Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1222: Crazy Buddha

"this is?"

When the Buddha looked at Monkey King's current appearance, a hint of anxiety flashed across his face.

Now his strength has lost seven or eight out of ten, and Monkey King hasn't consumed much from the beginning. If he waits for Monkey King's consciousness to regain now, he will never let go of what he did to Monkey King before. his!

Boom! Boom!

In a hurry, the Buddha slammed two palms on the golden barrier around Monkey King, but he did not break through Monkey King's defense.

If it were the Buddha's heyday, it would be okay, but the barriers around Monkey King couldn't stop the Buddha.

It is a pity that the power in the Buddha's body has been consumed seven or eight eighty-eight during the battle with Zhang Ziling, and now he has no way to break through Monkey King's defenses.

In other words, the Buddha could only watch Monkey King awaken.

It's not that the Buddha had never thought of asking Yang Jian to come and help, but the Buddha quickly gave up this plan.

Let a non-saint's trash attack the saint's defense, the Buddha estimated that even if Yang Jian was beaten to death, he would not be able to break through the golden light of Monkey King.

Feeling the soaring aura of Monkey King, the Buddha's mood that had become happy because of beheading the Devil Emperor, also suddenly disappeared.

"Fine, let this monkey run away first, and then there will be time to clean him up!" The Buddha is not an indecisive person. Knowing that he can't stop Monkey King now, he made a decisive decision and directly chose to give up Monkey King.

"Go back to the small world of the Western Sky!" The Buddha roared, then turned into a golden light and flew away.

"Buddha!" ​​When Yang Jian saw the Buddha leave without looking back, he couldn't help shouting, wanting the Buddha to stop.

But at this moment, the Buddha had completely ignored Yang Jian, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

"Does the trash want me to take him for a ride? Wishful thinking!" The Buddha thought in his heart, and then increased his speed again, trying to get rid of Yang Jian.

when! ! !

Soon, the Buddha slammed into the six-party lock boundary, directly causing the six-party lock boundary to make waves. The Buddha's defenses were broken, and the whole person fell directly from the air.

"Buddha...I, what I want to say is that there are enchantments all around." Yang Jian couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes as he watched the Buddha fall from the sky, and then he muttered softly.

Yang Jian didn't dare to touch Buddha's mold now.

"Is this?" The Buddha got up from the ground with difficulty, and he didn't care about taking the dust off his body. He looked forward slightly in a panic.

The faint streamer circulated around, no matter how you looked at it, it was a barrier.

The Buddha carefully stretched out his hand to touch the enchantment, and instantly felt a terrifying electric current through his body, and the Buddha quickly retracted his hand.

"Why is there a barrier here?" The Buddha hadn't really noticed that Nanzhou City had been blocked by a barrier before.

Now that he was stopped by the barrier, the Buddha instantly became annoyed, and his body was full of golden light.

"Break it for me!"

The Buddha didn't believe in evil, and he slammed his punch towards the six-sided lock boundary, and the powerful aftermath of the shock spread to the surroundings instantly. Even Yang Jian at the other end of the barrier could feel the powerful power contained in the Buddha's punch.

However, this fist of the Buddha hit the six-sided lock boundary, and apart from being bounced out, it had no effect on the barrier at all.

"Hahaha! Look at that guy, still want to escape from the barriers that we have established? Isn't this funny?" Chu Yuanjie looked at the frantic Buddha below, and laughed with his belly full of mockery. .

After knowing the power contained in the Buddha's body, the attitude of the gods and soldiers toward the Buddha became more and more hostile. Now they are naturally happy when they see the Buddha deflated.

"But where did the boss go? I haven't found him." After Chu Yuanjie laughed, she became serious again and asked.

"It seems to be going to the God Realm." Xun Tianyi pointed to the sky, "I just felt the aura of the boss on it, but it was only a flash, and I couldn't capture it."

"What is the boss doing, why don't you even keep it from us?" Yutian Longyin frowned slightly and whispered.

"Perhaps there is something important? We are optimistic about this place, don't let the people inside come out." Tianma Juan said with a low voice, "Although the Buddha inside is low in strength, it will also affect the world if it is released. Cause a bad influence."

"Honestly waiting for the master to come back is the best policy."

In the sight of the Tianmajuan, the Buddha was smashing into the six-sided lock boundary again and again, and his whole body was scorched by thunderbolts, but the Buddha has not stopped until now.

Trapped by the inexplicable enchantment, the Buddha's heart was already flooded with anger, coupled with the faint anxiety in the Buddha's heart, made the Buddha want to leave here more and more.

Yang Jian stared at the Buddha hitting the barrier again and again, and couldn't help but glance at the Monkey King in front of him.

"What the hell... is this?"

At this moment, Monkey King's breath had swelled to a point that Yang Jian couldn't understand at all. Yang Jian didn't know what would happen next, and the whole person was anxious.

However, while Yang Jian was uneasy, he had some expectations in his heart.

"Why on earth..."

The Buddha was panting heavily, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Now that he has to face the facts, he can't break the barrier that trapped him.

"Did the Devil Emperor do it?" The Buddha said softly, unwilling to believe his conclusion.

However, in this world, people who trapped his enchantment can be built here... Except for the Devil Emperor, the Buddha could not think of anything else.

"Do you bother me if you die?" The Buddha turned and looked at Monkey King, his eyes flashing sharply.

He naturally also noticed the expanding power of Monkey King.

"I would rather die to wake this stone monkey, and then let this monkey solve me here? You are naive!"

The Buddha gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes flashed with craziness, and he sat up on the spot, the relic inside his body began to tremble.

"No one can decide my destiny!"

The Buddha's roar echoed in the space.

As a result, at the two edges of the giant pit in Nanzhou, the Buddha and Monkey King frantically improved their aura, and it seemed that there was a battle soon.

Yang Jian, who was on the side, didn't know what to do at this moment. He couldn't get out of this enchantment, and he didn't consume much of his strength. He didn't need to meditate and adjust his breath.

For a moment, Yang Jian became helpless, and could only silently endure the increasing pressure of the two saints.

The monks outside Nanzhou City also noticed that something was wrong at this moment. The Buddha's actions and Monkey King's abnormal changes showed them a turning point.

Perhaps, Lord Nine Emperors was not dead at all!

He just hid it.

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