Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1207: Xu Qianrou is ashamed

Early in the morning, the sun hit Xu Qianrou's face, causing Xu Qianrou's eyelashes to tremble slightly.

Xu Qianrou opened her slightly blurred eyes. When she saw that she was still on the sword pavilion, she woke up suddenly, almost ejected.

"You're awake!" Zhang Ziling looked at Xu Qianrou's flustered look and chuckled.

Xu Qianrou saw the wrinkles of the clothes on Zhang Ziling's shoulders, her eyes became more and more flustered, "Zhang, Zhang Gongzi, I, I shouldn't..."

"You slept all night leaning on my shoulder."

"Isn't that Young Master Zhang staying up all night?" Xu Qianrou couldn't help flashing a trace of guilt in her eyes when she heard Zhang Ziling's words, and she blamed herself.

"Sleeping is meaningless to me, it doesn't matter." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, stood up and stretched out, "Qianrou, the Shushan disciples are waiting for you to go to morning class, are you still standing here? ?"

"Morning, morning class? Yes! Early class!" Xu Qianrou instantly reacted after hearing Zhang Ziling's words, and quickly called out the flying sword, preparing to fly to the test bench.

"Master Zhang, thank you for your company last night, I will remember it." Xu Qianrou said to Zhang Ziling, her tone sullen, and she seemed relieved.

But when Xu Qianrou was about to fly away, she suddenly stopped, feeling something was wrong.

"How did Master Zhang know that I was going to give morning class to the disciples?" Xu Qianrou turned around and looked at Zhang Ziling with some doubts. After all, this is the subject of Mount Shu, and Zhang Ziling has disappeared for five years, so logically speaking, he should not know his itinerary.

Suddenly, Xu Qianrou had a bad feeling.

"Oh, you said this... Just now because the disciples didn't wait for you to come to the morning class, they came to Jiange to look for you. They happened to see you sleeping. I just asked them to go back and wait until you wake up. Morning class." Zhang Ziling squinted at Xu Qianrou and smiled.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xu Qianrou's face instantly turned red like an apple, and she froze in place.

"You, you mean..." Xu Qianrou couldn't even speak, but she pointed to Zhang Ziling, her whole body getting hot.

If Zhang Ziling told them to go back, wouldn't it be...

"Doesn't all Shushan disciples know that I fell asleep leaning on Young Master Zhang's shoulder!" Xu Qianrou shouted out loudly, and the whole person suddenly lost sense.

She was still worried about her feelings last night and didn't dare to let the world know.

As a result, when I woke up early in the morning, everyone knew.

The dignified head of Shushan slept in the arms of a man under the public...

If this incident spreads out, I am afraid that the style of Shushan will be completely corrupted!

Xu Qianrou felt ashamed at the thought of this.

But I don't know why, after hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xu Qianrou was embarrassed, but at the same time, there was an inexplicable lightness, and the whole person became lighter.

It was as if a huge boulder was suddenly broken in the bottom of my heart.

This extremely complicated mood made Xu Qianrou not know what to do, and even almost forgot about going to morning class.

Seeing Xu Qianrou's embarrassment, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel amused, and the idea of ​​ridiculing Xu Qianrou suddenly came into his heart.

"Now that everyone in Shushan knows about this, what should we do?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, "The head of Shushan slept with a man on the roof for one night, tusk tusk..."


Xu Qianrou blushed and stamped her feet, but she didn't know how to refute Zhang Ziling.

It doesn't seem appropriate to blame Zhang Ziling for not waking her up, after all, she slept all night on the shoulders of others.

What's more, Zhang Ziling asked the disciples who came over to go back. It can also be said that he did it for himself to sleep a little longer. If he blames him for this, it would seem very unreasonable to make trouble.

Xu Qianrou became more and more contradictory as she thought about it, and in the end she blushed and turned around.

"Okay, okay, now that things have happened, just face it bravely, and I will be responsible!" Zhang Ziling watched Xu Qianrou's face getting redder, and couldn't help but say with a smile, without any sense of shame.

"Wh, what is your responsibility? Nothing happened to me, we!" Xu Qianrou, like a cat with fried fur, retorted to Zhang Ziling in a panic, then stepped on the flying sword and flew away leisurely.

Xu Qianrou felt that if she continued to stay here for a while, she would be even more embarrassed.

Zhang Ziling sat on the top of the sword pavilion and looked at Xu Qianrou who flew away, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, not worrying about Xu Qianrou's state at all.

Zhang Ziling had been testing Xu Qianrou's reaction before. Although Xu Qianrou was a little embarrassed after hearing what Zhang Ziling said, it was a normal reaction, and even Zhang Ziling could feel that something completely changed in Xu Qianrou's heart.

Yesterday, Zhang Ziling had determined that Xu Qianrou would be able to untie her happy knot with a single kick, and Zhang Ziling could just help Xu Qianrou.

Since Xu Qianrou's feelings have been exposed to the Shushan disciples, no matter how Xu Qianrou concealed it, it would be useless, so she could only face it in the end.

Although Xu Qianrou might be a little embarrassed at the beginning, after this period of time, Xu Qianrou would naturally be calm.

Zhang Ziling didn't want to watch Xu Qianrou fall into a demon.

As the strongest monk of this era in the mortal world, if Xu Qianrou finally fell into a heart demon because of her identity, trapped by love, I am afraid the whole world will be embarrassed.

"Today is also called Master Zhang..." Zhang Ziling lay down and muttered while looking at the blue sky, "But next time, you won't call me that."

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, then his figure slowly twisted, and finally disappeared on the sword pavilion.

After five years of not returning, there are still many old friends who need to visit one by one, but before that, Zhang Ziling still chose to meet one person first...

Small world, under the fairy peak, in front of the wooden house.

Xingyu sat in the yard tinkering with the computer in his hand, and lines of code flashed by.

So far, Xingyu has not given up looking for Ziyou.

Although Xingyu is only a foundation-building cultivator until now, it can be said that the weak can not be weaker in cultivation, but Xingyu has put a lot of effort on the other side.

Now in the world ranking of hackers, the title of "Astral" has been far behind the second place.

Xingyu's points...have exceeded the sum of the second to the tenth!

However, Xingyu did not stop at this point.

Xingyu believes that as long as there is light, he can obtain information. For this... It is used in computers and optical signals.

Xingyu, I want to use a computer to master all the light and get all the information at the end that light can reach!

Xingyu believes that as long as he masters the light, he can find Ziyou!

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