Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1269: Qingdu Sword School

As soon as the middle-aged man exited the mouth, the young man was instantly sluggish.

"Cut, kill the emperor?" The young man couldn't believe it, his body began to tremble.

In his opinion, the emperor is an invincible existence in the world, and everything in the world must tremble under the emperor's might.

But, ten thousand years ago, was there ever a great emperor beheaded?

When the teenager was stunned, the surrounding crowd became agitated and began to talk with each other.

"How about beheading a great emperor? When Lord Devil Emperor proclaimed himself the emperor, the Nine Profound Heavenly Devil Palace was born. In one fell swoop, Qingdu City became the first holy land for cultivation in the Xuanxiao Continent. Numerous arrogant evildoers wanted to move. Come into Qingducheng!"

"Then the Devil Emperor only took a few thousand years to break through to a realm stronger than the Great Emperor. The emperor had to claim his courtiers in the Devil's Palace!" Someone slapped the table and stood up with an expression of excitement, "My ancestors I used to be a sweeping boy in the magic palace. He was sweeping the floor at the gate of the magic palace. He saw a saint knocking 3,300 heads against the gate, and in the end he was very respectful to my ancestors!"

As soon as the man spoke, the second-floor restaurant suddenly became very popular, and everyone became more excited.

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling is the highest glory of their Qingdu City.

At the beginning, in Qingdu City, whether it was a commoner or a monk, as long as they lived in Qingdu City, their status was extremely respected, and the saints outside should be pleased when they saw it, in order to be able to live in Qingdu City when the Demon Emperor preached.

At that time, it was really beautiful!

The young man was dumbfounded, he had no idea that the former magic palace was so beautiful!

He is also planning to worship the Qingdu Sword Sect, the first sect of Qingdu City tomorrow, and now it seems...Magic Palace seems to be a better choice!

That is the power of the Great Emperor's inheritance!

"I want to worship into the devil's palace!" the boy exclaimed excitedly, his face flushed.

"No matter how beautiful the magic palace is, it is only a matter of thousands of years ago, and it is no longer the era of the magic palace!" At this time, a sharp voice sounded, and everyone heard the reputation and only saw a few people. The talented man in the uniform of the Qingdu Sword Sect sat at the table with joking in his eyes, "As for the Devil Emperor, he is already dead."

Hearing the words of several talents, Zhang Ziling still did not respond, drinking alone.

"Bold! How dare you insult the devil emperor?" The middle-aged man who mentioned the devil emperor before saw those talents who were rude, and immediately stood up with a slap on the table and roared at them.

"The Devil Emperor is so powerful, how can you be insulted by You Xiaoxiao?"


The sword was unsheathed, and the sword placed next to a talented man turned into a light and flew toward the middle-aged man, stopping at the middle-aged man's throat.

The sharp tip of the sword pressed against the middle-aged man's throat, and the boy paled with fright.

The entire restaurant became silent in an instant, and everyone dared not speak anymore.

The middle-aged man looked at the flying sword against his throat, swallowed slightly, and sweated heavily on his forehead.

The strong one!

And he is also a powerhouse with more than five qi gathering levels!

Suddenly, all the diners dared not speak any more, for fear that they might provoke the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Qi Gathering Five Layers is also an inner disciple of the Qingdu Sword Sect. By virtue of the Qingdu Sword Sect's sword secret technique, a disciple with Qi Gathering Five Layers or more can easily kill a hundred mortal army.

Most of the people who drink in this restaurant are ordinary people or congenital warriors, facing the powerhouses of the Qi Gathering Realm, they dare not be presumptuous at all.

Although they did not agree with the words of those Qingdu Sword Sect disciples, due to their strength, no one dared to refute them.

"The Devil Emperor is already dead, otherwise, three thousand years ago, when the Devil Palace was fighting with the major forces, why didn't he come back?" The Qingdu Sword Sect disciple who produced the sword took back his flying sword, the middle-aged man Suddenly collapsed on the seat, sweating profusely.

"The devil emperor used three thousand years to proclaim the emperor, and another four thousand years to break through to the supreme, and finally left the Xuanxiao Continent in the eighth millennium. Two thousand years after the devil emperor left, the devil's palace was hit by a great chaos and suffered heavy losses. "The Qingdu Sword Sect disciple snorted coldly, "After three thousand consecutive years of decline, the Devil Palace is just a small sect, nothing more than a small sect. What can be said about the ancestors?"

