Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1279: came back

Shimen opened, and an old man with long hair and shawl, dressed in common clothes, stood by the door.

The old man's face was cold, his aura was ethereal, and as soon as he appeared in front of everyone, that powerful aura swept through the entire Demon Palace and made everyone look disillusioned.

When Gu Changqing saw the old man appear, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his body began to tremble with excitement.

It's out!

For a hundred years, Gu Changqing thought that the palace lord of the magic palace was already dead.

"Palace Master!"

Seeing the old man appeared, Gu Changqing couldn't restrain his excitement anymore, and quickly knelt down to salute the old man.

The other disciples of the magic palace did not expect to see the palace lord going out. After Gu Changqing knelt down, they also knelt down and bowed to the elderly.

"Respectfully welcome the palace lord to leave the customs!" The faces of the demon palace disciples were filled with joy and tears flooded.

The breath of their palace lord was beyond their imagination, and now that the palace lord’s exit may mean...

The rise of the magic palace!

However, the old man did not pay attention to the people in the Demon Palace. He looked at Zhang Ziling with muddy eyes, tears flooding his eyes, and his breath became extremely unstable.

"Big, my lord..."

The old man was trembling and bowed deeply to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man calmly, with no waves in his eyes, as if he had known that the old man would do this.

"Take me in." Zhang Ziling whispered softly, although his voice was not heavy, there was an irresistible momentum in his tone.

Seeing the present scene, Gu Changqing was stunned and looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze.

Didn't the predecessor say that he didn't know the palace owner?

Not only Gu Changqing, but all the demon palace disciples present were stunned. They did not expect that their powerful palace lord... actually bowed to Zhang Ziling.

Who is he?

"Yes, my lord... please here." Ren Tian bowed to Zhang Ziling again, and then made a gesture of asking.

Without a word, Zhang Ziling walked forward with his hands in his hands and walked deep into Shimen.

After Zhang Ziling's figure had submerged in Shimen, Ren Tian trembled his hands and slowly followed.

"Palace Master!"

When Gu Changqing saw Ren Tian walk into Shimen, he couldn't help calling out.

Ren Tian stopped, crouched and did not turn around.

"Evergreen... Over the past hundred years, you have worked so hard."

Gu Changqing looked at Ren Tian's back, tears falling from his cheeks, and tremblingly asked Ren Tian, ​​"Senior... who is he?"

Hearing Gu Changqing's question, Ren Tian was silent for a while, and did not answer. He just carried his hands on his back and walked slowly into Shimen.


Shimen started again and closed slowly.

Gu Changqing watched as Ren Tian's figure was gradually covered by Shimen.

Before the Shimen was completely closed, Gu Changqing and the devil's disciples did not get an answer.

Looking at the closed Shimen, Gu Changqing became a little confused, and just knelt in front of the Shimen, not knowing what to do.


At this time, Ren Tian's hoarse voice rang in the ears of Gu Changqing and the surrounding demons.

"Palace Master." Gu Changqing immediately fell to the ground.

"From now on, everything in the Devil Palace will be different." Ren Tian's voice could not hide his excitement, echoing around him.

Gu Changqing's body shook slightly.

Gradually, Ren Tian's voice disappeared, and Shimen became quiet.

Gu Changqing got up, but still knelt in front of Shimen, whispering, "Everything is different?"

The expression in Gu Changqing's eyes gradually became deeper.

"Father, are we now?"

Gu Zhuxuan walked in front of Gu Changqing, glanced at the closed stone gate with a complicated expression, and whispered.

The senior who saved him is really too mysterious.

"We are waiting here." Gu Changqing still kneeled, "Waiting for the palace lord and seniors to come out."

"Yes." Gu Zhuxuan replied softly, then walked to the side of Gu Changqing and knelt down.

Not a single disciple of the Demon Palace got up, and all of them knelt outside the Shimen quietly, thinking about the things inside the Shimen.


