Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1235: Tota Lee

The endless divine power was permeating the sky, and the people in Kyoto looked at the sky in horror. No one knew what happened.

However, many people heard the cry of the giant spirit god.

Devil? Who the **** is it?

Many ordinary people have such questions in their hearts, and they are completely unable to understand what kind of existence is in order to make so many immortals and gods in the shrine look like enemies.

This is the first time that people have seen such a magnificent scene five years ago.

Seeing the nervousness of the gods in the sky, people felt terrified and felt even more powerful.

It seems that they want to witness a certain historical moment.

"The Devil? Where is it?" A **** saw the giant spirit **** hurriedly running away on the street, and quickly fell in front of the giant spirit god, and asked loudly to the giant spirit god.

If the Devil Emperor really arrives in Kyoto, the gods don't need to think about what purpose the Devil Emperor is holding.

For a time, many gods became inexplicably nervous, hoping that the giant spirit **** would have hallucinations.

Otherwise, there is likely to be a big battle next.

The giant spirit **** gasped heavily, his face was full of fear, and his mouth kept roaring: "The Devil Emperor! It is the Devil Emperor! He is here..."

"Don't panic. Speak slowly. There are many saints in our shrine. Even if the Devil Emperor comes, he will definitely not be pleased!" There was a spirit calming the Giant Spirit God, letting the Giant Spirit God speak slowly.

"Yes, there are so many people here, one person can drown the Devil Emperor with a single mouthful, don't be afraid!"

"So far, all the power of the God Realm has been gathered together, the Devil Emperor is just one person, and he will only die if he comes!"

The gods said with one word, everyone's morale is also rising, and they have the momentum to personally behead the Devil Emperor.

After all, Kyoto is the place where the power of the entire shrine is the most concentrated and powerful. Even if the Devil Emperor is killed, the immortals are very nervous, but no **** will think that their shrine will be defeated.

No matter how strong the Devil Emperor is, he is just a person.

And they are full of gods!

God, how can you be afraid of people? Even if this person has the ability to kill God.

For a while, many gods surrounded the giant spirit god, which also made a lot of security in the giant spirit god's heart, and the color of fear on his face gradually faded.

Yes, there are immortals in the sky, even if the Devil Emperor is a saint... he dare not be so presumptuous.

Otherwise, the Devil Emperor will not come to Kyoto sneakily.

Obviously, the Devil Emperor was still afraid of their siege.

Thinking of this, the giant spirit **** also became more relaxed, with a rare smile on his face.

It must be so!

"Everyone, hurry up and report to the saints. I found that the Devil Emperor has arrived in Kyoto and asked the saints to take action to suppress the evil barrier!" After the giant spirit **** breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly said to the gods.

Without further ado, this matter must be known as soon as possible by the high level of the palace.

However, as soon as the giant spirit myth was finished, I found that all the gods had dull expressions, and there was fear in their eyes.

"Everyone?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the giant spirit god, and he didn't understand why the gods suddenly appeared such expressions.

Didn’t you still talk and laugh just now?

"Everyone, don't procrastinate anymore. Although the devil emperor's servant is a person, it is a disaster after all, everyone should go back and report it!" The giant spirit **** did not turn his head for a while and urged the gods again.

After all, the Devil Emperor was able to destroy the giant hammer made by his divine gold with his body alone, and his strength was definitely a saint.

No matter how they are, they cannot be underestimated.

However, the celestial gods still did not respond to the words of the giant spirit god.

"Friends of immortals?" The Giant Spirit God finally realized that something was wrong, frowned and asked the gods again.

"You, behind you..."

Finally, there was a **** with trembling hands, pointing at the back of the giant spirit **** and speaking with a trembling, sweating profusely.

Hearing the words of the god, the giant spirit **** suddenly trembled, his hair standing on end.

"You have a lot of people." Zhang Ziling's voice rang from behind the giant spirit god, making the giant spirit god's legs soft, and he didn't dare to look back.

"Why don't I let you shoot first, let's play turn-based?"


The giant spirit **** swallowed fiercely, his body trembled, and he tremblingly said: "Magic, Lord Devil..."

When other gods saw Zhang Ziling suddenly appearing behind the giant spirit god, they were all taken aback. Now no **** has the courage to attack Zhang Ziling, and all of them slowly retreat.

The giant spirit **** watched the gods retreating, with despair in his eyes, and his heart kept roaring, hoping that a **** would help him.

Aren’t everyone still aggressive just now?

Why now...

Now the giant spirit **** felt that his feet were filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all. The giant spirit god's heartbeat was almost at its limit, and his body started to get hot.

Because of fear, the giant spirit **** began to numb.

Standing behind the giant spirit god, Zhang Ziling looked at the retreating gods, his eyes were full of jokes.

A faint devilish air began to diffuse around.

The other fairy gods in the sky also noticed Zhang Ziling at this time, and they fell around Zhang Ziling one after another.

For a time, tens of thousands of gods fell everywhere around Zhang Ziling, and the roofs of the surrounding high-rise buildings were full of gods.

Powerful divine power is permeating all around, and the gods seem to want to control Zhang Ziling's magic pressure back.

The aid of the gods made the gods who had surrounded the giant spirit gods a lot easier and accelerated their retreat.

Although there are many immortals around, if you get too close to the Devil Emperor, your life is still in danger.

It's better to stay away.

Soon, among the tens of thousands of gods and spirits, only Zhang Ziling and the giant spirit **** were left.

Looking at the countless gods around, the giant spirit **** didn't feel much joy.

Judging from the current situation, he is the hostage of the Devil Emperor. Once the two sides go to war, he will definitely die first!

The giant spirit **** doesn't want to die like this!

Think of a way!

The giant spirit **** became more and more panicked.

"The Devil, you are so brave, how dare you go to Kyoto alone!" A warlord holding a pagoda fell in front of Zhang Ziling, watching Zhang Ziling roar, "Today is your death date!"

"Li, Li Tianwang, save me!" The Giant Spirit God saw the warlord appear, and suddenly cried, watching the warlord cry for help.

"Trash!" Li Tianwang looked at the wimpy look of the Giant Spirit God, and a fierce stern flashed in his eyes.

You know, the gods around here are not all the gods of the heavens, all the gods of the big gods are watching here, the giant spirit gods now look like a waste, and they simply shame the face of the heavens!

Now Li Tianwang can't wait to kill the giant spirit **** directly.

"Tota Li Tian Wang?" Zhang Ziling looked at the warrior's dress, narrowed his eyes, and asked Li Tian Wang.

"The Devil, since you know my name, don’t you surrender quickly? There are tens of thousands of elite immortals here, the strong are everywhere, and there are hundreds of thousands of heaven soldiers from my heaven outside. All the Great God Court troops are on standby, you... today are inevitable!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had called out his name, Li Tianwang couldn't help but feel more emboldened, and directly challenged Zhang Ziling.

"You really are Li Jing! Not as famous as meeting... Now, you are far behind your son Nezha!"

Zhang Ziling looked at Li Jing and smiled lightly, Li Jing suddenly became anxious and flushed.

What he hates most is that someone pretends to him Nezha! Now that Nezha rebels, Li Jing hates Nezha even more.

When Zhang Ziling said that he was inferior to Nezha, Li Jing went away in an instant.

"Bold thief, die quickly!"

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