Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1205: Surrounded by girls


A drop of blood fell on the ground, splashing a coquettish flower of blood.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the burning lamp in front of him, his eyes indifferent.

"Uh..." The ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern opened his eyes wide, staring at Zhang Ziling steadily, and there was a certain painful voice in his mouth.

Zhang Ziling's sword has pierced the forehead of the ancient Buddha with the burning lamp, and blood is flowing from the tip of the sword.

"Just... just solved it like this?" Izanami on Xianfeng still felt a little illusory, a bit unable to accept the facts she saw now.

Although Izanami knew that the ancient Buddha of Landeng was not Zhang Ziling's opponent, she did not expect that the ancient Buddha of Landeng would be defeated so quickly!

The sword that Zhang Ziling pierced into the forehead of the ancient Buddha of the burning lantern had already destroyed all the vitality of the ancient Buddha of the burning lantern. The surging power of the Great Emperor wiped out all the power of the ancient Buddha burning the lantern, and the power of the heavens hidden in the ancient Buddha of the burning lantern suddenly disappeared. .

The immortal body failed, and the eyes of the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp quickly lost its luster.

This small world gradually became calm and surrounded by a wolf.

Zhang Ziling drew out the magic sword, and the magic sword turned into black energy and dissipated.

The breath of the burning ancient Buddha completely disappeared, and the whole person fell from the air, smashed heavily on the broken ground, and was finally swallowed by magma.

The sky gradually brightened, and soft sunlight shone on the earth.

"My little world..." Izanami looked at the shattered earth, feeling very distressed.

For Izanami, it took her thousands of years to create such a small world, but now it was destroyed in just a few hours, and Izanami wanted to cry without tears.

"Ziling!" After Zhang Ziling cut off the ancient Buddha burning the lantern, Lan Mu also appeared in front of Zhang Ziling under a devilish envelope.

After the appearance of the ancient Buddha and Ziwei, Zhang Ziling protected Lan Mu to prevent her from being affected by the battle.

Now that Gandeng Ancient Buddha and Emperor Ziwei are done, Zhang Ziling naturally also released Lan Mu.

The battle between Zhang Ziling and the two saints, Lan Mu, could see clearly. She was very worried about Zhang Ziling throughout the whole process. Now Zhang Ziling released her, Lan Mu directly threw herself in Zhang Ziling's arms and held Zhang Ziling tightly.

"What's wrong with you, girl?" Zhang Ziling smiled and rubbed Lan Mu's head, then laughed softly.

"I was so worried about you just now!" Lan Mujiao groaned, "Those two are so dangerous. Fortunately, you are fine with Ziling!"

"Why should I be wrong?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, then patted Lan Mu on the shoulder, "Let's go over, because they were interrupted by those two, I guess this grand event won't go on."

"Ziling, you are all back, where is everyone in the mood to host a grand event!" Lan Mu smiled, "Although this small world is peaceful and peaceful, it is not our world after all. Everyone is looking forward to your coming back and taking us back. Yeah!"

"Most definitely."

Zhang Ziling nodded earnestly, and led Lan Mu to the Xianfeng.


As soon as Zhang Ziling fell to Xianfeng, the girls rushed up, forming a beautiful scenery instantly.

The surrounding monks looked at Zhang Ziling with extreme envy, and swallowed slightly.

Everyone wanted to know how Zhang Ziling managed to capture so many beauties while still ensuring that the harem would not fire.

However, although everyone looked at the girls in a joyous scene, Zhang Ziling was also smiling.

But only Zhang Ziling knew that the girls were already on the verge of an explosion, and if they didn't dredge, they might explode directly.

After all, he disappeared for five years, not to mention, and like Ella, Lu Xiaoshuang and Chu Qi, they didn't know each other before they were brought to the small world by Izanami.

The person I love has other women out of thin air, I can imagine... people will be angry.

Zhang Ziling already felt the strong smell of gunpowder, and smiled bitterly.

Izanami, who was on the side, looked at Zhang Ziling's awkward appearance, and couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, delighting Zhang Ziling.

Unlike Chu Qi and the others, Izanami, who is a god, doesn't mind sharing Zhang Ziling with other women, and even Izanami has not considered taking possession of Zhang Ziling.

In the long years of life, it would be a little boring if only two people were alone.

Therefore, for Yizanami, the existence of Chu Qi and others can make her more comfortable.

The leaders of the surrounding forces saw Zhang Ziling surrounded by the women, and they were not interested in looking for Zhang Ziling now. They left Xianfeng one after another to give Zhang Ziling enough time with the women.

When the Nine Emperors came back, they would kill them sooner or later. They had lived in this small world for five years, and staying longer for a period of time had no effect.

"Head Xu, won't you go?" Seeing Xu Qianrou still standing there, the palace lord of the Kunlun Palace asked with a complicated expression.

Now everyone is leaving Xianfeng, Xu Qianrou is still standing in place as the head of Shu Mountain, which is quite abrupt.

"Ah? Ok! I'm leaving now!" Xu Qianrou hurriedly replied after being asked by the Kunlun Palace Lord, and then quickly left without looking back, looking a little flustered.

"This is..." The Palace Master of Kunlun Palace stared at Xu Qianrou's back in a daze, without understanding what he was saying wrong.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xu Qianrou's leaving back, and an inexplicable emotion flashed deep in his eyes.

"Let's go Naihe, let's indulge that guy for a while." Yixanami glanced at Zhang Ziling, and then said to Naihe who was lying on the ground.

"Yes, Lord Izanami..." Naihe got up from the ground with some difficulty, clutching his chest and followed Izanami away.

"What's wrong with you?" Izanami frowned while looking at Naihe's pale face.

"No, it's okay... Maybe the internal injury from the battle just happened." Naihe shook his head and said.

"Well, I'll show you later, the devil emperor is also... let you fight against Ziwei Great Emperor regardless of your strength."

"Even if I'm not the opponent of Emperor Ziwei, you are a low-level saint like you, isn't it just for sending you up to give you a head?" Izanami kept complaining.

"Master Devil Emperor, he wants me to break through." Naihe looked at Izanami and said seriously, without any impurities in his eyes.

Seeing Naihe's appearance, Izanami sighed slightly and said, "Idiot!"

After Zhang Ziling settled the Emperor Ziwei and the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, the small world also fell into a short period of peace, and Zhang Ziling was also busy coaxing the girls for a long period of time, and it was almost impossible to deal with anything outside. The burning harem is soothed.

After five years of disappearance, too much is needed to make up.

In Zhang Ziling's view, pacifying the girls is almost the same as killing a great emperor.

Fortunately, Zhang Ziling got everything done, and the girls could live in harmony in front of Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling became more at ease.

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