Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1208: Wicked Star

"At present, we can only barely process the light information from the earth. The data from other space is too big..."

"Although the sun also has light, I can't extract any regular information from it. I can only feel the endless heat."

"If the distance is too far, all I can get is information from millions of years ago or even more distant. It is useless for finding Master Ziyou!"

"Damn it! Did I choose the wrong path?" Xingyu became irritated inexplicably, and directly overturned the table in front of him. A bunch of equipment fell on the ground and was smashed to pieces.

Xingyu panted heavily, then knelt to the ground, despair in his eyes.

"I, I... I really am a trash..." Xingyu grabbed his messy hair and snarled, and began to doubt himself.

In fact, in the first three years, Xingyu’s research progress was very smooth, but as Xingyu’s processing of images became larger and larger, the research progress was blocked. Even with the help of Izanami, Xingyu also handled it at all. Without such a huge amount of information, the research progress will be slower.

Xingyu's personal cultivation base was too weak, and his brain was simply unable to process such a huge amount of information.

In the past two years, Xingyu has been irritated for a period of time almost every day. There are more than 100 sets of computers and other equipment damaged by Xingyu.

This is incredible for Xingyu, who used to love computers like his life.

The more Xingyu collects the information brought by light, the more he realizes his incompetence... Even if Xingyu’s discovery of the universe in the past few years is enough to win the Nobel Prize for the next few decades, Xingyu will The data is discarded like a mess.

Xingyu just wanted to find Zhang Ziyou.

He really couldn't forgive himself, he just slept, and Master was lost.

Tears wet the ground and Xingyu cried loudly.

"Xingyu, get up."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Xingyu's ears.

Xingyu was shocked instantly, and quickly raised his head to look at Zhang Ziling, his eyes still flushed.

"Master... Master Nine, Nine Emperors!" Xingyu watched Zhang Ziling appear, his eyes flashed endless panic, and he quickly cleared up his emotions and knelt in front of Zhang Ziling.

Looking at the haggard youth in front of him, Zhang Ziling couldn't even believe that this was Xingyu.

Xingyu seems to have completely changed a person.

"Get up." Zhang Ziling sighed slightly and said to Xingyu again.

"Master Nine Emperors, I failed..."

"I know, it's not your fault."

Zhang Ziling knew what Xingyu would say, and directly lifted Xingyu up with his spiritual power.

Xingyu stood in front of Zhang Ziling with a guilty conscience, like a child who had done something wrong.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xingyu with his head down, and a trace of distress flashed in his eyes.

Besides, Xingyu is Ziyou's apprentice, and Zhang Ziling always loves Xingyu, his nephew.

Zhang Ziling knew that Xingyu was extremely self-blame for Zi You's disappearance, and even exhausted everything he had to find Zi You.

Xingyu had done everything he could, even Xingyu had done things beyond Zhang Ziling's expectations.

However, Zi You was taken away by the evil emperor.

Even if Xingyu exhausted his entire life, it would be impossible to find a trace of Zi You.

Even if Xingyu stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor.

Even Zhang Ziling can only follow the evil emperor’s prompts...

In other words, Xingyu's efforts over the past five years have been useless.

Transcending light may be able to transcend time and space, but this is not a realm that Xingyu can reach, let alone something that can be handled with a computer.

This subject is a dead end.

Before Zhang Ziling appeared, he had been watching Xingyu's work in the dark for some time. Although Xingyu's achievements were amazing, he even touched the edge of the Law of Light by modern technology.

One of the ten supreme laws, Guangdao.

For the Path of Light, Zhang Ziling is only rough, and has not yet mastered it, but a foundation-building monk in the Xingyu District, who is only equivalent to an introductory warrior in the Xuanxiao Continent, has reached the top ten with external force. One of the Supreme Laws of Light.

Zhang Ziling admitted that even he could not do this step.

Or, since ancient times, including Xuanxiao Continent...Zhang Ziling has never seen any Tianjiao capable of doing this.

What surprised Zhang Ziling even more was that when Zhang Ziling touched Xingyu with his spiritual power, Zhang Ziling had already discovered that Xingyu had fallen into a demon.

However, the whole person was not swallowed by the heart demon, instead Xingyu's heart demon was transformed into his own motivation by him, and he continued to study.

It can be said that Xingyu has created too many miracles in the past five years.

However, this is useless.

The opponent Xingyu wanted to challenge... was Xie Wushuang.

Seeing Xingyu's decadent appearance, Zhang Ziling recited a meditation mantra for Xingyu. After Xingyu's mood calmed down, he asked Xingyu softly, "Do you know where Ziyou has gone?"

No matter how Xingyu uses his inner demon, Zhang Ziling will never allow the inner demon to exist in Xingyu's body.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xingyu's body shook slightly, and then he shook his head dejectedly, and replied, "I don't know."

"Zi You was taken away by her master and taken to the Xuanxiao Continent." Zhang Ziling calmly said to Xingyu, "You are out of reach."

"Master Ziyou's master?" Xingyu couldn't help flashing shock in his eyes, and he couldn't believe it, "Dao Master Long Yu... isn't it dead?"

"Long Yu's real name is Xie Wushuang, he is an old monster who has not known how many years he has lived. He is a veteran emperor. He also masters the two laws of time and space. Even I can't deal with him." Zhang Ziling explained to Xingyu. .

Xingyu stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, with a dazed expression, completely not understanding what Zhang Ziling was talking about.

The evil emperor won't talk about it, it's the Xuanxiao Continent alone... Xingyu has never heard of it.

Where is Xuanxiao Continent?

In Xingyu's mind, apart from the five continents, he hadn't heard of any other continents.

Seeing Xingyu's doubts, Zhang Ziling had to explain in a more general way: "Do you know the shrines on the earth at present?"

"Yeah." Xingyu nodded stupidly. The shrine is the headquarters of the gods and rules the entire world. Any one of these gods can walk sideways on the earth, and the strength is extremely terrifying.

"Xie Wushuang alone can easily crush the shrine... Or in other words, the shrine was built by Xie Wushuang."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xingyu felt his legs feel soft and his mouth was dry.

Long, Long strong?

Is it possible to crush the temple easily, doesn't it mean that... the gods are all vulnerable under Dao Long Yu?

Xingyu thought of Long Yu's appearance again, and she was shocked.

He didn't expect Long Yu to be a great figure above the gods.

If a person of that level took away Master Ziyou... himself, he would not be qualified to find Master Ziyou back.

And in that vast universe, where is Xuanxiao Continent?

Xingyu raised his head to look at Zhang Ziling, one kind of obsession in his heart gradually disappeared, and then another kind of obsession was born.

Xuanxiao Continent... he is going!

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