Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1240: Loki the tragic evil god

As soon as Zhang Ziling said this sentence, the whole of Kyoto boiled, and all the gods exploded.

What a big tone!

A stormy sea was set off among the gods, and all the gods looked at Zhang Ziling angrily, trembling with anger.


Devil Emperor, you are indeed powerful, but we are gods! And there are thousands of gods here! There are dozens of saints in Kyoto, and there are the supreme arrays of the great gods below, with unlimited power!

How can you break through? Dare to speak so wildly!

The gods were extremely angry, and Zhang Ziling's arrogant words completely aroused the anger of the gods, making the gods' anger at Zhang Ziling even overwhelmed their fear of Zhang Ziling.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't care about the insults and abuses of the gods, just stretched out his arms freely, letting the gods swear to the sky.

On Zhang Ziling's chest, Zhang Xiaoyou's Heavenly Abandoned Soul appeared, quietly suspended in the air.

"That's... Heavenly Abandoned Soul?" When a saint saw the remnant soul in front of Zhang Ziling, he instantly exclaimed, his eyes full of horror.

"The Devil! He wants to reshape the Heavenly Abandoned Soul!"

"Unreasonable, it turns out that the Devil Emperor planned to completely annihilate our God's Court from the beginning!"

After Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul appeared in the air, the saint completely exploded the pot.

In the realm of God, the legend of Tian Zihun has been circulating since the prehistoric period.

Once the soul of Tian Qi is broken, it cannot be reshaped at all unless it is irrigated with the blood of the gods.

Therefore, the soul of Tian Qi was also regarded by the gods as a filthy thing, once it appeared, it would be completely destroyed.

According to the historical records of the God Realm, the Kingdom of Odin in Northern Europe once appeared in the Kingdom of Heaven and Abandoned Soul. In order to reshape the soul of Heaven and Abandonment, a black dragon directly triggered the battle of the gods, and the Kingdom of Odin ushered in the dusk of the gods. As a result, the World Tree was broken, the nine kingdoms of God were broken, and countless gods fell.

In the end, the black dragon inhabiting the world tree was still slaughtered by the mighty powers under the interference of other gods, and the kingdom of Odin survived this disaster.

For example, Abandoned Soul reappears today, and the person who wants to reshape Heavenly Abandoned Soul is still a terrifying monster far surpassing that black dragon...

Even the saints saw Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul, so they were afraid of it.

Never let Tianqihun exist!

A sage suddenly made a decision in his heart, and bombarded Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul with lightning speed.

He wanted to take advantage of Zhang Ziling's carelessness to completely wipe out Tian Qihun!

"But it's really naive."

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and the saint's attack had not touched Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul, and he had directly changed the direction and rushed towards the saint.

The saint obviously didn't expect this situation, and without any preparation, he forced a full attack of his own.


A screaming howl resounded across the sky, and the saint became scorched, and finally fell under the gaze of the gods.

Zhang Ziling didn't even make a move, and a saint was seriously injured.

The saint of Olympus, the goddess of nature, Cloris saw the saint falling, and quickly took the saint over and began preparing for treatment.

At this critical moment, the combat power of any saint is extremely important!

For this, Cloris knew it well.

"You have to line up, one by one, you know?"

However, when Cloris was just waiting for the treatment of the saint, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Cloris' ears, causing Cloris's face to change greatly.

Zhang Ziling appeared in front of Cloris.

"The Devil!" Cloris was shocked when he saw Zhang Ziling so close to her, and accidentally threw the saint in front of him.

Zhang Ziling caught the saint who shot.

"Now what I have to deal with is the 100,000 heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Court, and you are still in the back... This guy wants to jump in the queue, and naturally has to pay the price. I think you should understand." Zhang Ziling grabbed the saint and looked around on guard. The sage raised his mouth slightly, and said lightly.

Dozens of saints stared at Zhang Ziling, but no one dared to take action.

"Wait here obediently, it will be your turn soon." Zhang Ziling smiled at Cloris, then grabbed the injured saint and disappeared in place.

After Zhang Ziling left, Cloris was still very frightened, standing still in the distance.

She watched Zhang Ziling take the saint away from him, but she couldn't resist.

The devil's coercion... is really terrifying.

"Clauris, are you okay?" Poseidon came to Klauris and quickly cared.

When the Devil Emperor suddenly appeared in front of Cloris, Poseidon, the sea god, had already rushed over as fast as he could.

"No, nothing..." Cloris shook his head with lingering fear, raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ziling who reappeared near Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul, a trace of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

"Poseidon, I think we...can't make it through."

Cloris whispered, causing Poseidon's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Let go, let me go! I am the evil **** Loki, if you do anything to me, the whole kingdom of God will never die with you!" The evil **** Loki struggled in Zhang Ziling's hands, and constantly threatened Zhang Ziling, "My brother is Lord God Odin!!!"

"Cthulhu? I don't like your name very much..." Hearing the words of the Cthulhu Loki, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed red, and his killing intent was even worse.

"Perhaps because of your divine position, Odin's divine kingdom...I have to consider putting it first." Zhang Ziling smiled, making the evil **** Loki tremble.

What a terrible expression!

"But, damn! What do you want to do to me?" Cthulhu Loki felt Zhang Ziling's cold killing intent, and his heart was quickly swallowed by fear, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Brother, save me!!!" Cthulhu Loki yelled out of loss.

"It's useless... shouting to break your throat, no one dares to rescue you." Zhang Ziling stroked the smooth cheeks of the evil **** Loki, the smile on the corners of his mouth became more weird, "Even Odin,"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's weird expression, the evil **** Loki cried out of fright.

The saints looked at Zhang Ziling and Loki, who was constantly struggling, and some wanted to go forward to rescue them, but when they thought that Loki was a saint in the kingdom of Odin, and now Odin has not come out, if they go up and give up their lives to save them, It would be a disadvantage.

This is a matter of other people's gods, so you still don't want to interfere.

The saints comforted themselves in this way.

It was precisely in the constant balance of interests, coupled with the fear and jealousy of Zhang Ziling, no saint offered a helping hand to the evil **** Loki.

Even the saint Cloris, who had just taken care of Loki, just stayed quietly with Poseidon at the moment, and did not dare to step forward.

Only after looking at Zhang Ziling, can we know how powerful Zhang Ziling is!

"You have to know... the word'evil', I hate it the most in my life." Zhang Ziling looked at the trembling Rocky whispered, "In the next life, before the sneak attack, change the position of God."

"Like...'Magic' or something."


Zhang Ziling's five fingers pierced into Loki's head, and Loki's screams resounded across the sky.

The mood of the saints fell to the bottom at this moment.


Even watching a saint, suffering!

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