Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1233: Provoked the great god

"Hey! What about you! Why are you sitting there sneakily?" The two heavenly soldiers stepped forward to Zhang Ziling with their spears, shouting sternly.

Now is the critical period for the shrine. The whole city of Kyoto is under martial law. When the heavenly soldiers see anyone who behaves strangely, they will come forward and interrogate them. If the circumstances are serious, they can even kill them without reason.

In the eyes of the heavenly soldiers, the current Zhang Ziling is a person with weird behavior that can be killed.

When the passers-by saw the heavenly soldiers coming, they all hid away for fear of getting into trouble.

In the past two days, people everywhere talked about the return of the nine emperors, and then all of Kyoto went under martial law. Many ordinary people were panicked and felt that something would happen.

For ordinary people in Kyoto, their information is completely isolated from the outside world. There is no news about the Nanzhou City incident that has caused a lot of noise in the world.

It's just that there are occasions in the population who are chanting the Nine Emperors, except that the monks will be very excited and then keep silent, most of the ordinary people are confused.

Who is the Nine Emperors?

Many people in Kyoto don't understand, but vaguely feel that the nine emperors who can make Kyoto martial law are a powerful figure.

Before many passers-by had seen Zhang Ziling sitting on the ground, they all felt that Zhang Ziling's behavior was very strange, and they did not dare to come close, but dared to observe secretly from a distance.

When the soldiers of the day came, a group of ordinary people sighed secretly and looked at Zhang Ziling with some sympathy.

You know, the heavenly soldiers treat their mortals without mercy at all.

The lives of ordinary people today are really similar to those of grass.

It is precisely because of this that many frantic dudes have converged a lot now, for fear that someday they will provoke people who have a relationship with God, and they will eventually be stabbed to death and no one will collect their bodies.

Of course, some people sympathize with Zhang Ziling while others mock Zhang Ziling.

Obviously knowing that this is the world of gods, and dare to stand alone in the large courtyard of Kyoto here, it is completely an act of death.

Many people happily watched the stranger die. When the soldiers of the day came forward to question Zhang Ziling, they all began to gloat, and the smile in their eyes could not be concealed.

Zhang Ziling and Tianbing didn't care much about the thoughts of ordinary people around.

Now what the heavenly soldiers are thinking about is how to concoct this presumptuous mortal, but what Zhang Ziling is how to concoct the entire shrine headquarters.

In Zhang Ziling's view, the words of bombarding the shrine were not very shocking, nor could it completely arouse the blood of the monks.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling decided to plan a gorgeous and shocking funeral for the shrine.

Obviously, the two heavenly soldiers who came to question Zhang Ziling had not realized that their actions had accelerated the demise of the shrine.

They could have lived for a while.

"It's a pity... life is like this, maybe it's just such a small butterfly flapping its wings, and it stirred up a storm that can destroy the entire shrine." Zhang Ziling looked at the two heavenly soldiers and said with a smile.

"What are you lunatic talking nonsense?" The two heavenly soldiers frowned and looked at Zhang Ziling impatiently, not understanding what Zhang Ziling was talking about.

"Get up quickly, otherwise I will be welcome!" A heavenly soldier seemed impatient and drank directly to Zhang Ziling, and raised his spear in his hand, preparing to attack Zhang Ziling.

Just a mortal, kill it if you kill it.

"Why do you want to die in such a hurry?" Zhang Ziling shook his head and said lightly.

As soon as Zhang Ziling said this sentence, a turbulent wave was immediately set off around him. Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, thinking that Zhang Ziling was completely crazy.

How dare he? How dare to talk to Lord God like this!

It's dying!

Many ordinary people even covered their faces and fled the scene because they didn't want to see the next murder scene.

Provoking the Lord God is tantamount to seeking death.

"you wanna die!"

After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the faces of the two heavenly soldiers suddenly became pig liver-colored with anger, and directly raised the spears in their hands, and stabbed Zhang Ziling without hesitation.

They must teach this mortal who doesn't know how high the earth is!

Seeing the two celestial spears stab Zhang Ziling, the surrounding ordinary people all screamed, thinking that they would see a **** picture next.

However, Zhang Ziling was not as flustered as everyone thought. Zhang Ziling just sat on the ground with a smile, watching the stabbing spear.

too weak.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, but his fingers moved slightly.


Two crisp sounds sounded, and the spears in the hands of the two heavenly soldiers broke instantly.

Cang Dang!

As the gun blade fell to the ground, there was deathly silence all around.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe the scene at the scene.

Lord God's weapon...broken?


Everyone swallowed fiercely, and their bodies began to tremble violently.

"Good, terrible!"

"This, this..." The two heavenly soldiers looked at Zhang Ziling in horror, and slowly backed away, and even one of the heavenly soldiers accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

The mortal monk, but no one can destroy their magic weapon with a single finger.

At this time, the two heavenly soldiers finally realized that they seemed to provoke a certain great **** over and over.


Without any hesitation, the celestial soldier who was still standing knelt down directly at Zhang Ziling, threw the broken spear in his hand aside, and begged for mercy in a panic: "The great **** has mercy, the little one has eyes but doesn’t know Mount Tai. He offended the big god, please. Great God forgive me!"

Another heavenly soldier who fell to the ground quickly climbed to Zhang Ziling and knelt down, kowtow frantically for mercy.

There are also many powerful gods in the shrines who like to travel around the world, and they behave eclectically, not caring about other people's ideas.

Obviously, the two heavenly soldiers regarded Zhang Ziling as some great **** in the temple, and they just happened to meditate on the street.

Now the hearts of the two heavenly soldiers are shouting bad luck.

The actions of the two heavenly soldiers made the people around them even more frightened. Those who had ridiculed Zhang Ziling in a whisper before were even more frightened, worried that Zhang Ziling would come back to trouble them.

No one thought that things would develop into this way.

Zhang Ziling looked at the two heavenly soldiers kneeling on the ground, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

In the joke, there is also a murderous intent.

Zhang Ziling came to razing the shrine, if two heavenly soldiers kneel down and Zhang Ziling will let them go... I am afraid this shrine will not be destroyed.

In Zhang Ziling's palm, a ball of pitch-black energy began to surge.

"You two, what are you doing there?"

Just as Zhang Ziling was about to do it, a roar came from a distance again, attracting everyone's attention.

When Zhang Ziling heard about his reputation, he saw a three-meter-tall **** stepping forward, aggressively.

Seeing the **** rushing over, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly and his eyes narrowed.

"Here is another one to give a head..."

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