Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1292: Qingdu Sword Sect, dead!

The floor in front of Qing Wuwei was already broken, blood gurgling.

At this moment Qing Wuwei's consciousness began to become blurred, but he still subconsciously kowtowed his head.

He dared not stop.

Zhang Ziling looked at Qing Wuwei who kept kowtow, and said lightly: "Is this your explanation?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Qing Wuwei's body trembled abruptly, and the movement of kowtow suddenly stiffened.

Qing Wuwei could clearly feel that the Devil Emperor was not satisfied with his actions.

When he thought of this, Qing Wuwei's body trembled violently, raised his blood-stained head, looked at Zhang Ziling, and said in a panic: "Da, my lord..."

He didn't know how to face this fact.

"Give you a chance and let you do it yourself." Zhang Ziling said lightly, without any emotion in his tone.

Qing Wuwei stayed in place, mechanically turning his head to look at the wailing Qingdu Sword School disciple, his heart was bleeding.

This is for him to bury his painstaking effort lightly.

But after Zhang Ziling spoke, Qing Wuwei found that he could not refuse at all.

"Little got it."

Shaking his limbs, Qing Wuwei slowly stood up from the ground and walked slowly towards the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples.

"Old, ancestor, save me...I don't want to die!" A Qingdu Sword Sect disciple was nailed to the ground by a chain, blood constantly poured out, crying to the approaching Qing Wuwei.

A lot of blood loss made him weak and painful.

Seeing that disciple's painful appearance, Qing Wuwei closed his eyes, tears falling from his cheeks.

"Do it yourself... do it yourself!"

Qing Wuwei roared, shooting a sword aura through the disciple's forehead.

That disciple was killed instantly!

Zhang Ziling watched Qing Wuwei kill the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect one by one, without urging, just calmly waiting for Qing Wuwei to kill everyone.

Behind Zhang Ziling, the nine holy land ancestors all shivered.

However, they are not afraid of the **** scenes in this magic palace dojo.

As the ancestors of the Holy Land, there are already countless people who died in their hands. Pictures more **** and cruel than this are also everywhere.

They just found that... Qing Wuwei personally handled the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect, which was the master's warning.

No matter what, they are actually the same nature as the Qingdu Sword Sect, betraying them.

Seeing Qing Wuwei crying and killing the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples who begged him for mercy, the nine ancestors of the Holy Land understood that the master said that they would copy their homes, not just for fun.

Now they can follow Zhang Ziling, just as slaves, which is very different from before.

After only getting along with Zhang Ziling for a while, the nine ancestors of the Holy Land thought that they had returned to the way they used to follow the master.

But from now on, the past has passed, they now...

Is a slave.

And the heavenly sacred land they created with one hand is already the property of the magic palace, not theirs.

The nine holy land ancestors knew that going back to engrave the slave seed for the tribesmen and sending all the resources of their holy land to the magic palace would inevitably face extremely strong resistance from the tribe.

Needless to think about it, no one would agree to ransack the house.

No one wants to let go of that huge resource.

Therefore, the master gave them a plan.

Just like that Qing Wuwei, kill mercilessly. Kill as many people as they resist, no matter who it is, until the killing is over.

In the eyes of the Devil Emperor, the life of the betrayer is worthless.

They still can't escape the blood disaster...

The nine ancestors of the Holy Land sighed deeply, and the whole person looked much older.

After Qing Wuwei killed the last Qingdu Sword Sect disciple, Qing Wuwei and Qing Mo were left on the devil's dojo and belonged to the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Qing Wuwei was already covered with blood, red and white everywhere.

"Qing Mo, you are the only one left." Qing Wuwei had already killed his eyes, turned to look at Qing Mo, walked towards Qing Mo slowly, and stretched out his hand.

Sword Qi is lingering around Qing Wuwei, extremely fierce.

"Old ancestor, don't bother you to do it, goodbye!" Qing Mo grinned after looking at Qing Wuwei, and slapped his forehead with a palm.


Qing Wuwei was stunned, and watched Qing Mo's head burst open and blood splashed all over him.

Finally... he was the only one left in the Qingdu Sword Sect.


Qing Wuwei knelt down, his eyes blank.

"My lord, the members of the Qingdu Sword Sect, except me, are all punishable." Qing Wuwei's voice is hoarse and low, and he has fallen into despair.

Qing Wuwei now is like a puppet.

"Do it yourself or me?" Zhang Ziling asked faintly, looking at Qing Wuwei who was kneeling on the ground lazily.

To Zhang Ziling, deciding the life of a true martial artist was as simple as drinking water.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Qing Wuwei's body trembled slightly, and said: "No, dare not dirty the hands of the adults, let the little one come..."

When the voice fell, Qing Wuwei did not hesitate, learning Qingmo, and slapped his head directly!


His head burst, blood splashed, and the headless body of Qing Wuwei slowly fell to the ground.

The disciples of the Demon Palace remained silent, looking at Qing Wuwei's corpse and could not speak.

The disciples of the Demon Palace didn't even think about the corpse of the Qingdu Sword Sect in this area.

For them, the Qingdu Sword Sect was too strong and too strong, so strong that they could only look up to it. In Qingdu City on weekdays, the disciples of the Demon Palace can only take detours when they see the disciples of the Qingdu Sword Sect.

But now, they had witnessed the destruction of the Qingdu Sword Sect before them.

Once, one after another, the Qingdu Sword Sect disciples who were domineering in front of them, were ruthlessly killed by their own ancestors.

All this looks extremely illusory and makes people feel very unreal.

"Big Sister, how did you bring Master Patriarch back?" A disciple of the magic palace asked Gu Zhuxuan in a low voice.

They still clearly remembered that their master sister brought Zhang Ziling back and killed Lin Zhengwei.

"I, I..." Gu Zhuxuan can't even speak now, looking at Zhang Ziling in a daze, her pretty face flushed.

Gu Zhuxuan couldn't even dream that she would become the object of her ancestor hero's salvation!

Looking at Zhang Ziling's handsome face, Gu Zhuxuan couldn't help but start thinking.

Why is Patriarch so handsome?

"Senior Sister, are you okay?" Seeing Gu Zhuxuan's face flushed, the disciples of the Demon Palace couldn't help asking.

"Don't, leave me alone! You quickly clean up this messy dojo and focus on the corpses!" Gu Zhuxuan hurriedly hid her emotions for fear that others could see through her careful thoughts, and shouted to the crowd of magic palace disciples sternly.

Gu Zhuxuan's majesty was immediate, and all the Demon Palace disciples were suddenly excited, and one after another picked up tools to clean the dojo.

After distracting all the disciples, Gu Zhuxuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh... Senior shouldn't see it."

Gu Zhuxuan said to herself, subconsciously looking at Zhang Ziling, only to find that she was being stared at by Zhang Ziling!

Gu Zhuxuan's face turned red with just one brush.

"Senior...Master Abuzu... Palace, Palace Master..." Gu Zhuxuan instantly panicked, thinking that Zhang Ziling had seen all her behavior and thoughts just now.

Seeing Gu Zhuxuan's panic, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, then beckoned to Gu Zhuxuan.


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