Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1242: Defeated like a mountain

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers broke up and fled, forming a mighty flow of people in the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

In one world, heaven soldiers fleeing can be seen everywhere in Kyoto, and almost no heaven soldier is wearing armor and holding a halberd.

All the heavenly soldiers had panic on their faces.

The armor and weapons were too heavy, and the heavenly soldiers thought that the armor and weapons slowed down their speed, so they abandoned them all on the way to escape.

Really throw away your helmet and armor!

The monks hiding in the dark looked at the heavenly soldiers who were constantly fleeing, and their hearts were endlessly shocked, and their worship of the Nine Emperors could not be increased.

The cultivators couldn't imagine what kind of existence it was that, with just one person, could the 100,000 heavenly soldiers collapse?

The existence of the Nine Emperors has completely subverted the monks' understanding of the world.

Zhang Ziling stood alone in the void, watching the 100,000 heavenly soldiers flee, with a faint smile on his mouth.

The entire city of Kyoto has been sealed off by Zhang Ziling, and the heavenly soldiers cannot escape at all. Once they touch the black chain, they will be directly shaken away by the power of the magic law attached to the chain.

In this short period of time, thousands of heavenly soldiers had touched the chains because they were panicking and died.

Most of the other heaven soldiers who fled were staying on the edge of Kyoto City, not knowing how to escape, and were extremely frightened.

In the sky, only the four heavenly kings were guarding Li Jing who passed out, not knowing what to do.

After all, Li Jing is their boss. If the four heavenly kings leave Li Jing and run away like this, it will be impossible to justify.

However, the four heavenly kings didn't want to face the devil emperor. In this extremely tangled situation, the four heavenly kings passively stood beside Li Jing because of a moment of hesitation.

Heavenly soldiers and generals, escaped too fast.

"We are now..." The King Guangmu looked at the other three people, not knowing what to do.

"It seems that the four of you are quite courageous!"

At this time, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the ears of the four heavenly kings, causing the four of them to tremble, and their bodies instantly became rigid.

Zhang Ziling's voice instantly made the four heavenly kings fall into hell.

"Devil, Devil..." The Guangmu Heavenly King looked at Zhang Ziling with a wry smile, but his eyes were full of fear.

Looking at Zhang Ziling’s gentle smile, and thinking that Zhang Ziling had just brutally killed a saint, the King of Wide Eyes was uncomfortable, his legs trembled crazily, and the red dragon wrapped around his body was trembling with fear in his eyes. .

The other three are also better than Guangmu Uranus, their brains are blank.

From the moment Zhang Ziling spoke, the four heavenly kings were completely scared and paralyzed, and now they can still stand, relying entirely on hard support.

"The devil, Lord Devil, actually, I and we have no grievances. Our four brothers are wage earners who work for the Heavenly Court. They have a bite of food. They definitely don't mean to challenge Lord Devil!"

"The Lord Devil Emperor saw it just now. We also refused to ask Li Jing's servant to fight us. Lord Devil Emperor, you are so wise and martial, how dare our four brothers dare to oppose you?"

Up to now, the King of Guangmu didn't care whether Li Jing was the boss or not. It was important to save his life, so the King of Guangmu decisively sold Li Jing and wanted to take refuge in the Devil Emperor.

After all, the Devil Emperor easily killed a saint just now, and the pressure alone made the other dozens of saints unable to move. Such strength was enough to make the four heavenly kings abandon everything and surrender.

Shrine, there is absolutely nothing to do with the Devil!

Not to mention, behind the Devil Emperor, there is an entire Demon Realm and several great saints.

The army of the Devil Realm is now entrenched in the God Realm, and it may be killed at any time.

The power gap between the devil emperor and the divine palace, in the eyes of the king of Guangmu, is really too big.

Zhang Ziling looked at the smirk of the Emperor Guangmu and the Chilong who was wrapped around him, and couldn't help laughing out loud, which was quite interesting.

Surrender to save your life?

Seeing that Zhang Ziling's expression changed, and the Guangmu Heavenly King also secretly said something, he quickly motioned to the other three people with his eyes, and then the four great heavenly kings knelt down to Zhang Ziling at the same time.

