Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1234: To play, must be grand

Zhang Ziling looked at the big **** who rushed over, narrowed his eyes, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am the giant spirit **** who guards the South Tianmen, who are you?" The giant spirit **** looked at Zhang Ziling and shouted, his voice was dull, and it exploded around, and everyone's eardrums hurt.

"A rough man, he speaks so gentle!" Zhang Ziling smiled, mocking the Giant Spirit God, "What are you pretending?"

"Bold!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the giant spirit **** was directly angry, and summoned his giant hammer to hit Zhang Ziling.

The two heaven soldiers kneeling in front of Zhang Ziling also quickly turned to the giant spirit god, kowtow to the giant spirit **** in a panic.

The giant spirit **** is their immediate boss, and the heavenly soldiers are very afraid of this tall warrior.

"Lord Giant Spirit God, this is a great **** who wanders the world. It is the little ones who have eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai, and provokes the Great God. It has nothing to do with the Great God." The two heavenly soldiers hurriedly explained to the Giant Spirit God for fear of misunderstanding by the Giant Spirit God. .

"Are you a god?" Hearing the words of the Heavenly Soldier, the Giant Spirit God looked at Zhang Ziling with some suspicion, "Dare to ask where you are? Why haven't I seen you in the Heavenly Court?"

The Giant Spirit God thought he had a good memory, and none of the gods he had ever forgot. The Giant Spirit God dare to say that he knows all the gods in the Heavenly Court, but the Giant Spirit God has no impression of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling just smiled for the question of the giant spirit god, but did not explain.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't answer his question, the giant spirit **** frowned, and he became malicious towards Zhang Ziling.

Whether Zhang Ziling is a **** or not, his attitude has made the Giant Spirit God very angry.

"Does that person even dare to provoke the Giant Spirit God?" When the people around saw Zhang Ziling beat the Heavenly Soldier to his knees, the attitude towards the Giant Spirit God was so bad now that everyone had no idea what Zhang Ziling wanted to do.

The two heavenly soldiers were also shivering now, whether it was Zhang Ziling or the Giant Spirit God, they could not provoke them, and now they knelt on the ground and did not dare to interrupt, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"You guy, really are the spies of the rebel army? Okay! They all infiltrated Kyoto!"

Zhang Ziling did not answer the giant spirit **** for a long time, and the giant spirit **** also directly defined Zhang Ziling as a spy among the human monk rebels, and prepared to smash Zhang Ziling into meat pie with a hammer.

When the two kneeling heaven soldiers saw that the Giant Spirit God was at odds with each other, they would take action. They were so frightened that they wanted to flee here immediately.

The battlefield of the two great gods is not something that small soldiers like them can participate in.

"A spy?" Zhang Ziling smiled when he heard the words of the giant spirit god, but did not deny it.

"Even if I'm a spy, what can you do to me?" Zhang Ziling provoked the Giant Spirit God, and did not put the Giant Spirit God in his eyes at all.

"What are you? You are so bold!" As soon as Zhang Ziling said, the anger in the heart of the giant spirit **** could no longer be suppressed, and he directly carried the giant hammer to Zhang Ziling.

The giant hammer of the giant spirit **** carried a terrifying divine power, and the violent power spread to the surroundings. The people around were all blown out by the wind swayed by the giant spirit god, and even many ordinary people fell into pieces. Seriously injured.

Even the monks dared not approach the battle of the gods, but a group of ordinary people still dared to watch here, it was strange that they could bear it.

Those who were lucky and were not injured also knew how powerful the Giant Spirit God was, and they dared not continue to join in the fun around, and hurriedly fled outside.

Zhang Ziling watched the giant spirit god's giant hammer hit, and didn't have any intention of avoiding it, but stood upright in place, seeming to decide to resist the giant spirit god's hammer.

"Arrogant!" Seeing that Zhang Ziling was not evasive, the great spirit god's anger in his eyes became more intense, increasing his power output, and he must smash Zhang Ziling into fleshy flesh!

