Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1252: Destiny of Destiny

Tian Dao turned his back to Zhang Ziling, trembling all over his body, his face gloomy to the extreme.

Obviously, what Zhang Ziling did just now made Tian Dao completely angry.

But while Tiandao was angry, fear emerged in Tiandao's heart.

A strong and unruly person, and God has nothing to do with that person...

This is the most feared person of Heaven.

Everything in the world is in order, no rules will lead to chaos, and the final result of chaos is destruction.

Tiandao naturally does not want to be destroyed.

Therefore, he had to listen to Zhang Ziling's words.

Tian Dao closed his eyes tightly, his body trembled violently, and he was very resistant to doing what Zhang Ziling said.

However, Zhang Ziling did not slow down the speed at which he flew towards the temple, as if he had already decided that he would not hit the shield.

"The fellow." Tiandao said in a low voice, with helplessness and anger in his tone.

However, Heavenly Dao did not make any resistance, and in the end, according to Zhang Ziling's words, he withdrew the shield surrounding the shrine.

Heaven admitted that Zhang Ziling had already eaten him to death.

Seeing that the shield was removed, Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and he landed directly on the shrine and walked into the hall.

"Huh?" The Great Emperor Vast Sky, who was absorbing the power of many saints in the hall, found Zhang Ziling who had walked in, frowning slightly.

"How did you get in?" Great Emperor Haotian condensed his strength, looked at Zhang Ziling and asked.

"Just walked in." Zhang Ziling unceremoniously looked at the surrounding hall, as if he didn't feel the slightest surprise at the corpse of the saint in the same place.

In the end, Zhang Ziling's gaze fell on Tianming, causing Tianming's body to shake suddenly.

After the previous battle with the Devil Emperor, Destiny had long been awed by Zhang Ziling, and now Zhang Ziling had his sight on Destiny, Destiny was afraid to breathe, and the whole person was nervous to the limit.

"Oh, so you are here too!" Zhang Ziling saw the tense Destiny standing behind the Great Emperor Haotian, and couldn't help but smile, watching Destiny teasing.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Destiny was full of spirits, and subconsciously stepped back, looking at Zhang Ziling's eyes with horror.

After Tianming fled back from Nanzhou City to meet Tiandao, Tianming had realized that he was being used by the Demon Emperor.

I was able to escape completely because the Devil Emperor deliberately let him go, so that he could find the origin of the Heavenly Dao through him.

After thinking it through, Tianming also fully understood the horror of the Demon Emperor. When Tianming saw Zhang Ziling again, the fear in Tianming's heart was hooked up again.

Destiny's fear of the Devil Emperor has been deeply rooted in his heart.

Even if Destiny was strengthened by Heaven's Dao once again, Destiny still couldn't afford any courage when facing Zhang Ziling.

Tian Ming clearly knew that he faced the Devil Emperor... no matter how much he was strengthened, he would still be vulnerable.

Emperor Haotian glanced at Destiny, a gloom flashed through his eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with Destiny's performance.

The performance of the Mandate of Heaven made Emperor Vast Sky lose face.

"Destiny, I still need some time, you go to block the Demon Emperor." Without any consideration, Emperor Vast Sky was purely to vent his dissatisfaction with Destiny, and directly ordered Destiny to block Zhang Ziling.

Even after the Great Emperor Haotian, this order of his own is to let the destiny go directly to death.

However, as long as you are happy.

The Great Emperor Haotian didn't care about the life of Destiny at all.

Hearing what the Great Emperor Haotian said, Destiny was stunned, and asked him to block the Demon Emperor?


Destiny couldn’t believe it. He stammered and said to Emperor Vast Sky: "Emperor Hao, Vast Sky, I, I’m afraid..."

"Tian Dao has told you to completely obey my orders and serve me. Now that I have forgotten?" The Great Emperor Vast Sky said coldly, completely blocking the words of Destiny.

Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Haotian and Destiny with interest, and had no plans to make a move for the time being.

From now on, this Vast Sky Great Emperor is the strongest in the Divine Palace. All the saints in the entire Divine Palace were killed and absorbed by Vast Sky Great Emperor. Coupled with the help of Vast Sky Great Emperor, a large amount of accumulated in his body. The power of heaven.

The current Emperor Haotian is a real powerhouse.

Heavenly Dao piled so many resources into Emperor Vast Sky, obviously he was desperate, and put all his chips up.

If the Great Emperor Haotian had won Zhang Ziling, Dao would naturally win a big victory that day, and he would completely control the earth. No one in this world could threaten his status.

But if the Great Emperor Haotian failed...In addition to the fact that Zhang Ziling had known the origin of Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao had no idea how miserable his future destiny would be.

An unstoppable madman, Heaven did not dare to think about it.

This is a gamble, a gamble that God cannot afford to lose.

Now Tiandao was standing next to Zhang Xiaoyou, staring nervously at the situation inside the shrine.

Tian Dao really did what Zhang Ziling said, and took good care of Zhang Xiaoyou's Heavenly Abandoned Soul and guarded it.

After all, if the Great Emperor Haotian wins, Heavenly Dao can erase Zhang Xiaoyou's abandonment of soul at any time, and he is not in a hurry. But if the Great Emperor Vast Sky loses, if something happens to Zhang Xiaoyou now, I am afraid that what waits for Heaven's Dao next will be an extremely tragic fate.

After many weighings, Tiandao also found helplessly that it was the best choice to do what Zhang Ziling said.

Thinking that he was counted dead by the Devil Emperor, and the Evil Emperor was able to pull the Devil Emperor into his game, Tian Dao felt powerless in his heart.

My own third party seems to be the weakest existence.

Nowadays, is it so easy for human monks to count against the sky?

Tiandao's heart is extremely bitter.

Just when Tian Dao's mood was extremely complicated, Destiny was also ashamed because of the order of Emperor Vast Sky.

The Mandate of Heaven knew that with the current situation of Emperor Vast Sky and the power of the saints around, Emperor Vast Sky could swallow them all in an instant and complete his own evolution as long as he thought.

But now the Great Emperor Vast Sky uses this as a reason to let him stop the Devil Emperor...

In other words, the Great Emperor Vast Sky wanted him to send meaningless heads.

Destiny couldn't figure out where he had offended the Great Emperor Vast Sky. In the end, it turned out to be this fate.

However, even if the fate was unwilling in every possible way, he could not defy the order of the Great Emperor Vast Sky, and could only walk towards Zhang Ziling and confront Zhang Ziling.

This may be... the last time I was alive.

Tianming smiled bitterly in his heart, but had to face it, the aura in his body broke out completely, and the power of a powerful saint filled the hall.

Although Destiny was powerful, but Destiny had no confidence in his heart.

Because destiny knows that what I face...

It is the Devil Emperor.

The Mandate of Heaven looked directly at Zhang Ziling, and after taking a deep breath, his eyes gradually became decisive.

"Come on, Devil Emperor, let me...block you!"

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