"There are talents from generation to generation in Jiangshan. Now which place in Xuanxiao Continent is not a generation of geniuses? Just like Qing Ning, the great brother of our Qingdu Sword Sect, gathers energy at the age of twelve, and has already condensed in the palace at the age of fourteen. It's unfathomable! Our small towns have such arrogances, not to mention those giant cities with sacred places, there are countless geniuses."

"The new generation of Xuanxiao Continent has risen, but the Devil Palace doesn't even have a disciple who can handle it, so they can only use their Patriarch Demon Emperor to blow!"

"Now the devil's disciples are a bunch of straw bags, and they really shame their ancestor, the devil emperor!" Several Qingdu Sword Sect disciples yin and yang said strangely, making the restaurant more silent.

Perhaps it was because the ancestors of the Qingdu Sword Sect only mined for the Demon Palace. Nowadays, the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect hate the Demon Palace very much, as if it is because of the Demon Palace that stains their ancestors.

Therefore, when the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect heard someone bragging about the Devil Palace, they would go up and spare no effort to mock and refute.

Because of this kind of thing, the Qingdu Sword Sect disciple and the Demon Palace disciple have also been grudges for a long time, and the two sides often clash in Qingdu City.

And no one could refute what the Qingdu Sword Sect disciple said.

The decline of the Demon Palace is a fact now, and the rise of the Qingdu Sword School is also a fact.

The power and prestige of the magic palace is long gone.

It's just that the people in Qingdu don't want to believe that the once powerful magic palace has become so desolate.

"Boy, I think your roots are okay, so don't go to that magic palace, worship our Qingdu Sword Sect, and protect you from becoming yellow and tense in the future!" The Qingdu Sword Sect disciple immediately looked at the scared pale face Boy, smiled.

Today, Qingdu City is basically a battle between the Qingdu Sword Sect and the Demon Palace, and the new disciple represents fresh blood. One more good seedling from the Qingdu Sword Sect means that the Demon Palace loses a point of future combat power, and it will last forever. , The devil's palace is not born of the strong, it will naturally decline.

The magic palace also knows this kind of thing, so it has also spent a lot of thought in recruiting disciples, and the two major forces will fight with each other every year.

However, in recent years... the good seedlings have been sent to take away by Qingdujian, and the quality of the disciples of the Demon Palace is getting worse.

The power gap between the two powers has gradually widened.

"Qinghuachi! You are here again to slander our magic palace, really if I dare not kill you?"

Just when several Qingdu Sword Sect disciples were triumphant, a young girl dressed in a black costume walked up to the second floor of the restaurant and shouted angrily at the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples.

This young woman is Gu Zhuxuan, the great sister of the magic palace. She is seventeen years old and has three levels of condensed palace realm. She is also well-known for her beauty to be ranked in the top three in Qingdu City.

When Qing Huachi saw Gu Zhuxuan rushing in, he was also shocked, and his eyes began to roll.

Although their Qingdu Sword Sect is now stronger than the Demon Palace, Gu Zhuxuan is a powerhouse in the Condensation Palace Realm no matter what, far from being comparable to the Qi Gathering Realm.

However, Qinghuachi calmed down soon after she was taken aback. He arranged his emotions and looked at Gu Zhuxuan with a smile: "Sister Zhuxuan, anyway, you will be married to our Qingdu Sword Sect in the future. Everyone It's a family, you treat us like this, I'm afraid it's not justified, right?"

"At that time, our senior brother will ask questions, Senior Sister Zhu Xuan, you..."

"You! Looking for death!" Before Qinghuachi finished speaking, Gu Zhuxuan's eyes suddenly cold, and she directly stabbed Qinghuachi with a sword!


Gu Zhuxuan's sword was bounced off, and a handsome man wearing a blue sword suit stood in front of Qinghuachi and looked at Gu Zhuxuan indifferently.

Master Qingdu Sword School, Qingning!

After Qing Ning appeared, Gu Zhuxuan was suppressed in an instant, and Zhang Ziling couldn't help but glance at her with the powerful aura.

Nine Palace Nine, Nirvana is about to come!

The wine glass held by Zhang Ziling was gently put down.

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