Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1291: Fear, despair, wailing

This time, after Zhang Ziling spoke out, the audience fell into deathly silence.

This time Zhang Ziling said that the palace lord of the magic palace, in the eyes of everyone, is completely different from the previous meaning!

The breathing of everyone suddenly became hurried.

Lord of the Magic Palace!

In the true sense, the palace lord of the magic palace... there has always been only one.

Except for the person who created the magic palace ten thousand years ago, the other palace owners have never been recognized by the outside world. Even the immortal Emperor Anbei, in the eyes of outsiders...

It is still only the acting palace master of the magic palace!

The Demon Palace is the supreme power over the emperor's orthodoxy.

As long as that person is there, the devil's palace will stand tall, and even the emperor is willing to bow down in front of the devil's mountain gate.

That person, that legend...

Devil Emperor, Zhang Ziling!


Everyone took a breath of cold air, and every cell in their body trembled violently, their complexion flushed.

Heartbeat, breaking to the limit.

"No, impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Qing Wuwei looked at Zhang Ziling's smiling face in horror, and Ben Gu Jing Wubo's eyes were full of endless fear.

"You can't come back! They all say you are dead! You are definitely a fake!" Qing Wuwei roared, his neck violently violently, his eyes protruding and bloodshot.

He knew it was true, but he didn't want it to be true!

Even if... even the emperor!

How could the Devil Emperor come back?

Not only Qing Wuwei, but the Qingdu Sword Sect, whether it is a disciple, deacon or elder... all trembled violently, and their legs were weak.


The word suddenly came out of everyone's hearts.

"Escape--!" A shrill roar erupted from the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples. All the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples threw away their weapons in an instant and rushed to the Demon Palace Mountain Gate.

Are you kidding me?

The devil and the devil are back... the devil is back!

The Qingdu Sword Sect disciples ran away, roaring, desperate.

Just thinking of Zhang Ziling's name, their hearts collapsed completely, with no fighting spirit.

The Devil Emperor, but the supreme being that even the Dao of Heaven did not dare to provoke, was the only supreme on the Xuanxiao continent!

When the Devil Emperor was still there, the Three Hundred Holy Lands that destroyed the Devil Palace would be more diligent to each Devil Emperor.

When the Devil Emperor leaves, these demons might be able to revel...

But when the Devil Emperor returns, no matter how brilliant genius, how noble saint, how sacred emperor...

It's all Err!

The disciples of the Qingdu Sword School seem to have foreseen the future of Xuanxiao Continent, a future filled with blood, fire and carnival!

The blood debt created by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands...

Unexpectedly... they have to be sent by their little Qingdu Sword to start paying back!

They are just mining wickets...should not bear such fear!


They regretted being a member of the Qingdu Sword Sect.

"It's just a mining gate. Who gave you the courage... to kill your boss?" Zhang Ziling said with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, watching Qing Wuwei whisper.

The tone was peaceful, but it was full of killing intent.

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to care at all for the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect who fled.

Can't escape.

Not even one.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the fear in Qing Wuwei's eyes became more and more intense, and even because of the excitement, the shrine in Qing Wuwei's body began to collapse, and his spiritual power was permanently lost.

Although Qing Wuwei was not born in the age when the Devil Emperor was active, Qing Wuwei's master Qingyang saint was once the sweeping boy of the Devil Palace!

Qing Wuwei clearly knew the terrible Devil Emperor from the Qingyang Saint population.

That kind of character... can be a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger than that described in ancient books!

"My lord, I, we..." At this moment, Qing Wuwei has completely lost the majesty of being an ancestor, and even his basaltic aura has disappeared completely.

When facing the Devil Emperor, Qing Wuwei felt like a humble insect.

Behind the Qing Wuwei, Qingmo spreads his head, and his eyes are godless.

The higher the realm, the more you know the fear of the strong.

As a Heavenly Palace Realm, he knew that he could not escape. Today, the disciple of the Qingdu Sword Sect is not even able to escape.

Everything they do now is meaningless.

It's good to wait for death, or even...suicide.

Qing Mo's fingers moved slightly.

"I can give you a chance to explain." Zhang Ziling yawned slightly and snapped his fingers lightly.

Those Qingdu Sword Sect disciples who were about to escape the Demon Palace Mountain Gate were horrified to find that the earth began to shake, and then a dark chain rushed out from the ground, directly piercing their limbs, pulling them back to the Demon Palace Dojo!

The disciples of the Sword Sect of All Youths drew an arc of blood in the sky.

Sorrowful wailing and gorgeous blood flooded the magic palace.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another Qingdu Sword Sect disciples fell from the air into the magic palace dojo, their bodies were pierced by black chains, and blood was flowing around them.

Struggling like a dead fish in the cold dojo.

Thousands of dark chains wandered in the sky, and the horrible devilish air filled the surroundings.

The magic palace at this moment is like Shura hell.

Kneeling on the ground, Shui Qinghan looked at the misery of the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples around him, swallowed fiercely, secretly glad that he recognized the ancestor of the Bai family, and had not had time to do anything.

This time it was a disaster...

However, how should the disasters of this world, those holy places, survive?

Shui Qinghan looked at Zhang Ziling, his thoughts flying.

This was the first time Shui Qinghan was so lucky. Because his ancestor of the Holy Land was timid, he did not participate in the war to destroy the Devil Palace, but maintained a neutral attitude.

This time the liquidation after the return of the Devil Emperor is also a rare opportunity for Tianshui Holy Land!

As long as you seize the opportunity, you can become a Xuan-level holy land or even an Earth-level holy land!

Just as Shui Qinghan was constantly constructing a blueprint for the future amidst excitement and fear, Qing Wuwei started to kowtow to Zhang Ziling.

Without any words, nor using any spiritual power to protect the body, Qing Wuwei slammed his forehead on the ground again and again, breaking his blood.

He was praying for Zhang Ziling's forgiveness in this way.

Qing Wuwei knew that he couldn't find any reason to explain his actions.

Betrayal is betrayal.

To annihilate other people's tribe, you must have the opportunity to be annihilated by others.

Obviously, Qing Wuwei was not ready to be annihilated at all, so now he can only like to use this self-harm method in hopes of winning Zhang Ziling's forgiveness.

In front of the Devil Emperor, any hole cards are meaningless.

All the disciples in the devil's palace are still dizzy and feel that they are still alive in their dreams, and some even slap themselves severely, wanting to wake up from their dreams.

The day before, the magic palace was still a second-rate force that allowed people to bully. After sleeping...their palace lord returned?

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling.

The disciples of the Demon Palace looked at the young man sitting on the chair, very excited!

It belongs to the era of the magic palace... It is unexpectedly to welcome back from their generation!

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