Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1290: The emperor is the lord of the magic palace

Shui Qinghan's body also shook slightly when she heard the old voice.

Qing Wuwei, the ancestor of the Qingdu Sword School, two thousand years old, a strong man in the real martial state.

A series of messages flashed in Shui Qinghan's heart. An old man with white hair and shawl and an ink-colored sword robe appeared in front of Shui Qinghan.

In the old man's hand, he was still holding the Qing Mo that was pumped out by Shui Qinghan.

"Qing Wuwei!"

Seeing the old man appear, Shui Qinghan suddenly exclaimed, his eyes full of jealousy.

Although the Qingdu Sword Sect can only be regarded as a second-rate force, the ancestors of the Qingdu Sword Sect, even if they arrive at the Tianshui Holy Land, they will all be regarded as the guests!

The real martial arts realm powerhouse is already one in a million, the powerhouse standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent.

Even in the heavenly sacred land, the real martial arts realm powerhouse is properly a high-level.

And their Heavenly Profound Sacred Land is nothing more than the lowest-level Yellow-level Sacred Land, and the strongest among the Sacred Lands are also in the True Martial Realm.

Qing Wuwei threw Qing Mo to the ground and then released Qing Mo's body.

"I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as the confinement was released, Qing Mo rushed towards Shui Qinghan like a mad dog, but before Qing Mo hit Shui Qinghan, Qing Mo was pressed down by Qing Wuwei again.

"Ancestor, let me go, I want to kill him!" Qing Mo struggled under Qing Wuwei, his eyes turned red.

Not only was he slapped twice in the crowd, but in the end he was slapped mercilessly. It can be said that his face as the head of the Qingdu Sword Sect was completely shameless and his face was scandalized.

Qing Mo didn't even know how to stand in front of the disciples in the future.

You must kill Shui Qinghan before you can regain majesty in front of your disciples!

"Qing Mo." Qing Wuwei said lightly, without any emotion in his tone.

As soon as Qing Wuwei said these words, Qingmo's hideous expression instantly solidified, and the whole person became quiet, not daring to move anymore.

Shui Qinghan could clearly see that Qing Mo's body was trembling slightly, and there was unconcealable fear deep in his eyes.


Qing Mo swallowed slightly, and big beads of sweat slipped from his forehead, and said to Qing Wuwei with a trembling voice: "I, I understand, ancestor."

Qing Mo knew... Once Qing Wuwei spoke in this tone, he would show no mercy to anyone!

In the history of the Qingdu Sword Sect, there were not one or two leaders who were killed by Qing Wuwei.

In Qing Wuwei's eyes, anyone's life is like a grass.

Hearing what Qing Mo said, Qing Wuwei also let go of Qing Mo, and said lightly: "I hope you will be clearer next time and don't make any more mistakes."


Qing Mo was full of fear, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. After standing up from the ground, he stopped talking, and his whole person became extremely peaceful.

After handling the Qingmo, Qing Wuwei looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes drooping, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Seeing Qing Wuwei looking at him, Zhang Ziling's eyes were full of smiles, and he looked at Qing Wuwei carefully.

Real Martial Realm Dual.

It seems that he is a veteran powerhouse who has stepped into the real martial arts for a long time.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's eyes, Qing Wuwei felt unhappy, and said to Zhang Ziling in a low voice, "What is the relationship between you and the Devil Palace?"

"Palace Master of the Magic Palace." Zhang Ziling replied without hesitation.

"I didn't ask you now." Qing Wuwei's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sharp glow in the gap. "Before this, what was your relationship with the Demon Palace?"

"I have been in Qingdu City for two thousand years, and I have never seen a strong like you." Qing Wuwei is not stupid. The person who can make Shui Qinghan bend his knees can only be a strong real martial art.

Moreover, he is the descendant of the power above the mysterious level holy land.

Judging from Zhang Ziling's appearance, Qing Wuwei can also tell that Zhang Ziling is a monster with extraordinary talent, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to maintain such a young appearance when he reached the real martial state.

However, the talented evildoer is certainly fast in cultivation, but it also has a fatal flaw-completely lack of combat experience.

Qing Wuwei dared to conclude that the kid he faced had no combat experience, and judging from the arrogant attitude of this kid, it also showed that this kid was just a genius pushed up by a large family with resources, and the actual combat power could only be abused. The kid who abuses the Heavenly Palace Realm is absolutely crushed against any veteran Zhenwu Realm.

Shui Qinghan is so flattering, it can also show that this kid is standing behind a giant force.

However, for Qing Wuwei... Killing the Inherited Son of the Great Power was his favorite thing in his life.

Therefore, no matter the strength of this Ziling or his background, in Qing Wuwei's eyes, there is no threat to him.

"Before this?"

Hearing Qing Wuwei's words, Zhang Ziling thought about it pretentiously, then looked at Qing Wuwei, and said with a chuckle: "Magic Palace Master."

"Boy, are you playing with me?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's answer, Qing Wuwei's face instantly became gloomy, and he looked at Zhang Ziling and shouted.

Anger was suppressed in his tone.

The powerful pressure of the True Martial Realm spread from Qing Wuwei's body.

The disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect and the Demon Palace were all disfigured, unable to withstand the pressure from Qing Wuwei.

In the magic palace dojo, the vast majority of people have never felt the pressure of the true martial realm. For them, even the strong man in the Nirvana realm is enough to suffocate them, not to mention crossing two realms. A sense of oppression comparable to the pressure on the body by a mountain has caused many people with weak cultivation levels to burst into blood.