Contrary to what the disciples had imagined, Shimen was not in a dim and small environment, but there was another world.

Inside Shimen, there is a clear blue sky, soft sunlight, and a small wooden building with another courtyard.

In front of the wooden building is a unique small courtyard with a stone table, two stone benches, a hip flask and two wine glasses on the stone table, and a withered crooked peach tree beside the stone table, supported by a few wooden sticks.

Although the courtyard is clean, it cannot hide its run-down.

There are cracks in the surrounding walls, and there are smooth bluestone steps in front of the wooden building, and the wooden doors on the steps are slightly open.

There is nothing special about this small courtyard with a wooden building except for the ages.

It is an ordinary residence.

Standing in the middle of the small courtyard, Zhang Ziling looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scene around him, quite a little nostalgic.

This small courtyard was the place where Zhang Ziling used to rest.

The crooked peach tree was planted by Zhang Ziling himself. The ancient stone table was polished by Zhang Ziling himself.

Ten thousand years...

Ten thousand years have passed since the establishment of the magic palace.

Zhang Ziling left for more than five thousand years.

Ren Tian walked into the small courtyard tremblingly, his body no longer had the strong aura he had when he left the stone gate before, and his whole person looked more like an ordinary rickety old man.

Seeing Zhang Ziling standing in the courtyard, Ren Tian walked to Zhang Ziling and knelt down cautiously, not daring to make a sound.

"Palace Master! You finally... are back."

Ren Tian's voice was hoarse and old tears were running.

Zhang Ziling looked at Ren Tian calmly, breathing smoothly, as if he had no feelings.

"Where is him?" Zhang Ziling whispered.

"Master is in the house and can't get out, so let the little one come out to meet the palace lord." Ren Tian said to Zhang Ziling, crying.

"I managed the magic palace on behalf of the palace owner for 376 years and served the master for 237 years. A hundred years ago, the master was seriously ill and bedridden. So I closed the stone gate and took care of the master wholeheartedly."

Hearing Ren Tian's words, Zhang Ziling remained silent, raised his eyes and looked inside the wooden house, without leaving.

Upon seeing this, Ren Tian hurriedly continued to tremble and say: "Palace Master, the master said, for five thousand years, he has been cleaning this other courtyard and watering the peach trees every day."

"Palace lord, the lord said, since the magic palace experienced turmoil three thousand years ago, the lord was seriously injured and lived here completely in seclusion."

"Palace Master, the peach tree withered, it is because of the little ability. After the master was bedridden, the little one did not take good care of it. It has not bloomed for a hundred years."

"Palace lord, after the master was bedridden, the young man carefully maintained this wooden building every day, but the young man's ability is not good. Although the wooden building courtyard remains the same, many things are useless."

"Palace lord, the lord is already delirious, and his life is about to be broken. But the lord is talking about the lord every day."

Ren Tian cried and said, tears have wet the clothes, his voice was hoarse.

Zhang Ziling listened quietly, looking at the door of the wooden house silently.

Seeing Zhang Ziling did not speak, Ren Tian quickly stood up and said to Zhang Ziling, "Palace Master, I will take you in."

Zhang Ziling carried both hands on his back, and said lightly: "No need."

Ren Tian's eyes were red and swollen, and he followed Zhang Ziling's line of sight, his pupils shrank suddenly, tears bursting like a flood.

A skinny old man with sparse white hair and muddy eyes stubbed his crutches and moved out of the wooden house.

The old man raised his head with difficulty, his hands and legs trembling, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to see Zhang Ziling clearly.

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man calmly, his eyes dark as ink, as deep as the vast starry sky.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's young face, the old man's cloudy eyes were wet with tears, and his body trembled more and more.

"Old, sir...back, back?"

The old man's voice is weak, as if the candle will be extinguished.

Seeing the old man's trembling body, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel a little wet in his eyes.

"Well, I'm back."

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