Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1231: I am the Great Sage

Yang Jian stared at the Monkey King who was bowing to Zhang Ziling, still a little dazed.

The cynical Monkey King would choose to actively follow others?

Although Sun Wukong wanted to follow the Devil Emperor, Yang Jian still felt a little illusory.

However, the facts were already in front of him, and Yang Jian couldn't help but believe it.

At this moment, Yang Jian's heart was full of shock.

Zhang Ziling looked at Monkey King calmly, without any response to Monkey King's words, and the whole person was extremely calm. .

Without a response from Zhang Ziling, Monkey King couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling curiously, with doubts in his eyes.

"The Devil?" Monkey King tentatively called Zhang Ziling, not understanding why Zhang Ziling did not respond immediately.

Zhang Ziling took a deep look at Monkey King, then smiled bitterly.

He almost fell in love.

To subdue the Monkey King?

"Fine, I didn't save you to subdue you, you don't have to follow me." Zhang Ziling turned away and waved his hand at Monkey King. "You are in my heart. You should have been the Huaguo Shanshui that was not afraid of that day. Lentong Monkey King, no one should restrain you in this world."

"If you follow me, then you will no longer be the Monkey King in my childhood."

Zhang Ziling walked far away on the land filled by the gods and soldiers.

Monkey King stared at Zhang Ziling's back in a daze. The words of Zhang Ziling made Monkey King feel very strange.

Monkey King always felt that something soft in his heart was touched.

"The Monkey King..." Monkey King stared blankly at his calloused hand, then his eyes became firm.

"My old grandson... is the Monkey King!"

Monkey King raised up to the sky and shouted, his voice blasted into the sky, the thick and thick clouds in the sky were blasted by Monkey King's voice, and the soft sunlight shone on the earth.

The monks on the edge of Nanzhou City looked at Sun Wukong's head up and shouting, their eyes moistened for no apparent reason.

For the Chinese monks, Monkey King is more than just a mythical figure.

Almost everyone's childhood, no matter how hard their practice is, there is a great Monkey King who has made trouble in the Heavenly Palace to accompany them.

When the monks saw Monkey King standing beside the Buddha indifferently, many monks were in a low mood and felt that something important was missing in their hearts.

But when they saw what Monkey King looked like now, they felt that the part they had lost...returned.

Hearing Monkey King's voice, Zhang Ziling had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't look back, just stepped on the soft ground under his feet.

Although the huge pit in Nanzhou City was big, it was hard to fill the huge pit with the all-out efforts of the gods and soldiers.

As for how people will use this wasteland in Nanzhou in the future, it is beyond Zhang Ziling's control.

Although the entire city of Nanzhou was destroyed, as a remedy, the soil brought out by the gods from the small world of Izanami contained a lot of magical power. No matter what people do on this land, they will be blessed by divine power.

Even if the wasteland of Nanzhou City is left alone in the future, flowers will soon bloom everywhere, with abundant spiritual power and become a fairyland on earth.

"Guys, we should set off." Zhang Ziling clapped his hands, and brought back the tired and paralyzed soldiers, and raised them with the power of the Great Emperor.

After completing such a huge project, Chu Yuan quit them obviously exhausted. After getting into Zhang Ziling's body, the gods and soldiers didn't even want to say much, and directly and unceremoniously absorbed Zhang Ziling's power.

Seeing the exhausted look of several **** soldiers, Zhang Ziling's eyes were full of distress, and he did not restrict them from absorbing their own strength, allowing them to absorb their own strength to their heart's content.

Although Zhang Ziling usually gave orders to treat his own magical soldiers, Zhang Ziling never treated them badly.

The gods and soldiers are quite clear about this, and this is also an important reason why they listen to Zhang Ziling's orders.

The reason why Zhang Ziling followed by the gods is not that Zhang Ziling is a supreme.

The **** soldiers have always believed that their masters will treat them kindly.

After putting away all the gods, Zhang Ziling also took a slight breath, then looked in the direction of the palace, his eyes flashing red.

Zhang Ziling originally came out to make a direct hit on the headquarters of the shrine, although there was an episode of the fate of the attack, but it would not hinder anything, now it can be directly crushed.

As for the direction of the destiny, Zhang Ziling also happened to find that he had dropped in with the shrine, which gave Zhang Ziling an unexpected surprise.

Heaven is there too.

"All of this should be over." Zhang Ziling muttered, his body slowly distorted and dissipated.

"Yang Jian, do you want to go back?" Monkey King asked after looking at the place where Zhang Ziling had disappeared, with his back facing Yang Jian.

"Me?" Yang Jian was puzzled.

"Yeah." Monkey King asked in a low voice, "From just now, although you haven't taken a shot, I found that you are not a bad person. Although Lord Devil did not agree with me to follow him, but... after I go back, I will definitely lead millions of demons against the palace, sweep the gods, and help Lord Demon Emperor."

"If you leave the shrine at this point, or follow me or go back to your Guanjiangkou, I will definitely not bother you. But if you continue to be obsessed and still want to help you become abusive, I will definitely not let you go." Monkey King A cold killing intent suddenly appeared in the body, causing Yang Jian to tremble.

"What's so good about Heaven? It's imprisoning your mother and obliterating your mind." Monkey King turned and looked at Yang Jian, with a faint smile and... a little sympathy in his eyes.

Seeing Monkey King's eyes, Yang Jian was stunned.

"I suppose that Emperor Vast Sky treats you like that destiny treats me, but your situation is obviously much better than mine. Usually you can always have your own ideas. How can you be like me? Doll."

Monkey King sighed and touched the golden hoop and said quietly, "You and I were both puppets, and now I was rescued by Lord Devil Emperor, I am naturally grateful to Lord Devil Emperor."

"Since I can't follow Lord Demon Emperor to repay my gratitude, I will naturally do my best to remove obstacles for Lord Demon Emperor, including you."

"Answer me now. Leave the temple, or fight with me." Monkey King said calmly, a sage's coercion filled his body and pressed towards Yang Jian.

Because there was no six-party locks around to isolate the pressure of the saints, the monks who were still around were also the first time to truly feel the terrifying pressure from the saints at close range.

Almost the moment when Monkey King released his coercion, the monks directly knelt down, completely out of breath, their faces flushed.

Under the powerful coercion of Monkey King, Yang Jian's body trembled slightly, his forehead and sky eyes gleamed with blue light, resisting the coercion of Monkey King.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became serious.

What Sun Wukong said before kept echoing in Yang Jian's mind.

They used to be puppets, so Yang Jian has always felt sorry for Monkey King, and generally regrets that Monkey King has become a fighting and defeating Buddha.

Now that Monkey King is free, he has found himself again, and he...will he choose to continue to be a puppet?

Choosing to return to the palace, is it to follow the heart, or is it afraid of Emperor Vast Sky?

Yang Jian suddenly became confused.

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