"Master Demon Emperor Mingjian, I have been longing for the Demon Realm for a long time, and now I am deeply impressed by the charm of Master Demon Emperor.

Guangmu Heavenly King said shamelessly, directly defining Heavenly Court as a villain.

At this time, Li Jing also just woke up, and happened to hear the words of the Emperor Guangmu.

"You four beasts! How dare you betray the Heavenly Court!" Li Jing roared with anger, completely ignoring the surroundings, and just stood up and slapped the Guangmu Heavenly King with a palm.

The Guangmu Heavenly King was accidentally shot and flew out by Li Jing, and the Chilong on his body also wailed, apparently seriously injured.

"The four of you dare to surrender to the Demon Realm. It is a shame to the Heavenly Court. Today I will replace the Heavenly Court to eliminate the traitors!"

Li Jing drew out his own sword, and the violent divine power exploded from his body.

Zhang Ziling looked at Li Jing and the Four Heavenly Kings with interest, but had no intention of intervening.

The King of Broad Eyes, who was photographed by Li Jing, was afraid that Li Jing would make Zhang Ziling change his mind. He also froze, forcibly stabilizing his heart's blood and blood, and yelled at Li Jing: "Li Jing, you guys, don't say it shamelessly. Jealous and capable, blindly suppressing people who are better than you, even your own son Nezha, you are a beast!"

Nezha is now a general under the devil emperor's command. Through Nezha, the Emperor Guangmu scolded Li Jing, which could not only destroy Li Jing's mood, but also get the goodwill of the devil emperor. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Sure enough, when the Guangmu Heavenly King said Nezha, Li Jing went straight away, ignoring Zhang Ziling and the other three Heavenly Kings beside him, and directly killed the Guangmu Heavenly King.

"You are looking for death!" Li Jing gritted his teeth and growled, his eyes filled with killing intent.

Divine power swelled in the sky, but no one below cared.

All the gods were nervously preparing for the battle, and were not in the mood to watch Li Jing's performance.

Seeing Li Jing killed, the king of Guangmu suddenly changed his face. With his severely injured body, he couldn't stop Li Jing in his heyday!

"Three elder brothers, help me!" The king of Guangmu quickly yelled and asked the other three kings for help.

The king of holding the country, the king of growth, heard that the three of the kings heard the king's cry for help, and they did not hesitate to kill Li Jing directly.

Now they are four in one, and if they want to survive, they have to join the Devil Emperor.

And Li Jing's head is the best meeting ceremony!

"You three beasts, it's reversed!" Seeing the three heavenly kings came, Li Jing also had to withdraw from the attack of the Guangmu heavenly king and deal with the three heavenly kings with all his strength.

"Where are the hundred thousand heavenly soldiers? Quickly follow me to capture these four thieves!" Li Jing shouted loudly while fighting the three heavenly kings, summoning one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to open the ten-square mixed yuan formation.

Until now, Li Jing hadn't realized that... the 100,000 troops of the Heavenly Court had already collapsed.

The three heavenly kings who were fought with Li Jing couldn't help but laugh when they heard what Li Jing said, and their actions were even more vicious.

"Li Jing, the 100,000 heavenly soldiers are gone, who else can you tell us to capture us?" The Heavenly King Chiguo filled his ears with the magic sound of a pipa, mocking Li Jing frantically.

"Impossible! You thief, don't want to deceive the crowd!" Li Jing didn't believe what the Heavenly King of the Kingdom said, denying it harshly, swinging the sword more fiercely.

"Li Jing, since you don't believe it...but give it to me, take a good look."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Li Jing's ears, and everyone's fierce fighting stopped abruptly under Zhang Ziling's momentum.

Li Jing turned to look at Zhang Ziling, just about to scold him, and saw that the magical energy around Zhang Ziling spread quickly to the surroundings, covering the entire Kyoto.

Seeing the sight in front of him, Li Jing's pupils suddenly shrank.

"No, it's impossible..." Li Jing's throat moved slightly, and his body trembled slightly.

He saw...

The entire Kyoto, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, are all bound by black chains, pulling to the sky!

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