Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1249: Skywrath


Zhang Ziling vaguely heard the voice of Cloris, and could not help turning his head to look in the direction of the shrine, only to find that the shrine was calm and no sound came out.

A thin shield shrouded the shrine, completely isolating the inside of the shrine from the outside world.

Even Zhang Ziling couldn't use Shenhun to investigate the situation inside the shrine.

But Zhang Ziling didn't care, he just needed to make sure that the people inside did not escape. For the rest, after Zhang Ziling solved the gods outside, he would go in and deal with all the saints in the temple.

Although Zhang Ziling can no longer shape the Heavenly Zhentian Demon for Zi You, with the physique of many saints on the earth, Zhang Ziling can also lay the foundation for Zhang Xiaoyou to build the Heavenly Zhentian Demon.

After all, the special vitality of those saints in the Shenting Court could not be preserved even by Zhang Ziling. If they were not dealt with, they would only be wasted.

In addition to this, Zhang Ziling had only to change his plan to cast the Heavenly Zhentian Demon for Zhang Xiaoyou.

Zhang Ziling's original purpose for Zhang Ziyou to shape the Tiantian Demon was to let Ziyou completely get rid of Xie Wushuang's control, and the remnants of Ziyou's missing soul would no longer threaten Ziyou.

Now that Zi You's people were taken away by Xie Wushuang, that Zhentian Demon had no meaning to Zi You.

If you want to continue to improve Zi You's strength, you can only wait for Zhang Ziling to find Zi You in the future, and after solving Xie Wushuang, he will personally tune Zi You to the Great Emperor Realm.

The loss of Tiantian Demon Body is not necessarily a bad thing for Zi You.

After all, Zhang Ziling had been hesitating before...How could his kind sister accept the magic way?

Even though Zi You became a half-devil under the influence of the Soul Eater Demon Sword, Zhang Ziling knew... Zi You had always refused her status as a demon.

"Fine, don't want to stop..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, pressing back into his heart the things that came out of his mind about Zi You, and focused all his attention on the reconstruction of Zhang Xiaoyou's remnant soul.

Zhang Xiaoyou's soul began to turn red at this moment, as magnificent as a gem, and the surrounding space seemed to be bloody.

The soul becomes an entity at this moment.

The magic energy above Kyoto turned into a chain, blocking the entire Kyoto, a scarlet formation centered on Zhang Ziling, spreading to the surroundings.

An array that is not as simple as the lines of the Eternal Return to the Ruins array takes shape in an instant, covering the entire sky.

Under the light of the formation, the earth became crystal clear, as bright as blood.

The gods, as if kneeling on a huge gem, were glowing red all over.

King Yuqing looked at the huge circle in the sky with shock in his eyes.

"This, this is..." King Yuqing began to tremble violently, his mouth trembled as he looked at the sky and couldn't help himself.

King Jade Qingzhen did not understand why the Devil Emperor was able to raise a large formation that was not weaker than the Eternal Return to the Market Formation in such a short period of time!

You should know that the Eternal Return to the Market Array is the top-level fusion of the gods from all sides, coupled with the assistance of dozens of saints, and thousands of immortals are the cornerstones of the supreme array that can be launched.

But why now?

King Yuqing couldn't believe what he saw.

Compared with the collapse of Yuyu Qingzhen King, Zhang Ziling's expression was calm to the extreme, and he didn't feel any excitement at the formation he had risen.

Although there are many evildoers on the earth, the foundation is still far behind compared to the Xuanxiao Continent.

The Eternal Return to the Market Formation in the Xuanxiao Continent can indeed be regarded as a top-level formation, and there are many more powerful arrays than the Eternal Return to the Market Formation.

As a recognized master of formation on the Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling also has countless formations in his hands. Among them, there are several formations that are stronger than the Great Formation of the Ancient Ruins. Zhang Ziling also has several formations that are suitable for the Great Emperor Realm. Zhang Ziling also has a not weak increase.

And the great formation that Zhang Ziling now rises is also the supreme formation that Zhang Ziling once learned from the ancient books brought out from the forbidden area...

Blood Amber Sacrifice Soul Array.

The rank of this formation has already reached the emperor rank, but it has only one function.

It is to refining all the creatures that have lost resistance, including the Great Emperor, into pure blood and soul energy in the formation, which can be used to increase their strength without limitation!

Judging from the current situation, the blood amber sacrifice soul formation is very suitable for the current large-scale blood sacrifice.

After all, it takes an extremely high price to reshape a soul that is hated by the world like Tian Qihun, even Zhang Ziling has to be cautious.

The chains gradually fell from the air, restraining the gods who were kneeling on the ground, draining all the divine power in their bodies, leaving nothing but blood.

A group of gods have never felt so weak as they do now, they don't even have the strength to lift their eyelids, they just want to fall asleep deeply.

Consciousness is getting blurred.

Even the King Yuqing felt weak, and the power of the saint in his body completely disappeared.

The icy chains are tied to the gods, constantly drawing their divine power.

What Zhang Ziling wanted was the blood and soul power of the gods, and all the other powers, no matter how precious, seemed to Zhang Ziling to be just impurities and needed to be erased.

The gods did not cry, and the entire Kyoto wilderness became extremely silent. The gods who had cursed or asked for help before all fell asleep.

This is Zhang Ziling's last kindness to them.

Before the gods died, they didn't feel any pain.

A little bit of fluorescent light fell from the sky, and Zhang Xiaoyou, dragged by Zhang Ziling’s power, was taken to the center of the Blood Amber Sacrifice Soul Array. The remnant soul was covered with bright red crystals, and Xiaoyou’s entire soul was wrapped in it, like a bright gem. .

The scarlet energy formed a storm in the sky, and the gods below were swept into the sky by the storm.

The circle began to move, Zhang Ziling controlled everything silently.

The bodies of the gods gradually became crystal clear, and the skeletal veins in their bodies could be clearly seen.

Their appearance is gradually disappearing, even the Jade Muslim King is no exception.

Zhang Ziling's black chains have turned into demonic energy and dissipated, and the gods were completely exposed in the blood amber sacrificial soul formation.

Today, the consciousness and divine power of the gods are all deprived, leaving only pure blood and spiritual power.

At the moment they were dragged up by the magic circle...

Gods are already dead.

The light red blood and light blue soul power escaped from the bodies of the gods, turning into light bands and rushing towards Zhang Xiaoyou, immersed in the red amber crystals, nourishing Xiaoyou's remnant soul.


Suddenly, the sky was full of thunder, thunderclouds condensed, and the thunder exploded.

Zhang Ziling calmly raised his eyes and looked at the thunderclouds in the sky without any surprise.

Heaven abandons the soul, which is intolerable by the heavens. If you want to reshape, you need to pay an extremely high price.

The sacrifice of the gods is only one.

Going against the sky is the second.

That thundercloud represents...

"The sky is angry."

Zhang Ziling whispered in his mouth, full of demonic energy, long dark hair fluttering in the wind.

"I did it, God... God... what can you do?"

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