Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1278: The palace lord is out?


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, a trace of doubt flashed through Gu Changqing's eyes.

What does this... mean?

"It doesn't mean anything... Put away your aura." Zhang Ziling became calm again, and the previous anger disappeared without a trace.

Before the people in the magic palace could react, they found that the spiritual power running in their bodies suddenly stopped, and the restless spiritual power in the dojo was instantly calmed down.

"Is this?" Gu Changqing looked at his hands in shock, his fully exploded spiritual power retracted into his body at this moment, and his realm fell to the second and third level of Nirvana.

Seeing his uncontrollable power, Gu Changqing set off a terrible storm in his heart.

He has never seen someone who can control the power of others!

If Zhang Ziling suddenly withdrew their power when the two sides started fighting...

Gu Changqing couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

Martial arts have no spiritual support, but they will backfire those who use martial arts.

"Don't worry, just let you stop for a while." Zhang Ziling looked at Gu Changqing with a chuckle, "Since you are so determined, what should these people do? It's up to you."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Gu Changqing showed ecstasy and quickly thanked Zhang Ziling.

For Gu Changqing, it is natural not to be guilty of this mysterious power.

Now that the magic palace is weak, coupled with the powerful means shown by Zhang Ziling, if the magic palace really fights Zhang Ziling to the death, it is not certain whether the magic palace will exist after today.

There was indeed some impulse just now, but Gu Changqing didn't regret it.

The Demon Palace has been suppressed for so long, and the situation just now has greatly promoted the unity of the Demon Palace.

In any case, after venting just now, the spirit of the Demon Palace disciples is now much better, and they have a vaguely powerful atmosphere.

"Great! Thank you senior for not killing! I will definitely be a good man in the future! Honestly do things for the magic palace!" After Zhang Ziling promised to let them go, Elder Wu also completely relaxed and kept kowtow to Zhang Ziling.

The closest to Zhang Ziling was Elder Wu. He knew better than anyone how terrifying Zhang Ziling was.

The people in the entire Demon Palace are probably not Zhang Ziling's opponent.

Now Elder Wu's rejoicing for the rest of his life has made him collapse.

Everyone in the magic palace saw Elder Wu kowtow to Zhang Ziling alone, and the corners of his mouth twitched, not knowing what to say for a while.

They just... didn't they attack Zhang Ziling just to not kowtow?

Now, after everyone succeeded, Elder Wu kowtows to Zhang Ziling again, which makes everyone feel that everything they have done before has been in vain.

Zhang Ziling looked at Elder Wu calmly, did not say anything, just waved gently.

In the midst of kowtow, Elder Wu turned into ashes and dissipated unconsciously.

It’s as if Elder Wu never existed in this world.

Seeing Elder Wu disappear, Gu Changqing's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Senior, Elder Wu..."

"Take me to see your Palace Master." After killing Elder Wu, Zhang Ziling didn't explain much, just said a little.

Gu Changqing was in trouble again, pressing the death of Elder Wu in his heart, and reminded Zhang Ziling in a low voice: "Senior, the palace lord is in retreat, he won't..."

"Take me to see your palace lord, these elders are at your disposal." Zhang Ziling interrupted Gu Changqing's words, with unquestionable tone.

Gu Changqing was stunned, then sighed slightly, and sighed that he couldn't escape this time, so he said to Zhang Ziling: "Senior, the palace lord has been in retreat for a hundred years. No one of us can contact him. I can only take senior to retreat. As for whether the palace lord will come out to see seniors, we can’t control it.”

"Take me there." Zhang Ziling didn't care what Gu Changqing said, and said lightly.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Gu Changqing did not speak too much, but after instructing the demon palace disciples to detain all the elders, he led Zhang Ziling the way.

"Senior, please here."

Gu Changqing's tone is respectful and dare not presumptuous.

With Zhang Ziling's method of killing Elder Wu, Gu Changqing thought he couldn't do it even in his heyday.

Judging from what Elder Wu did just now, it is indeed damned. Due to Zhang Ziling's strength, Gu Changqing can only stop pursuing it.


Gu Changqing led the way, and Zhang Ziling followed Gu Changqing unhurriedly, very quietly.

Gu Zhuxuan and some curious disciples of the Demon Palace couldn't bear it, and secretly followed Gu Changqing and Zhang Ziling, wanting to know if Zhang Ziling could see the palace owner.

