Monkey King's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the surging power of the saint is not under the control of Monkey King, and bursts out of his body without restriction.

Yang Jian was overwhelmed by Monkey King's aura, and he could only use his body's divine power to resist Monkey King's unconscious coercion.

Yang Jian just couldn't bear the coercion emanating from the unconsciousness of Monkey King, Yang Jian couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be if Monkey King put all his aura on him!

However, with the current rising momentum of Monkey King, Yang Jian knew that sooner or later he would not be able to hold it.

Now, the only thing Yang Jian hopes is that Sun Wukong can wake up before he can't hold it, and then suppress his violent aura.

Compared to Monkey King's violent aura, the Buddha's side is much quieter. He just sits in the air, like a dead old man.

Yang Jian couldn't feel any aura from the Buddha.

"Hurry, I can't hold it..."

The armor of Yang Jian's body was shattered, and fine blood beads appeared all over his body. Obviously, the blood vessels in Yang Jian's body could no longer withstand the tremendous pressure of Monkey King, and burst one after another.

Just when Yang Jian was desperate, Monkey King stood up from the ground, his whole body upside down, his robes lit a fiery flame, looking like a dazzling star.

Feeling the change of Monkey King, the Buddha opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Monkey King, his brows frowned first, then he closed his eyes and meditated again.

"It will take some time, but... too late!"

Monkey King was wrapped in flames, and the golden cudgel shook violently in front of him, seeming to cheer Monkey King's return.

After Monkey King stood up, Yang Jian suddenly felt relieved, and the momentum that Monkey King had pressed on him completely disappeared.

"How long did I wait for today?" Monkey King's deep and secluded voice resounded in the sky, and his tone was full of emotion.

"I have never felt so free since being crushed by the Five Finger Mountain." Monkey King opened his arms and breathed deeply.

"I still waited until this moment..." Hearing what Sun Wukong said, the Buddha opened his eyes again, looked at the Monkey King with open arms, and sighed slightly.

"Fine, I learned that I lost my life. Since I can't get you, I will destroy it." The Buddha stood up and looked at Monkey King indifferently.

The Buddha can feel that the monkey that used to be... is back.

However, the Buddha was also ready. He sacrificed the relics in his body and forcibly restored himself to the peak state...

"That is one of my ten precious relics, a one-time treasure that can never be regenerated. If you don't give me a little fun, I will be very unhappy!" The Buddha stood in the void, his eyes cold. Extremely, a huge momentum filled the Buddha's body.

Monkey King opened his eyes, the confusion in his eyes disappeared, his eyes became clear and pure.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is jumping for joy beside Monkey King, it can clearly feel...

Monkey King, is back.

"Old Tathagata..." Monkey King held the golden hoop, his robes were burned to ashes, and then a set of purple-golden armor gathered around Monkey King.


The ground on which Monkey King was stepping shattered instantly, Monkey King and the Golden Cudgel disappeared in place, Yang Jian only felt a strong wind blowing on his face.

"Quite fast!" Yang Jian couldn't see the movements of Monkey King at all. Before he could react, Yang Jian saw that Monkey King had already flew above the Buddha holding the golden hoop.

A fiery flame surrounded the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and the mighty power of a saint burst out of Monkey King, causing the surrounding space to collapse.

"My grandson is back!"

Monkey King held the Ruyi golden hoop in both hands and slammed it against the Buddha's head.

when! ! !

The Buddha's body quickly condensed a golden image, Monkey King slammed a stick on the image, and the harsh impact echoed in the sky, the terrifying shock wave spread to the surroundings, and waves appeared on the hexagonal lock boundary.

Yang Jian was rushed out by the aftermath of the impact, and his whole body directly hit the hexagonal lock boundary, vomiting blood.

Even the gods bear the impact of not knowing Monkey King and Buddha.

Faxiang and Ruyi golden hoop violently collided, and the surrounding space began to collapse rapidly, and endless spiritual power rioted from this, and the sky was dim.

"Tathagata, my strength has gone further!" Monkey King looked at the Buddha and laughed. It seemed that such a fierce battle made him very excited, and there was a pair of golden light in his eyes.

"The Monkey King!" The Buddha looked at Monkey King and laughed, and a trace of haze flashed through his eyes, "You are too presumptuous!"


The power that the Buddha exchanged for the relic showed its power at this moment. Monkey King only felt a huge force gushing out of the Dharma, and then the golden hoop in Monkey King's hand was bounced out.

Before Monkey King could react, the Buddha slammed in front of Monkey King and slapped Monkey King on his chest.


Monkey King felt his ribs snapped off, bleeding arrows from his mouth, and his whole body was blown out by the Buddha.

The Buddha grabbed Monkey King's golden cudgel, looked at Monkey King who fell to the ground jokingly, and said with a smile: "Wukong, after so many years, you haven't made any progress."

"Or you can use Buddhism mentality again, it's better than black magic." The Buddha said with a smile on his face to Monkey King.

This palm swept away the haze before the Buddha.

After colliding with Monkey King once, the Buddha had already figured out the strength of Monkey King.

In other words, Monkey King was in no way threatening in the eyes of Buddha.

"Really?" Monkey King got up from the ground, although his breath was unstable, his eyes were filled with smiles.

Seeing Monkey King's eyes, the Buddha suddenly felt something was wrong.

However, before the Buddha could respond, he said that the golden hoop that he was holding suddenly became extremely soft and turned into a rope to bind the Buddha.

The Buddha felt that the power in his body was imprisoned, and the golden cudgel shrank tighter.

"What?" The Buddha tried hard to open the Ruyi golden hoop, but the harder the Buddha, the tighter the golden hoop shrank, making the Buddha extremely uncomfortable.

"The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is a chaos artifact. If you can break it away, then we don't need to fight it. I just surrender."

Monkey King patted his hands, reattached the broken bones in his body, and flew in front of the Buddha. He watched the Buddha jokingly and said, "If you recognize the chaos artifacts of the Lord, you dare to grab casually. Should I say you are stupid or stupid?"

"The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is much harder to deal with than the Tightening Curse!"

"You!" Hearing Sun Wukong's ridicule, the Buddha's eyes were full of anger, and he once again mobilized the strength in his body to break the **** of the golden cudgel.

However, no matter how the Buddha struggled, it was useless.

"Next, it's time for revenge!" Monkey King was not worried that the Buddha could break free, his eyes were full of excitement, and he even stretched out his hands and squeezed the Buddha's face.

"Sun Wukong... You are too much."

"I'm... really angry!"

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