Even the two heavenly soldiers closed their eyes subconsciously, not wanting to see the next picture.

Zhang Ziling is really too arrogant. It is completely crazy to want to use his body to receive the giant hammer of the giant spirit **** who is known for his power!

You are not a saint, dare to be so mad?


The taunting thoughts flashed through the hearts of the two heavenly soldiers, when they heard the sound of the hammer bursting.

The two heavenly soldiers stared blankly at the explosion of the giant spirit god's weapon, and their brains instantly became blank.

That person... actually broke the giant spirit god's weapon directly with his body?

You know, the giant spirit god's weapon is made of **** gold, even the chaos artifact can resist a few times, but now?

He He……

As soon as they thought of this, the two heavenly soldiers began to tremble violently.

Is he a saint?

The thought of this made the two heavenly soldiers weaken, and their hearts were filled with fear.

The giant spirit **** looked at his smashing hammer, his brain was blank.

A person who can crush his own weapon with his body... The Giant Spirit God has now realized that he seems to have caused a catastrophe.

Cang Dang!

The broken handle in the hand of the giant spirit **** slipped from his hand, and his legs became weak.

"Great God, be forgiving..." The Giant Spirit God knelt before Zhang Ziling, trembling begging for mercy, completely devoid of fighting spirit.

With that blow just now, the Giant Spirit God realized the strength gap between himself and Zhang Ziling.

He is definitely a saint!

He spoke rudely to a saint and smashed it with a sledgehammer?

Just thinking about it, the giant spirit felt cold all over.

If the saint wants to kill himself, it is a matter of moving his fingers.

Zhang Ziling looked at the three people kneeling in front of him, and couldn't help but yawned, and said casually: "It's really boring, I thought I would get some appetizers before dinner."

"The result is such a commodity."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the eyes of the three giant spirit gods couldn't help but wonder, they all looked at Zhang Ziling cautiously, not understanding what Zhang Ziling meant.

"It seems that you still don't realize my identity." Zhang Ziling looked at the three giant spirit gods and said softly, a powerful pressure filled Zhang Ziling's body.

Feeling the power of the saint, the giant spirit **** paled even more scared, almost did not pee.

"I don't know where the great god... is he sanctified?" The giant spirit **** summoned up the courage to ask Zhang Ziling.

The giant spirit wanted to know Zhang Ziling's preferences, and then followed Zhang Ziling's preferences to please Zhang Ziling, so as to let Zhang Ziling let him go.

Zhang Ziling did not choose to answer the question of the giant spirit god, but began to envelop the dark magic energy around him, with black chains condensing around him.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's current appearance, the giant spirit god's pale face showed infinite fear again, and his whole body became weak.

"you you……"

The giant spirit **** slumped to the ground and kept moving back, completely unable to believe what he saw.

This pure to the extreme devil energy, and the dark chains... it is exactly the same as the devil emperor in the rumors!

"The Devil!!!"

The giant spirit **** screamed, never expecting that he would encounter such a demon **** in Kyoto.

Thinking of the possible consequences of the Devil Emperor's appearance in Kyoto, the Giant Spirit God panicked.

The Giant Spirit God no longer dared to stay where he was, and regardless of whether Zhang Ziling was a saint or not, he quickly got up and fled away like crazy.

The monster that can kill the saint, the demon that scared the entire shrine, how can a small **** like him face it!

The giant spirit **** ran away, but the two heavenly soldiers stayed in place.

It's not that they didn't want to run, but after hearing the scream of the giant spirit god, the two heavenly soldiers had completely fainted.

The giant spirit panicked and couldn't choose his way, crashing several tall buildings again and again, and at the same time shouted loudly: "The Devil Emperor is coming!!!"

The voice of the giant spirit **** echoed in the sky, alarming many fairy gods.

For a time, the heavens and gods flew in the sky, glowing in all directions.

Zhang Ziling heard the roar of the giant spirit god, and looked at the fairy god, the smile in his eyes grew thicker.

That's it...

His appearance must be grand.

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