing in front of him, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

Zhang Ziling!

"Master Devil?" Lucifer looked at Zhang Ziling's profile and asked with some uncertainty.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Ziling let go of Lucifer and grabbed it. Gilgamesh, who had fallen in the distance, was also pulled back by Zhang Ziling.


Lucifer's Adam's apple moved and shook his head slightly, unable to believe it.

The way Zhang Ziling is now, really has nothing to do with the word "devil emperor"!


Gilgamesh, who was sucked by Zhang Ziling, suddenly woke up, coughing violently next to Zhang Ziling.

"Master Devil Emperor?"

Soon, Gilgamesh saw Zhang Ziling, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Gilgamesh thought that Zhang Ziling would not come. When Zhang Ziling appeared in front of him, Gilgamesh almost didn't cry directly!

"He is really the Devil Emperor!"

Seeing Gilgamesh's excitement, Lucifer's heart suddenly set off a terrible storm.

Although Lucifer had speculation in his mind just now, when this identity was confirmed, Lucifer still couldn't accept it...

The famous Devil Emperor, is such a delicate person?

Lucifer couldn't believe it.

"The Devil..."

God crawled out of the ruins and looked up at Zhang Ziling who was in the sky, with a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes.

Now God understands why he can't manipulate the Jiuyao Soul Destruction Array...

Everything I do is to make wedding dresses for others! When I think of this, God's heart is filled with endless anger!

"How dare you use me!" God roared out, and the power of the terrifying saint bombarded Zhang Ziling away.

After Gilgamesh and Lucifer felt the aura of God, their expressions changed. They didn't expect the power of God to be so powerful!

This is far from the power that a high-level saint can possess!

Even the Demon Will in Lucifer's body was exclaimed, and he couldn't stand the mighty power of God.

Feeling the mighty aura of God, Zhang Ziling took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth raised a satisfied smile.

Zhang Ziling could feel the extremely strong atmosphere of the evil emperor from the aura of God.

This is the breath that can only be contaminated with long-term contact with the evil emperor. God possesses the aura of the evil emperor, and his power will be strengthened invisibly.

Zhang Ziling couldn't be more familiar with the aura mixed in the aura of God.

However, Zhang Ziling was not surprised by this. After all, God was able to urge the Celestial Demon Scroll, which was almost in its heyday, while also suppressing the momentum of the Celestial Demon Scroll. From this alone, Zhang Ziling could guess that he was behind God. There is that person!

Without the slightest influence of God's momentum, Zhang Ziling took a step forward, and the power that God burst out instantly shattered, and the power of the saints all around was suddenly empty!

Lucifer stared at Zhang Ziling's back in amazement, and was deeply shocked by what he saw.

"Good, so strong..."

Zhang Ziling's strength has obviously exceeded Lucifer's cognition.

In the hundreds of thousands of years since the founding, Lucifer has seen many saints, but no saint has ever possessed such a powerful force as Zhang Ziling.

In this regard, Lucifer could not help but have a conjecture in his mind.

The devil...maybe not a saint!

After Zhang Ziling crushed the aura of God, Zhang Ziling didn't stay in place, and walked directly towards God.

Lucifer and Gilgamesh did not dare to hesitate, and quickly followed Zhang Ziling.

In just a few steps, Zhang Ziling came to the front of the Lord, standing with his hands down.

Gilgamesh and Lucifer fell behind Zhang Ziling, standing on the left and right, like Zhang Ziling's guards.

The emperor looked directly at Zhang Ziling, surrounded by the corpses of angels, blood had stained the ground.

The throne not far away has shattered, and the top of the entire palace is in danger.

"The Devil..." God stared at Zhang Ziling and said in a quiet tone.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, but he did not speak, but silently looked at the Lord alone in front of him, with meaningful expressions in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, if you didn't go to the Angel City of the God Realm, you ran to the Devil Realm." God looked at Zhang Ziling and said slowly, and suddenly laughed again, "But that's right, people in this world who can do my good deeds..."

"I'm afraid you are the only Demon Emperor."

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