Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1232: To Kyoto!

Kyoto, Jingu headquarters.

The Great Emperor Haotian sat on the gilt and precious jade throne, looking into the distance with a gloomy expression.

That is the direction of Nanzhou City.

The Great Emperor Haotian thought that the Devil Emperor was dead, and even planned to hold a celebration banquet.

"The Devil..." Great Emperor Vast Sky whispered, his voice extremely gloomy, and a terrifying aura pervaded the hall, making the hall space very distorted.

The entire Kyoto has become extremely depressed, the pressure of the shrine is far greater than before, and even many weak people are overwhelmed by the power of the gods. Only by lying on the ground can they barely be able to support themselves, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Even the gods in the shrine were full of worries at this moment.

They could no longer feel the breath of Buddha.

Such a result is obviously extremely bad for the gods.

"Emperor Vast Sky, can this... how is it good?" In the main hall, the Supreme Old Monarch looked at Emperor Vast Sky on the throne anxiously, and asked slightly.

They originally sent Monkey King to test the Devil Emperor, hoping to grasp the power of the Devil Emperor. But nowadays, not only the power of the Devil Emperor is not clear, but also Sun Wukong and Buddha have entered. This is a devastating blow to the shrine.

Since the return of the Devil Emperor, the forces of rebel forces around the world have been growing, let alone the loss of four saints in the Guangguang Shrine, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Shrine.

You must know that the saints are not cannon fodder, each of them is a strategic weapon for the shrine, extremely powerful.

Losing one will make the Palace of Gods wounds and bones. The God Court alliance has almost collapsed, and now it has lost four consecutively in a short period of time. Such a terrible number...Even the Great Emperor Vast Sky is extremely shocked.

Seeing that Emperor Vast Sky did not answer to himself, the worry in his eyes became more intense, and he continued to report to Emperor Vast Sky: "Emperor Vast Sky, now that both Zeus and Odin have begun to shrink, they seem to want Surrender to the demon army. The major gods without saints are now beginning to waver, want to leave the temple, and collectively fall into the devil."

Another bad news hit, Great Emperor Vast Sky frowned tighter, his palms clenched tightly.

A dignified fairy, scared by a mortal to go to the devil to save his life, what kind of style is this?

"I see, you go down first." Great Emperor Haotian sighed heavily, and then said to Lao Jun.

Seeing how the Great Emperor Haotian looked like this, Taishang Laojun couldn't help but shook his head, but he didn't say anything and left slowly.

After Taishang Laojun left the hall, the eyes of Emperor Haotian suddenly became dark, a ray of red light flashed from his eyes, his worried face gradually disappeared, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his expression was extremely strange.

"Hey! You are really a trash. Every creature in the lower realm must be afraid. It's better to hand over the body to me and let me solve it for you."

Emperor Vast Sky's temperament changed drastically, Jie Jie smiled, and then the space around Emperor Vast Sky twisted for a while and sucked him in.

The hall suddenly became empty.

Taishang Laojun who walked outside the hall suddenly stopped, turned and looked at the empty hall behind him with a complicated expression.

Laojun Taishang didn't seem to notice the change of Emperor Vast Sky.

"Oh... the secret of heaven is closed, the way of heaven is impermanent, what is the future?"

Taishang Laojun sighed and shook his head, and staggered out of the temple.

In fact, there is still one piece of news from Taishang Laojun that has not been reported to Emperor Vast Sky.

His hexagram shows...

The devil has already arrived in Kyoto.

"Is that the shrine? Really magnificent!" Zhang Ziling stood on the streets of Kyoto and looked up at the shrine suspended above Kyoto, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but the murderous intent in his eyes. It completely changed the world!"

"Although there are many gods scattered all over the world, but... with the quantity and quality of the gods in it, sacrifice them all, it should be able to reshape the soul of Tianqi for Xiaoyou." Zhang Ziling said in his mouth, thinking of being evil. The poor girl created by Wushuang.

He was born as a shadow of Zi You, but he was not recognized until he died.

At that time, Zhang Ziling could only watch Zhang Xiaoyou fall in his arms, letting Xie Wushuang calculate himself in front of him...

Zhang Ziling still remembers the anger at that time.

"Xie Wushuang... Regardless of whether this shrine is a product of your power, as long as I find the origin of the space avenue and the two supreme law origins are in my hands, I can lure the rest of the avenue origin into my hands."

"You had better not neglect this. The time law and its branch law origins in the Three Thousand Avenues have all been taken away by you. If I find one of them..."

Zhang Ziling's eyes were filled with killing intent, and the momentum was even greater.

"You don't need to play this game of chess!"

Collecting the origins of the Three Thousand Avenues, Zhang Ziling actually didn't think about what would happen, but Zhang Ziling faintly felt that gathering the origins of the Three Thousand Avenues was the key to uncovering the ultimate secrets of this world.

And if Zhang Ziling finds the origin of the Dao law related to time, after Zhang Ziling returns to the Xuanxiao Continent, he can use that law origin to forcefully comprehend the Time Dao.

At that time, regardless of the time rule, Zhang Ziling will be able to control the time forcibly, and then find Xie Wushuang!

"Fine, let the principle of the Great Dao aside for the time being, the most important thing at the moment is to overthrow the rule of the shrine." Zhang Ziling actually sat down directly on the street, thinking about how to break the shrine in one fell swoop.

From Zhang Ziling's point of view, it was easy to destroy the Shrine Headquarters, and now Zhang Ziling can destroy it in one shot.

However, Zhang Ziling's purpose is not only to destroy the Shrine Headquarters, he also needs to get rid of the gods rooted all over the world.

Obviously, it is impossible for Zhang Ziling to run around the world to hunt down the gods. That would not only waste time, but also be extremely inefficient. Zhang Ziling obviously didn't have so much time to do those things.

Zhang Ziling now wants to borrow the power of monks from all over the world and let them eradicate the gods.

However, in the cultivation world, only a few people are strong enough to kill the gods, and other monks can only be regarded as cannon fodder in front of the gods. If Zhang Ziling blindly encourages the monks to rebel, I am afraid that the gods will kill them.

So what Zhang Ziling wanted was to temporarily distribute his power to the monks around the world, so that they could temporarily have the power to slaughter the gods.

This is not impossible for Zhang Ziling. Now the master of Xuan Pavilion of the Shadow Gate still uses Zhang Ziling's power to control the Xuan Pavilion and the Earth Pavilion of the Shadow Gate on the earth.

With several sources of law and the power of Zhang Ziling himself, it is still possible to distribute the power to the world, but the process will be very troublesome, and how to accurately give power to the monks is also a big problem.

If it were to spread aimlessly, then the gods of the shrine would also get his power, and Zhang Ziling's distribution of power would be meaningless.

Zhang Ziling would be much easier if he was helped by the power of the Dao of Heaven. After all, the Dao of Heaven is in charge of the existence of all things. It is the basic duty of the Dao of Heaven to accurately locate all the creatures in the world.

"Should I go to trouble with Heaven first, or razing this shrine headquarters first? This is really a difficult choice." Zhang Ziling sat on the ground, supporting his chin with one hand, seeming to hesitate.

Both options have pros and cons, and Zhang Ziling can't weigh them for a while.

"Hey! You guy, what are you doing sneakily sitting here?"

When Zhang Ziling was struggling, the heaven soldiers patrolling in Kyoto found Zhang Ziling sitting on the street and shouted directly to Zhang Ziling.

Hearing the reprimand of the heavenly soldiers, Zhang Ziling raised his eyes and looked up, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Sure enough, I still like others to make choices for me..."

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