Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1270: Trash Qingning

"Zhu Xuan, don't mess around." Qing Ning looked at Gu Zhu Xuan indifferently, with no trace of emotion in her tone, high above her.

"Can you call Zhu Xuan?" Gu Zhu Xuan scolded Qing Ning, her whole figure like a grumpy little tiger.

"The elders have already decided on my marriage. Soon you will marry into the Qingdu Sword Sect and be my double monk." Qingning said calmly, seemingly not caring about Gu Zhuxuan's attitude.

Gu Zhuxuan marrying him is a foregone conclusion.

"After you marry into the Qingdu Sword Sect, you are no longer a member of the Demon Palace. Therefore, you should not attack the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples for the sake of the Demon Palace." Qing Ning's tone is calm, but the whole person Faintly has a certain domineering attitude, which is unpleasant.

"Get out!" Gu Zhuxuan couldn't stand Qing Ning's high attitude. She directly said to Qing Ning impatiently, then picked up the sword that fell on the ground and walked outside the restaurant.

Gu Zhuxuan didn't expect Qingning to be in this restaurant. She also knew that she was not Qingning's opponent. She didn't want to stay here too much, so she turned around and left.

Looking at Gu Zhuxuan's back, Qing Ning's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Bitch woman!" Qing Ning said softly, and then stepped forward to block Gu Zhuxuan's path, grabbing Gu Zhuxuan's hand, "Zhuxuan, the marriage between you and me is a major event in the sect, how can you be a joke?"

Marriage with the master sister of the Demon Palace is an important part of the Qingdu Sword Sect's plan to annex the Demon Palace, and Qing Ning will naturally not let Gu Zhuxuan leave easily.

Although the Demon Palace is lonely, it is the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, and there are countless treasures and secrets in it, which are coveted.

In Qingning's view, as long as he is a little domineering, and then demonstrates his aptitude as the proud son of heaven, a tigress like Gu Zhuxuan will surrender to him sooner or later.

As the big brother of the Qingdu Sword Sect, in Qingning's bones, he looked down on the people of the Demon Palace.

Gu Zhuxuan struggled for a while, and did not break free of Qingning's hand, so she shouted to Qingning sharply: "You let me go!"

"You are my fiancee, how can you let it go?" Qingning looked at Gu Zhuxuan calmly, and did not let go.

Gu Zhuxuan was just a heavy blow to the palace, Qingning could easily subdue her.

"That's something the elders decided, and it has nothing to do with me." Gu Zhuxuan looked at Qing Ning coldly, "I will never marry you such rubbish."

As soon as Gu Zhuxuan said these words, several Qingdu Sword Sect disciples were shocked, and the diners around also trembled.

Garbage, garbage?

In Qingdu City, no one has dared to speak this way to Qingning of the Qingdu Sword Sect!

For a while, other diners in the restaurant also noticed something wrong with the atmosphere and chose to leave the restaurant instead of staying here.

Even the middle-aged man who asked the young man before, at this moment is pulling the young man away quietly.

Qing Ning is recognized as the first genius of the younger generation in Qingdu City, and the son of the head of the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Even if Qingning slaughtered a whole family, no one would dare to stand up and point to him.

Sister Mogong now calls Qingning "junk", and everyone doesn't need to think about what will happen next.

Staying here again, I am afraid I will die.

Soon, the second floor of the restaurant became empty, and even the shopkeeper and the maid retreated.

At this moment, Qing Ning's face was extremely gloomy, and his body was trembling slightly.

"You... say it again?" Qing Ning gritted her teeth, holding back her anger and shouting to Gu Zhuxuan.

"Trash, even if the elders of the Devil Palace kill me, I won't marry you!" Gu Zhuxuan shot Qingning without hesitation, "disgusting dung."

When she knew that she was going to marry Qingning, Gu Zhuxuan had already made the decision to die.

Others may not know, but Gu Zhuxuan is very clear about this... Qing Ning is a scumbag in the dark!

Gu Zhuxuan really couldn't accept that she would marry such a person!

"You! Do you really think that I dare not kill you **** ass?" Qing Ning went straight away, completely sealed off the second floor of the restaurant with spiritual power, blocking out the voice.