Seeing Qing Wuwei's coercion released, Zhang Ziling's eyes also flashed jokingly, watching Qing Wuwei lightly said: "I'm just playing with you, so what can I do."

"Looking for death!" Qing Wuwei snorted coldly, and stopped talking nonsense with Zhang Ziling. He turned into an afterimage and shot Zhang Ziling hurriedly.


Qing Wuwei's spiritual power surged, violent air waves surged to the surroundings, and all the monks in the magic palace were blown out.

Only the person in the direction of Zhang Ziling is not moving like a mountain.

Seeing Qing Wuwei shooting at him, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly curled up, and he didn't evade, just sitting on the chair leisurely.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was so despised, Qing Wuwei couldn't help but evoke a wicked smile, "Arrogant and arrogant, there is always a price to pay!"

Qing Wuwei doesn't have the habit of being merciful to the other party!

"Qingling Sword Qi!" Qing Wuwei's **** joined together to make a sword, and the sharp sword aura rushed out from between his fingers, splitting everything, and blasted towards Zhang Ziling.

The sharp sword aura was all around, and the ground was instantly cut into pieces. Gu Changqing and Gu Zhuxuan, who were behind Zhang Ziling, were blown by the wind, and felt extremely painful, and small blood stains appeared on their faces.

"Senior, be careful!"

Seeing endless sword energy invading Zhang Ziling, Gu Zhuxuan suddenly exclaimed.

Gu Zhuxuan really didn't want to see the **** picture if it hit Zhang Ziling with the power of that fierce sword aura.

However, Zhang Ziling did not have any plan to avoid this blow, and even Anbei, Ren Tian, ​​Gu Changqing, and the nine holy land ancestors behind Zhang Ziling did not respond to it.

If the sword aura wielded by a warrior in a mere real martial state can hurt the devil...

I'm afraid that the saint's kick can crush the entire Xuanxiao Continent.

Before Qing Wuwei had touched Zhang Ziling, they had predicted the outcome of the battle.

Moths are just fighting the fire.

The fierce sword aura seemed to tear the world, and when it arrived in an instant, it was in front of Zhang Ziling.


Facing the sharp shot of Jian Qi, Zhang Ziling just tapped the Jian Qi with his fingertips.


With a soft sound, Qing Wuwei's pupils shrank suddenly, his expression frozen.

How, how?

Qing Wuwei set off a turbulent wave in his heart, and watched as his sword spirit shattered.

As he got closer and closer to Zhang Ziling, Qing Wuwei began to struggle hard, trying to stop his offensive.

Now Qing Wuwei is aware that the enemy he faces is definitely not something he can provoke!

However, Qing Wuwei’s attack has already gone out, coupled with the speed at which Qing Wuwei broke out just now, even if Qing Wuwei fights back the danger of backlash to retract his attack, it is absolutely impossible for him to be so fast at this instant. Stop forcibly.

In other words, no matter what, Qing Wuwei will inevitably approach Zhang Ziling!

Seeing Qing Wuwei rushing in front of him, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and his palms opened slightly, grabbing Qing Wuwei's face.

To others, it was as if Qing Wuwei had hit Zhang Ziling's hand by himself.

However, only Qing Wuwei knew that at that moment... he couldn't move at all!


After Zhang Ziling grasped Qing Wuwei's head, he gently threw it to the ground, and Qing Wuwei smashed a huge hole in front of Zhang Ziling.


Shui Qinghan, who was still kneeling, saw that Qing Wuwei was defeated by Zhang Ziling so easily, he swallowed fiercely, feeling every cell trembling.

Qing Wuwei, a real martial arts realm powerhouse... can shatter the existence of Qingdu City with a single kick, and just let out a sword aura in front of Zhang Ziling and then get down.

Now even if Zhang Ziling himself said that he was not the Devil Emperor, Shui Qinghan would never believe it.

Shui Qinghan still understood why Zhang Ziling was able to do this, but everyone else...including the Demon Palace disciples, everyone was stunned, their brains blank.

That Qing Wuwei...

Is it true martial arts realm powerhouse?

"No, it's impossible..." Qing Mo couldn't believe what he saw, how strong Qing Wuwei was, Qing Mo knew better than anyone!

That is an old monster that has lived for two thousand years, even the holy place must be regarded as a guest of honor!

This kind of power, this kind of power standing at the top of Xuanxiao Continent, worshipped by hundreds of millions of sentient beings...Why is it vulnerable to that person?


Qing Mo knelt down, a dead gray color appeared on his face.

He finally understood why Shui Qinghan was so afraid of Zhang Ziling just now.

In the face of this level of powerhouse, even if they join the Qingdu Sword Sect, they only have to die.

There is actually...


When Qing Mo thought that the Qingdu Sword Sect was about to be wiped out, he looked at Zhang Ziling desperately, bleeding and tears in his eyes.

"you you……"

Qing Wuwei got up from the ground with difficulty, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"Who are you?"

Qing Wuwei's words were harsh and loud, echoing in the magic palace dojo.

The disciples of the Demon Palace also stared at Zhang Ziling with all their attention, waiting for Zhang Ziling to answer.

Everyone is curious...

Who is this mysterious senior?

"Didn't I say it?"

Zhang Ziling looked at Qing Wuwei and smiled.

"This emperor is the Lord of the Demon Palace!"

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