Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1241: Shrine, doomed!

The wailing of the evil **** Loki reverberated in the entire sky, and the hearts of the gods trembled.

A group of saints clenched their fists and watched as the body of the evil **** Loki became dry and flat, his breath dropped rapidly, and the hearts of the saints were filled with infinite fear.

This Demon Emperor's method... so cruel!

This rude way of drawing life away would cause Rocky to suffer endless pain before his death.

"Loki's vitality is constantly withering and dying, I am afraid that it will not be long before Loki will die completely, even the soul will die!" Cloris saw Loki's current situation and couldn't help but exclaim.

As the goddess of nature, Cloris is very sensitive to life, and he is very clear about the current state of the evil **** Loki.

He definitely cannot live for another minute!

At the thought of this, Cloris was completely filled with fear!

Hearing what Cloris said, the expressions of the other saints also changed drastically, and a huge wave rose in their hearts.

Although all the saints know that the Devil Emperor has the ability to kill the saints, no one has seen the Devil Emperor kill the saints.

In the hearts of a group of saints, even if the Devil Emperor could break their immortal body, I am afraid it would have paid a very heavy price.

But from now on, the evil **** Loki was so vulnerable in front of the Devil Emperor.

Loki's voice gradually weakened, and his body was completely dry and cracked, and everything in his body was shattered by Zhang Ziling's power.

Cthulhu Loki, a saint-level powerhouse, was easily solved by the Devil Emperor with just one move.

The saints watched Loki's breath finally disappear, and there was a chill in their hearts.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, and Loki's death made all the saints feel a great sense of crisis.

There was even deathly silence in the city of Kyoto. Both people and gods looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky blankly, shaking slightly.

Now, no one thinks what Zhang Ziling said before is arrogant.

To kill a saint effortlessly, the gods finally understand...

Perhaps the devil can do it to ruin all the gods in Kyoto!

As soon as he thought of this, the bodies of the gods began to tremble, and they couldn't help themselves.

The Devil Emperor is... where did the monster come out!

As the Loki in Zhang Ziling's hand turned into powder and was blown away by the wind, the gods were able to recover, their faces full of panic.

"Help, help...who will help us?"

"Who can kill that monster? Sage, what should we do now?"

"How could... how could there be a monster like the Devil Emperor in this world? No! Why am I a god? If I were a Demon, it would be great, so that at least I won't face the Devil Emperor again."

The gods began to whisper and whine, and many gods retreated and dared not become an enemy of Zhang Ziling.

In a very short period of time, more than one-third of the gods in Kyoto were frightened, either fled outside of Kyoto, or abolished their **** status and fell into the magic way.

No matter what, as long as it is no longer the enemy of the Devil Emperor! They are willing to do everything.

Many gods have such thoughts in their hearts.

Suppress the coercion of the gods and make the gods collapse.

With the large-scale turmoil in Kyoto City, more than half of the magic circle in Kyoto City ceased operation in an instant. Many gods in important positions have collapsed, and there is no way to preside over the big formation.

Zhang Ziling's powerful strength has already caused invincible despair in the hearts of the gods.


After the collapse of the gods, the Jade King Jade King, who was at the center of all formations, was most directly attacked by the big formation. He spit out a mouthful of blood, his breath became extremely unstable, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"Jade Halal King!"

When all the saints saw the abnormal state of King Yuqingzhen, they directly exclaimed, wanting to go to rescue.

"Don't worry about me, everyone, go and greet the fairy gods of your own gods. In this situation, we can only kill the devil emperor with a desperate battle, and we must have the assistance of the major immortal formations!"

"Now our army is in chaos, and the gods have no intention of starting the formation. If this continues, the palace will be defeated!" King Yuqing yelled at the saints, urging them to forcefully suppress the gods of his own court.

"I need your help, and the gods of the major gods, I am afraid that only their own saints can stand up to stabilize their minds, so I ask everyone to do it, life is long!"

The scene where Zhang Ziling beheaded Loki was naturally seen by the King Jade Halal, but the King Jade Halal had to forcibly stabilize his mind due to the start of the large array just now, so he did not react excessively.

Now that the gods are defeated without a fight, although the Jade King is backlashed by the formation, most of the formation is abolished, but this also happens to allow the Jade King to spare time to arrange the battle for the gods.

There are too many ants to kill a giant elephant.

Colossal elephants can easily trample countless ants to death, not to mention that they are not extremely weak and numerous.

They are gods, the noblest existence in this world.

Encouraged by King Yuqing, the sages also temporarily put away their fear of the Devil Emperor, and began to fly to greet the gods of their own court.

In the current situation, everyone would die if they were not united.

Many saints came forward to appease, and many gods calmed down again, stood back to their positions, and started the big formation.

Except for the gods who were beheaded by the fallen demons by the saints, all the other immortals returned.

The King Yuqing also took out an elixir at this moment, glanced at it slightly with dismay, and then swallowed it directly.

After swallowing the elixir, the aura of King Yuqing instantly returned to its peak, full of energy.

After the restoration, the King Yuqing no longer hesitated, and re-hosted the battle for time!

In fact, after the gods calm down, they can understand that today...

Unless the Devil Emperor died here, they would never leave here alive!

The endless chains in the sky obviously blocked all their escape routes and forced them to fight.

Seeing that the gods regained their peace under the guidance of the saints from all sides, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile, but he did not intend to stop them.

After all, Zhang Ziling still wants to experience the power of the Kyoto City Great Array after the start, and then let the gods feel...

The deep lord.

Without taking care of the fairy gods below, Zhang Ziling set his gaze on the hundred thousand heavenly soldiers ahead.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers saw Zhang Ziling's sight on them, and they were agitated. Countless heavenly soldiers threw their helmets and armors and fled outside of Kyoto. Finally, they crashed into Zhang Ziling's black chains. After wailing, they turned into black mist and disappeared.

After Zhang Ziling easily killed a saint, the heavenly soldier was completely frightened by Zhang Ziling, completely devoid of fighting spirit.

The heavenly soldiers did not even dare to look at Zhang Ziling again!

Whether it is a heavenly soldier or a general, it completely collapsed at this moment and fled in all directions.

The saints of all sides have no time to control the collapse of the heavenly soldiers and generals, and do their best to guide their own gods and start the large array.

Because they know that at the moment when one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are destroyed, if the big formation has not yet risen...

Shrine, doomed!

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