"The current Demon Palace is completely rubbish. My master can easily crush the Demon Palace. If it weren’t for the fact that many forces on the Xuanxiao Continent are watching the Demon Palace, your sect would have been long ago by our Qingdu Sword. Paidang garbage disposal."

"Do you really think you can be compared with our Qingdu Sword Sect? That's all we gave you the face of the garbage sect! It is your blessing to let you marry the Qingdu Sword Sect, and you dare to refuse!" Qing Ning said more and more. Viciously, his words became more and more ugly, even the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect in Qinghuachi couldn't listen anymore.

"You bastard!" Gu Zhuxuan was trembling with anger when she heard Qing Ning's words, and she slapped Qing Ning's face with her other hand, but was easily grasped by Qing Ning.

"Bitch! Do you know how tired it is for me to maintain a cold image in front of everyone? You angered me today!" Qing Ning's spiritual power began to burst out, making Qinghuachi feel even more pressured.

"Believe it or not, I'm here to take care of you now, and you don't dare to say half a word in the magic palace?" Qing Ning's expression was extremely ferocious, and he caught Gu Zhuxuan's threat.

Seeing Qingning's very aggressive gaze on her, Gu Zhuxuan couldn't help but flashed a trace of panic in her eyes, secretly regretting angering Qingning.

Although Gu Zhuxuan knew the dark side of Qingning, Gu Zhuxuan didn't expect Qingning to dare to do it to herself in broad daylight!

As the daughter of the deputy master of the Demon Palace, Gu Zhuxuan knew exactly how weak the current Demon Palace was. The current Demon Palace is a dilapidated building that will collapse at any time.

Such a magic palace is not the opponent of the Qingdu Sword Sect at all!

If Qingning really did something to herself here... Gu Zhuxuan began to despair at the thought of this.

Demon Palace, there really is no way to take Qingning.

Her father has a stubborn illness, and his strength is not one. The palace owner has been in retreat for a hundred years, and no one can contact him.

And the elders of the Demon Palace know that the future of the Demon Palace is worrying. Many of them are madly in favor of the Qingdu Sword Sect, and the disciples in the palace have mixed good and bad.

If Gu Zhuxuan was really taken care of by Qingning here, no one would really dare to call the shots for Gu Zhuxuan!

Even if her father came to ask for an explanation in person, I am afraid it would only be humiliated.

The current magic palace... is too weak.

"You, what are you doing?" Gu Zhuxuan started to panic, struggling frantically.

"You guys, get out of me and empty this restaurant!" Qing Ning pushed down Gu Zhuxuan and started to untie her clothes.

The disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect had never thought that Qing Ning would act on Gu Zhuxuan here, and an envy flashed across his face.

Gu Zhuxuan's appearance is superior, rare in Qingducheng, it is absolutely enviable to get such a stunner.

However, the Qinghuachi people knew that they didn't have the chance to feast their eyes, and quickly left the second floor of the restaurant, leaving Qingning here alone.

After seeing everyone leaving, Qing Ning's grinning even worsened. Looking at the panicked Gu Zhuxuan, she laughed and said: "I have put a ban on the second floor of this restaurant. With your strength, I can't run out, so I can't get out. Come on, my fiancee!"

Qing Ning bit the last few words extremely hard, and the whole person became more and more excited, he wanted to retaliate against Gu Zhuxuan!

If you dare to call yourself rubbish, you must pay the price!

Gu Zhuxuan looked at Qingning's hideous look, her eyes became more panicked, and then a trace of determination flashed.

Even if you die, you can't afford this rubbish!

"Little girl, why are you so anxious? It's not time for despair."

Just as Gu Zhuxuan was preparing to go through menopause, Zhang Ziling's voice sounded on the second floor of the restaurant.

Gu Zhuxuan and Qingning quickly looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a young man in an ink robe sitting on a seat by the window, with a pot of wine and a glass on the table.

Zhang Ziling's misty breath permeated the second floor of the restaurant.

"After seeing what you did just now, I understand a little bit." Zhang Ziling got up from his seat, walked to Gu Zhuxuan, and looked at Qingning.

Qingning stared at Zhang Ziling's deep eyes and narrowed his eyes, realizing that Zhang Ziling was a difficult character to deal with!

"The devil's palace is indeed in decline. Even the **** in the mining gang in a corner, dare to treat the great sister of the devil's palace like this."

"Seeing this, but..."

"It makes me very upset."

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