Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1239: Every god, don’t even want to leave alive

Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Jing fainted in the sky.

The dignified former Marshal fainted in front of the army. If the God's Court still exists later, I am afraid that the Heavenly Court's one hundred thousand army will completely become the laughing stock of the God Realm, and Li Jing will always be hung on the pillar of shame.

However, Zhang Ziling did not intend to let this happen.

After all, whether it was the heavenly court or the deities of all parties, after today, they no longer exist.

The bottom of the gods did cause a lot of trouble for Zhang Ziling, but correspondingly, Zhang Ziling could just give the gods in the shrine to a pot.

After Li Jingqi fainted, the 100,000 heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Court were completely confused, and many generals were unwilling to come forward to control the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and let them be chaotic.

If it were placed in the past, many days will naturally be willing to seize such a good opportunity, after all, this can make one's position in the heaven soaring, and from then on.

But now, no matter who replaced Li Jing's position, it meant that he had to confront the devil emperor and even fight the devil emperor.

Faced with the existence of a giant spirit **** who can kill a hundred times stronger in the ten-sided Hunyuan formation, no one dares to stand up.

They did not live impatiently.

In the current situation, whoever comes out to be a hero as a marshal is a fool. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is still a bit low-key and safe.

Without the heavenly generals, Li Jing had been in a coma, and the 100,000 heavenly soldiers had been completely messed up, and the noise was loud.

Zhang Ziling looked at the turbulent sky, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The combined power of one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers is indeed very powerful, and Zhang Ziling also has to admit that if he wants to take down one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, he has to use a considerable part of his strength.

After all, the quantity is there.

However, from the current point of view, Zhang Ziling only slaughtered the giant spirit god, and no general among the 100,000 heavenly soldiers dared to come out for a battle, and even the Marshal Li Jing who commanded the 100,000 heavenly soldiers fainted at this critical moment.

How Zhang Ziling looked at it, these 100,000 heavenly soldiers were all mobs, without any threat.

If the identity of these 100,000 heavenly soldiers were removed and they were given a normal mortal army body, I am afraid that even some of the more elite troops in the mortal world could easily crush the heavenly soldiers.

These 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers are just a bunch of straw bags.

"Perhaps because of the long-term slack. Although it is still possible to rise up a large formation, it has long since been unknown how to fight... The same number of troops, it is estimated that Lucifer brought the group of guys from the Demon Realm over and can bring this The so-called 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals will kill you."

Zhang Ziling looked at the turbulent heavenly soldiers in the sky, shaking his head and sighing, feeling very sorry for that.

The invincible legion, which is so good, was abandoned.

However, it is true that before Zhang Ziling returned to the earth, the Heavenly Court was a giant in the God Realm. There was no godly court who dared to provoke the Heavenly Court. Naturally, the heavenly soldiers and generals had no use for them, and they slackened for thousands of years. It's normal to be like this.

"I thought that one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers would give me some surprises, but now Li Jing becomes confused when he is unconscious, which really disappoints me."

Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, then took a step forward and slowly floated to the sky, surrounded by a dark magic energy.

"I don't even have the qualifications to make me happy. If so, there is no need to stay."

A huge aura radiated from Zhang Ziling's body and spread around Kyoto City.

All the gods who were preparing the magic circle were inspired by that strong aura, and they all looked at Zhang Ziling in horror, and the gods began to tremble slightly.

"Okay, such a powerful sense of oppression..." The gods' faces were covered with fear, and they stepped back subconsciously, filled with fear in their hearts.

All the saints also kept backing away at this moment, and were startled by Zhang Ziling's momentum.

It is too scary.

" the real strength of the Devil Emperor?" Judging from the aura exuded by Zhang Ziling, the sages deeply felt the gap between themselves and Zhang Ziling.

Although King Yuqing still closed his eyes tightly, his body began to tremble violently.

He could feel the strength of Zhang Ziling.

Suddenly, doubts appeared in King Yuqingzhen's heart. He was a little worried... If all the great formations of the gods from all sides were raised, could he defeat the Devil Emperor?

However, this situation is not at the mercy of King Jade Halal, the magic circle is almost open, and there is no turning back for the divine palace.

"Damn it! Fight it!" The King Yuqing clenched his fist fiercely, and began to run the supernatural power in his body at full speed, speeding up the activation of the magic circle.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the gods in the city of Kyoto. He was already in front of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers, facing the 100,000 heavenly soldiers alone.

The dark devilish air filled the surroundings.

People in the entire city of Kyoto can see Zhang Ziling in the sky.

When the monks saw Zhang Ziling's figure, their pupils shrank.

"That, that is..." A monk knelt down excitedly, tears in his eyes.

Master Nine Emperors is actually...

One person alone against the 100,000 heavenly soldiers of the shrine!

Seeing Zhang Ziling's back, the cultivators seemed to have thought of the invincible heroic posture of the Nine Emperors who pushed the superpowers horizontally.

Is it today... History is going to repeat itself?

The shrine today is no different from the number one superpower on earth.

Far surpassing the former Holy See.

With such an idea in the hearts of the monks, they gave up their plan to escape from Kyoto City, and found a place nearby to hide, observing Zhang Ziling in the sky.

Being able to witness this epic battle in person, the monks felt that even if they died, they would die well.

The 100,000 heavenly soldiers saw Zhang Ziling approaching them, and the heavenly soldiers felt pressured. Under Zhang Ziling's pressure, they kept retreating.

Still no war commander dared to stand up, and even the timid had fled to the back of the heavenly soldiers, ready to escape at any time.

Everyone is very clear that with the current situation of the heavenly soldiers, they have completely become a mob, and it is impossible to concentrate an attack.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in this state want to defeat the Devil Emperor... it's just a dream.

Instead of staying here to die, it is better to escape as soon as possible.

There are still many saints in Kyoto, and things at the saint level are left to the saints to solve.

This is the first time the heavenly generals feel so helpless, even if they are surrounded by 100,000 heavenly soldiers, they don't feel the slightest sense of security.

Zhang Ziling didn't care when he saw the warriors hiding behind the heavenly soldiers, only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"I'm sorry, I know you want to escape, but what I want to say is..."

Zhang Ziling opened his arms, and the magical energy permeating the space suddenly turned into a pitch black chain, blocking the entire sky.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers... are all locked in this sky.

The sky is full of demons, covering the sky.

"Today, all gods... don't even want to leave alive."

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