Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1206: Qianrou

Small world, night, Xiaoshu Mountain.

This is the address of the sect that Shushan built in the small world of Izanami. All buildings are reproduced according to the real Shushan, in order to give Shushan disciples a sense of familiarity.

In the five years in the small world, most of the Shushan disciples have become accustomed to the life here. The sun rises and the moon sets normal work and rest. Except for the usual no monsters, the lives of the Shushan disciples have not changed much.

At the top of the sword pavilion on Xiaoshu Mountain, Xu Qianrou sat alone on the top of the sword pavilion, with a few empty wine jars beside him.

Most of the Shushan disciples are now asleep, and Xu Qianrou is sitting on top of the sword pavilion and no one notices it.

In the past five years, Xu Qianrou has often sat here alone watching the sky and the moon.

In fact, the moon and starry sky in the small world are much more beautiful than the earth, and even the moon in the real Shu Mountain cannot be compared here.

But Xu Qianrou has never liked the scenery, and always feels that there is one person missing.

But when that person came back, Xu Qianrou became melancholy inexplicably, and didn't dare to face it.

Due to his identity, Xu Qianrou didn't go to Zhang Ziling the first time, and after Zhang Ziling was free, Xu Qianrou only wandered in the distance of Zhang Ziling a few times before flew away.

She is the head of Shushan, Master Lan Mu.

"I'm really..." Xu Qianrou smiled bitterly and shook her head, picked up the wine jar next to it, only to find that the wine had been drunk.

"Drink alone for a month, girl, you are really in good spirits!"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Xu Qianrou's ears, causing Xu Qianrou's body to shake slightly.

Xu Qianrou quickly looked back and saw Zhang Ziling standing on top of the Jiange with two jars of fine wine.

Seeing the tall figure under the moonlight, Xu Qianrou's heart moved slightly, as if she saw the man who was with her in the underworld again.

"Master Zhang?"

"Mind if you have a few drinks with me?" Zhang Ziling walked over to Xu Qianrou and sat down, and handed Xu Qianrou an altar of wine.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's first cut and then play, Xu Qianrou couldn't help laughing out loud and took over the wine jar.

"Why are you here?" Xu Qianrou took a sip and asked Zhang Ziling.

"Let the beauty drink alone in the moonlight, I can't bear it." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, "Should we not need two people to share such a beautiful scene?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, Xu Qianrou also moved in her heart, jokingly: "It seems that you have been peeping at me in the dark for a long time!"

"A fair lady, a gentleman is so funny... I have been paying attention to you girl for a long time!"

"Hahaha, Master Zhang don't want to tease me."

Zhang Ziling and Xu Qianrou talked and laughed, and the two shadows seemed to blend together under the moon.

Gradually, the wine jar became empty, and Xu Qianrou couldn't help showing two blushes on her cheeks.

Xu Qianrou is already slightly drunk.

The sky is also a bright moon, and the surroundings are silent, only the cold wind blowing from the mountains, blowing Xu Qianrou's green silk.

"You come to accompany me, what should Muer do?" Suddenly, Xu Qianrou's emotions seemed to become low, holding the empty wine jar and looking at the scenery of Lord Jian, she asked softly.

"Asleep, she is not lightly tired." Zhang Ziling looked at Xu Qianrou's profile and whispered.

"Yeah." Xu Qianrou nodded, and then fell into silence, just holding the wine jar and staring at the sky full of moon.

Between the two, there seemed to be no words.

The atmosphere seemed to become embarrassing, and there was no joy at all for the two of them to drink.

"Do you like your current identity?" Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Xu Qianrou's ears for no idea how long he was silent.

"Identity?" Xu Qianrou raised her head to look at Zhang Ziling, her eyes twinkling with doubts, "A person has many identities, what does Young Master Zhang ask?"

"The identity of the head of Shushan, the identity of Master Lan Mu...all the identities that cover up the true self." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xu Qianrou was stunned suddenly, holding the wine jar with both hands tightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I do not know……"

Xu Qianrou shook her head. No one had ever asked her such a question, and she had never thought of such a thing.

As the head of Shushan, Xu Qianrou is sure that she once liked this identity.

But now, Xu Qianrou is not sure...

She always feels that the identity of the head of Shushan is binding her. It is not that Xu Qianrou is afraid of taking corresponding responsibilities, but... When Xu Qianrou finds that she is in the position of head of Shushan, she must care about how the world views herself. This is related to the face of Shushan. .

Can not dare to love and hate, you need to hide yourself properly.

Therefore, Xu Qianrou must hide her feelings, rather than let others know about her pain.

She didn't want others to know... The head of the dignified Shushan fell in love with her lover's lover!

Even Xu Qianrou is now afraid that she is Lan Mu's master...

Sometimes Xu Qianrou herself was thinking, if she was just an ordinary woman, not the head of Shushan, nor the master of Lan Mu, would it be easier to face Zhang Ziling.

But Xu Qianrou also knew that no matter how much she thought, she was just dreaming.

Today, he is still the head of Mount Shu and the master of Lan Mu. Therefore, she cannot accept her feelings.

Seeing Xu Qianrou's hesitant and struggling eyes, Zhang Ziling felt distressed.

In the prefecture and his party, Zhang Ziling could forget the bottom of the river for Xu Qianrou's slaughter. But now, Zhang Ziling has caused Xu Qianrou to struggle painfully for five years.

Perhaps the most painful...

Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, and took the initiative to put Xu Qianrou in his arms.

Zhang Ziling could clearly feel Xu Qianrou's body trembling slightly, and his body became stiff.

Obviously, Xu Qianrou was trying her best to refuse.

"Qianrou, forget all your identities tonight." Zhang Ziling looked at Xu Qianrou who was struggling a little, his tone became gentler, but he did not let Xu Qianrou go.

"Actually, she knows Muer."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xu Qianrou's eyes changed suddenly, subconsciously trying to get rid of Zhang Ziling, but failed.

"I, I can't..." Xu Qianrou became a little flustered. She has lived for hundreds of years, how can she...

"I have lived for thousands of years, and I know what you think. What can that count?" Zhang Ziling whispered in Xu Qianrou's ear, "In my opinion, you are like them."

Xu Qianrou's body was shocked, and her eyes suddenly turned red.


"Qianrou, the monk practiced as a cultivator, with his own mind, and the road to go against the sky is so difficult. If you still care about the views of the world, how tired?"

"Mu'er has already told me, she hopes that I will come and see you." Zhang Ziling saw Xu Qianrou's tearful eyes whirling, but she just hugged Xu Qianrou and bathed in the moonlight with her, "Half of the night in five years has been spent. Here, Muer is clear about her."

Xu Qianrou whispered sobbing, trembling hands stretched out to Zhang Ziling, first shook Ziling, and then hugged Ziling's waist.

Xu Qianrou cautiously asked with a crying sound: "Master Zhang, can I, can I call you Ziling? Just, just tonight..."

Seeing Xu Qianrou's cautious look, Zhang Ziling squinted and smiled, caressing Xu Qianrou's Qingsi: "Idiot..."

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