Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1248: despair

After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, King Yuqing was as if he had lost his soul. He didn't even want to repair his broken palm, and stood sluggishly in the void.

All the gods who had recovered their sanity in Kyoto City looked at the sky silently, feeling extremely complicated.

After the great formation rose, they completely lost consciousness, not knowing what happened during that period of time.

But when they regained their consciousness, they saw that most of the gods had become a corpse lying on the ground, and the large formation they built together disappeared completely. The Jade Halal King stood in despair before the Devil Emperor, completely There is no intention to fight.

The gods seemed to wake up after a sleep, and everything around them had changed.

The big formation that gave them hope is no longer there.

And what they saw was that they lost...

The Devil won, and won all of them.

The shrine will eventually be wiped out.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the gods gave birth to endless despair, and many gods appeared dead gray on their faces, kneeling on the ground in despair, their bodies trembling.

It's over, everything is over.

"I...I'm rubbish." The Yuqingzhen King muttered absentmindedly, and suddenly fell from the Great Realm, that is, from the peak to the bottom of the valley. Such a huge contrast made the Yuqingzhen King completely unable to accept the reality, almost crazy.

Seeing the desolate appearance of King Yuqing, Zhang Ziling knew that King Yuqing no longer threatened him.

Without going to Guan Yu's Halal King, Zhang Ziling flew to the high altitude of Kyoto City, overlooking the broken ground below Kyoto City.

The gods and the monks all stood together, looking up at Zhang Ziling in the sky, with a complicated expression.

Because of the eternal return to the market, the city of Kyoto has become a wilderness, and there is no obstacle in sight.

It was very desolate, and everyone only felt the yelling.


Everyone swallowed and their bodies trembled slightly.

The monks are excited, the gods are...



Does Zhang Ziling's voice reverberate in the sky? The demonic energy is surging like a surging river, the laws are manifested, and the avenues sound.

Very majestic.

The remaining two to three thousand gods in Kyoto City all looked at Zhang Ziling, with infinite fear in their eyes.

The figure of the Devil Emperor became extremely tall in the hearts of the gods, like a high mountain, overwhelming them to breathe.

This was the first time that the gods felt so desperate, with no hope of surviving at all.

In the entire God Realm, it was the first time that all the gods had such a large-scale alliance. All the gods worked together to resist the enemy, but they were killed by one person without any resistance.

They are not opponents at all.

This time it's real...

The gods at dusk.

"To this emperor, kneel down."

As the gods felt endless despair, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the ears of the gods.

A powerful pressure fell from the sky, pressing on the shoulders of the gods.

The coercion belonging to the great emperor caused the whole world to tremble.

Bang bang bang!

The gods couldn't resist Zhang Ziling's coercion at all, their legs were bent, and they knelt on the ground.

At the same time, in the deserted land of Kyoto, there was no **** standing.

The monks looked at the kneeling gods in a daze, and their minds were still a little dazed.

They didn't feel any pressure at all.

Zhang Ziling's precise control of his momentum shocked all the monks.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the monks who were sluggish in place, his eyes gradually becoming indifferent, and then with a wave of his hand, the endless magical energy swept across the land of Kyoto, rolling all the monks in Kyoto into the sky and throwing them into the distance.

People and gods stand together, and Zhang Ziling is also very troublesome to deal with.

Let's get rid of the monks first.

"The Devil!"

At this time, King Yuqing also turned around, shouting at Zhang Ziling, as if he was going to make a final counterattack.

"Go down and kneel." Zhang Ziling didn't turn around to look at King Yuqing, but just said something like that.

When the voice fell, King Jade Qingzhen felt a coercion that suffocated him. King Jade Qingzhen couldn't resist, he was suppressed directly from the air to the ground, and he knelt down.


A huge round pit was instantly formed around the Jade King Jade King, and the bones of the whole person were also constantly bursting, obviously being subjected to extremely terrifying squeezing force.

"Yes, damn... I dare to say that I'm a waste... No, unforgivable!" The King Yuqing knelt on the ground with a hideous expression. The power of the saint in his body was running wildly, and he wanted to burst out.

"Huh?" Zhang Ziling suddenly felt a slight change, couldn't help but glanced at King Yuqingzhen who was kneeling on the ground, but his expression remained calm.

"Ahhhhhhh! Devil! I, I...must kill you!!!" Yu Qingzhen shouted, his vocal cords torn, and the violent power of the saint surged out of his body, but was only compressed in a small area. within.

King Yuqing wanted to resist Zhang Ziling's coercion, but he was still too far away.

Seeing that there was no possibility of the Jade Muslim King struggling, Zhang Ziling did not care about the Jade Muslim King, and recruited Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul in front of him.

When the gods saw the Tian Qi Soul floating in front of the Devil Emperor, the fear in their eyes became more and more intense.

Tian Qishun, but it needs the blood of the gods to reshape it!

Thinking that he would be used as a sacrifice next, the consciousness of the gods was gradually swallowed by fear.

"Where are the saints? Come and save us?"

"Devil Emperor, you will be punished if you do this against the rules of heaven!"

"The Devil Emperor, you must die!"

The gods could not resist Zhang Ziling's coercion, they could only kneel on the ground or ask for help, or curse Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the gods' plea for help or cursing, he just made the final preparations for Zhang Xiaoyou's soul remodeling.

The **** who is still alive below is the object of Zhang Ziling's blood sacrifice.

In this regard, Zhang Ziling did not have the slightest sympathy in his heart, even though the gods wailed and the blood was overwhelming.

It's just a winner.

If Zhang Ziling loses today, I am afraid that the earth will be under the rule of the gods forever, and mankind can only be reduced to slaves.

Going big, this is a battle between races.

The battle between man and god.

Once, Xuanxiao Continent also had such battles before countless epochs.

The wind wailed, Zhang Ziling's devilish energy filled the surroundings, as if washing the souls of the gods.

The consciousness of all the gods began to blur, and their memory began to decline.

What Zhang Ziling wanted was pure blood and soul power.

Therefore, all impure things, including God's consciousness and divine power, will be eliminated by Zhang Ziling.

Kyoto has become extremely depressed.

The sky is dim, and the sun, moon and stars are not visible.

The temple still suspended in the sky, at this moment, only a very small part is left, and the rest are all gasified because of the Eternal Return to the Ruins.

The previous saints, in order to avoid the pressure of King Yuqing and Zhang Ziling, and at the same time, to better observe the battle between the two, all hid in the palace and never came out.

No matter how the gods prayed and wailed, no saint came out to save them.

No one responded.

"It's really a beautiful picture... The figure of the Devil Emperor is really fascinating!" Standing in the hall of the divine palace, Emperor Vast Sky obsessively looked at Zhang Ziling standing outside in the void, a breath of horror surged all over his body. .

In the hall, dozens of saints were already lying in a pool of blood, their bodies were torn apart, and their faces were full of pain.

Only the goddess of nature, Cloris, persisted with her strong vitality, dragging her body without a lower body, crawling hard in a pool of blood, seeming to want to escape from the shrine.

There was fear on her face.

At this time, fate blocked Cloris' path forward.

Cloris raised his eyes to look at the weird smile of Destiny, the color of fear in his eyes grew stronger.

"No, no matter what... The Devil Emperor, this world depends on..." Cloris had just transmitted the sound, but still had finished speaking, he was grabbed by the destiny and dragged to the depths of the palace.

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