After all, the palace lord of the magic palace has been in retreat for a hundred years, and the disciples of this generation of the magic palace have not seen the palace owner's face. Now a mysterious powerhouse came to the magic palace and asked to see their palace owner by name.

"Eh, Master Sister, can you say that the strange senior can see our palace lord?" Yiwei Demon Palace disciple asked Gu Zhuxuan in a low voice.

"It's hard to say..." Gu Zhuxuan shook her head, frowning slightly, "Senior is indeed very powerful, and the methods are also weird, and judging from the performance of Senior, he seems to have something to do with our magic palace."

"But our palace owner has been in retreat for a hundred years, and we don't have any means to contact the palace owner. Unless the palace owner comes out, no one can see the palace owner."

"I think this predecessor will return without success." Some disciples of the magic palace do not believe that Zhang Ziling can see the palace owner. After all, the palace owner hasn't come out even after the palace has been weak for so long. How could the palace owner be alone? turn off?

"I think so too! Perhaps the palace owner is in a critical period of breakthrough, and has isolated all contact with the outside world. Even if the senior recognizes the palace owner, I am afraid the palace owner does not know."

The disciples of the magic palace who followed secretly whispered, not thinking that Zhang Ziling would see their palace owner.

Gu Changqing walked slowly in the front, glanced back from time to time to observe Zhang Ziling's expression.

However, after Zhang Ziling killed Elder Wu, the whole person became calm, and Gu Changqing could not see the slightest emotion on Zhang Ziling's face.

"I'm sorry for the younger generation to ask, does the senior know our palace lord?" When he was about to reach Rentian's retreat, Gu Changqing finally couldn't help but stopped to look at Zhang Ziling and asked.

Zhang Ziling just looked at Gu Changqing calmly without answering.

After waiting for a while, Gu Changqing didn't wait for Zhang Ziling's answer, and stopped staying, and continued to move forward.

"do not know."

After Gu Changqing walked for a while, Zhang Ziling's words rang in Gu Changqing's ears, and Gu Changqing gave a slight pause.

Without staying too much, Gu Changqing smiled and quickened his pace.

Although the answer was somewhat out of Gu Changqing's surprise, but...

After all, I got the answer.

The predecessor may be a strong one with the previous generation of palace owners. If this is the case, then this predecessor... is it a powerhouse of True Martial Realm?

Thinking of this, Gu Changqing concealed his inner shock, didn't dare to think any more, and hurried on the road.

More than ten minutes later.

"Senior, here it is."

Gu Changqing stopped in front of a stone gate, turned and said to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling nodded, then looked at the stone gate.

Perhaps because of the age, the surrounding area of ​​the stone gate was covered with moss. Zhang Ziling lightly wiped the stone gate, and it wiped a thick layer of ash, obviously no one has cleaned it for a long time.

"Because the palace lord has ordered you not to come here if you have nothing to do, so we did not send someone to clean the surroundings." Gu Changqing saw Zhang Ziling focus on the dust around Shimen, and said softly.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling lightly, didn't care.

"Senior, the palace lord is inside, there are restrictions around, we can't get in touch." Gu Changqing explained again.


Zhang Ziling calmly stood in front of the stone gate with his hands on his back, whispering.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's strange behavior, Gu Changqing's eyes were full of doubts, but Gu Changqing didn't dare to say more, and stood quietly behind Zhang Ziling.

As long as Zhang Ziling did not intend to destroy Shimen, Gu Changqing let Zhang Ziling stand there.

"What are seniors doing?"

"The palace lord hasn't come out, is it true that I haven't seen senior?"

"I know it's like this. Seniors will be strong, but there are not no strong people who came to our magic palace before. Didn't those people come without seeing the palace owner?"

A group of disciples in the magic palace whispered, some were puzzled, and some said they were not surprised.

In the whispers of the disciples of the Demon Palace, the doubt in Gu Changqing's eyes grew thicker, staring at Zhang Ziling's back.

Senior...what do you want to do?


However, when Gu Changqing's doubts reached the extreme, the stone gate in front of Zhang Ziling slowly opened!

Seeing Shimen starting to move, Gu Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly, and the audience became silent for an instant.

Palace Master...


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