Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1253: Heaven's helplessness

"Poor fellow." Zhang Ziling looked at the decisive destiny, but smiled softly.

Seeing Zhang Ziling facing herself with such a contemptuous attitude, Destiny suddenly turned red with anger and felt endless humiliation.

Anyway, he was once the leader of one of the five great gods, but now he is treated so contemptuously, even if Destiny knows that Zhang Ziling is powerful, Destiny cannot bear this humiliation.

"Devil Emperor, don't underestimate people! I am different from before!"

Destiny shot Zhang Ziling away, and the power of the saint blended with the power of heaven, entwining the destiny and tearing the surrounding space.

The destiny now is several times stronger than when he pretended to be Buddha before!

"Is it because of the increase in the power of the Dao of Heaven?" Zhang Ziling whispered to himself when he felt the momentum of the destiny, but Zhang Ziling did not feel any panic.

The ants are several times stronger, and they are still ants.

In an instant, the destiny had already rushed in front of Zhang Ziling.

The Great Emperor Haotian stood behind and looked at Destiny jokingly, without any hope of Destiny at all.

The Great Emperor Haotian asked Tianming to stop Zhang Ziling, just to let Tianming go to death.

After all, Emperor Vast Sky killed many saints here, and Mandate of Heaven is still an accomplice. If the Mandate of Heaven is not dealt with, it may affect the reputation of Emperor Vast Sky in the future.

The dead are kept secret.

Zhang Ziling watched Tianming appear in front of him, his expression did not change at all, just lightly tapped Tianming's fist with his finger.


The power of Destiny was directly squeezed and exploded by Zhang Ziling, and the whole body of Destiny suddenly exploded, and all blood vessels burst.

Destiny flew out like a kite with a broken line.

"It's really fragile!" Zhang Ziling watched the fate fly out, the color of the joke in his eyes became thicker, his five fingers were slightly opened, and a strong suction suddenly appeared in his palm, and he forcibly sucked the fate out.

"Ahem!" Destiny vomited blood, his head was pinched by Zhang Ziling, and his arms dropped weakly.

With just one finger, Zhang Ziling easily detonated the power in Destiny, causing Destiny to be seriously injured by his own power.

"You are really weak!" Zhang Ziling let go of Destiny's head and let Destiny kneel in front of him.

Destiny shrugged his head feebly, his eyes blank, and there was no response after hearing Zhang Ziling's words.

Zhang Ziling's attack just now not only severely wounded Destiny, but also directly destroyed Destiny's sanity.

The gap is so big that there is no hope for Destiny.

Instead of continuing to fight and suffer humiliation, it's better to just die like this.

Destiny has accepted fate.

Seeing that the Mandate of Heaven was defeated by Zhang Ziling in this way, Emperor Haotian couldn't help flashing a vicious look in his eyes, and then he no longer hesitated, and instantly sucked all the souls of the saints in the hall into his own body and transformed them into his own power.

"It's really a waste, I can't even see a good show." Vast Sky the Great twisted his neck, his bones crackled.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Emperor Vast Sky, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but raise his eyes and smile at Emperor Vast Sky.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, Emperor Haotian also gave a weird smile. He stretched out his hand to kneel down and said indifferently: "Since this guy is so weak, I will give it to you as a gift."

As the voice fell, Emperor Haotian squeezed his five fingers slightly, and Tianming's body began to bulge.

The expression of Destiny became distorted, and there was pain in his eyes.

"I don't like this gift of you." Seeing the change of Destiny, Zhang Ziling also gave a chuckle and pressed his hand on Destiny's head.

"I don't have the habit of going back." Seeing Zhang Ziling put his hand on Destiny's head, Emperor Vast Sky laughed, and then his tone suddenly became cold again, "Blast!"

boom! ! !

The Mandate of Heaven exploded directly, and the entire shrine was destroyed by the explosion, and the figures of Zhang Ziling and Vast Sky were swept in by the explosion.

A huge mushroom cloud rose in the sky, and the heaven above Kyoto stared at the center of the explosion, not daring to distract the slightest.

The explosion of fate does not mean the end of this battle, but it means...

The real start of the battle.

The previous contest between the Shrine and Zhang Ziling, including the eternal return to the ruins array, can only be regarded as a small fight...

The result of the battle between the only great emperor on earth and the devil emperor is the key to determining the fate of everyone in the future!

This is a contest between the great emperors. Even though the Heavenly Dao has given Vast Sky the Great Dao enough origin, it also helped Vast Sky the Great Unrestrictedly increase his power, allowing Vast Sky Great to stand on the pinnacle of this world...

However, Emperor Vast Sky's opponent was Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling, and Heavenly Dao couldn't let go of it anyway.

When Tian Dao thought of what the Devil Emperor had done after returning to Earth, his heart was frustrated.

For the Great Emperor Haotian, Tian Dao had nothing in his heart.

"No, I have to help him." Tiandao couldn't let go, and suddenly a group of colorless crystals poured out in front of him.

The crystal was shining with a faint light, and there was a white light ball inside, surging with terrifying power.

After the crystal appeared, the surrounding space was digitized, continuously decomposed and reorganized, which looked very strange.

"The Great Emperor Realm, plus my strength, plus this spatial heart, if you can still lose like this... then I have nothing to do." Tiandao muttered while looking at the crystal in his hand, and then said It broke into the mushroom cloud.

The heart of this space is the origin of the space avenue. The space avenue does not evolve the will, so the heaven has recovered the origin of the space long ago and has been hiding it in the body.

Now that the Great Emperor Vast Sky and the Emperor Demon are working together, Tiandao, in order to be foolproof, simply gave the Essence of Space to the Great Emperor Vast Sky.

As long as the Great Emperor Vast Sky solves the Emperor, Heaven Dao has enough means to deal with the Great Emperor Vast Sky, and in the end, the Heavenly Dao Earth will become the ultimate master of this world.

"Take all your heart to think about becoming the world dominates the way of heaven. I'm afraid this vast universe, the vast world... is it just me who is so miserable?" Tiandao looked at the disappearance of the origin of the space, and couldn't help but smile. "The above gives me a score Getting lower and lower, I am about to fail."

When the chaos was opened, and when the earth's famine came, the way of heaven was born, and ruled everything in the world, and even the many saints on the earth were nurtured by heaven.

However, before Tian Dao could fully grasp the rules of the world, a guy calling himself the Evil Emperor came from the vast universe and forced Tian Dao to cooperate with him.

Because of the evil emperor’s strength, Tiandao could only watch the evil emperor seize control of the world bit by bit, and even Tiandao was humiliatingly stripped of the control of the Three Thousand Dao by the Evil Emperor. Dadao constantly derives its own will.

"If the Devil Emperor continues to wreak havoc on me, sooner or later I will be replaced by other guys."

"If it hadn't been for the evil emperor who had been sent from above, I was quietly resolved by the evil emperor, I'm afraid I would have been replaced by the emperor. Now the evil emperor is gone, if I don't do anything..."

When he thought of some terrible things, Tiandao trembled and his eyes became serious.

"Emperor Vast Sky, my future destiny depends on you!"

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