Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1293: The power of the magic palace

Seeing Zhang Ziling beckoning to herself, Gu Zhuxuan felt like the sky was spinning, and she wanted to find a seam to get in.

How can you think about the ancestor?

Gu Zhuxuan shook her head in a panic, and threw out all the messy thoughts in her heart, and then walked towards Zhang Ziling nervously.

After knowing Zhang Ziling's identity, Gu Zhuxuan's attitude towards Zhang Ziling was also very different, and she was very cramped in front of Zhang Ziling.

On the contrary, after seeing Gu Zhuxuan's current performance, the nine holy ancestors behind Zhang Ziling showed a smile on their faces, which made them feel much more relieved.

This is the normal attitude one should have when facing the master.

"Palace Master, I just..." Gu Zhuxuan walked to Zhang Ziling and stammered.

"It's okay." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, not caring about it.

"I want to ask you some questions."

Gu Zhuxuan immediately cheered up and stood straight and said to Zhang Ziling: "Palace Master, please, Zhu Xuan must know everything!"

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a small problem." Looking at Gu Zhuxuan's very nervous look, Zhang Ziling said with a gentle smile.

Behind Zhang Ziling, Anbei and the nine holy land ancestors looked at Zhang Ziling's easygoing appearance in amazement. They didn't expect Zhang Ziling to have such a gentle side!

For a while, everyone was wondering what Zhang Ziling experienced in the depths of the universe.

Obviously, Gu Zhuxuan did not expect that Patriarch had such a gentle side, which was completely different from the description in the ancient books, which flattered Gu Zhuxuan.

Not at all like a devil!

I don’t know Zhang Ziling’s identity. When Gu Zhuxuan knew that the predecessor she had rescued in front of her was the devil emperor who made the entire Xuanxiao Continent tremble, even if Zhang Ziling’s attitude towards her was a little more peaceful, Gu Zhuxuan’s heartbeat accelerated.

Gu Zhuxuan hurriedly sorted out her mood and replied: "Yes, yes!"

After smiling at Gu Zhuxuan, Zhang Ziling looked at the demon palace disciples who were clearing the dojo and asked softly: "What do you think of the current demon palace?"

"The current magic palace?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Gu Zhuxuan also looked at the disciples who were working hard to clean up the blood on the dojo, and then said: "Even though the strength of the younger brothers and sisters is weak, they are full of vigor. This kind of vigor is I haven't seen one among the disciples of other schools."

"Perhaps Zhu Xuan's vision is narrow. At most, he has only seen the disciples of the Yellow-Class Holy Land. He has no knowledge of the broader events outside." Gu Zhuxuan added, "But among the monks Zhu Xuan has seen, they are the most Unique."

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, and then continued to ask: "Then what do you think of their talents?"

"This..." Gu Zhuxuan looked embarrassed, "The palace owner may not know, because our magic palace is weak, the children of the big family and those arrogant geniuses will not worship our magic palace."

"Most of the disciples we recruit are from common people or unfamiliar people. Although they are not talented, they are simple in nature and can sink their hearts to cultivate."

Gu Zhuxuan said to Zhang Ziling, she tried her best to beautify the disciples of the Demon Palace, hoping to make the disciples of the Demon Palace a better image in Zhang Ziling's heart.

After all, the former magic palace... there would be no such talents.

"I understand." After listening to Gu Zhuxuan's words, Zhang Ziling did not make any comment, but just nodded.

"Palace Master?"

Gu Zhuxuan plucked up the courage and asked Zhang Ziling tentatively, wanting to know Zhang Ziling's views.

Zhang Ziling's gentle attitude made Gu Zhuxuan a little less cramped and a lot more courageous.

However, Zhang Ziling did not answer Gu Zhuxuan. Instead, he got up from the chair and looked at the disciples of the Demon Palace.

It seemed that Zhang Ziling was watching them, and the demon palace disciples gradually stopped their work and looked at Zhang Ziling nervously.

In this huge dojo, the hundreds of disciples in the magic palace looked sparse, making the magic palace look quite deserted.

More than 5,000 years ago, the scope of the Devil's Palace was a hundred times wider than it is now, but it is still extremely prosperous, not at all as bleak as it is now.

Seeing such a big contrast, Zhang Ziling also sighed slightly. It is not possible to change the situation of the magic palace in a short time.

Although Zhang Ziling has solved the problem of resources and the strong.

But the most fundamental problem is that the disciples of the magic palace are still too weak.

The slave Zhang Ziling wanted to come from from the Nine Great Heaven-level Holy Land, although powerful, was still an outsider. Moreover, the slave is too powerful, and it is very likely to backlash its master.

Therefore, for the Demon Palace to be strong, the most fundamental thing is for the Demon Palace disciples to be strong.

When Zhang Ziling established the Demon Palace, the thirteen clan was cultivated by Zhang Ziling. They have a very high sense of belonging to the Demon Palace, and the cohesion of the Demon Palace is unprecedentedly strong.

That was also an important reason why the Demon Palace became the number one power in the Xuanxiao Continent.

Now that five thousand years have passed, the hearts of the thirteen clans have long since changed, and Zhang Ziling no longer regards them as his own, and the magic palace needs to re-train talents.

When the Demon Palace was so weak, although the talents of the hundreds of disciples received were uneven, Zhang Ziling observed the dispositions of the Demon Palace disciples, and they were all very suitable for cultivation. There were even more than a dozen dispositions that could catch up to the top. The evil spirits of the Holy Land.

Of course, the Xuanxiao Continent is so big, and there are not a few people with tenacious xinxing, but the cultivators are stuck in cultivation except for xinxing...

More important is talent.

The role of xinxing is basically only revealed in the later stages of cultivation, and xinxing is basically not required for cultivation in the early stages.

Therefore, this is also the reason why many big-power punks are extremely weak in temperament, but their strength is very strong.

As long as enough resources are needed, the heap can reach the Heavenly Palace Realm.

However, for Zhang Ziling, talents and resources...

It has no meaning anymore.

"Disciples, come here." Zhang Ziling clapped his hands and said to the disciples of the magic palace.

When all the disciples heard Zhang Ziling's words, their eyes were full of excitement, and they ran towards Zhang Ziling.

Although they don't know what to do, being able to face the Devil Emperor is enough to make them excited and proud.

Once, how many saints wanted to see the Devil Emperor couldn't be seen.

But now, these innate realm, Qi-gathering realm who are at the bottom of the cultivation world, can actually face the existence standing at the top of this world!

A sense of pride emerges from the bottom of their hearts.

Soon, the disciples of the Demon Palace gathered in front of Zhang Ziling, standing straight, looking at Zhang Ziling excitedly.

Behind Zhang Ziling, Anbei and the nine holy land ancestors are also very curious, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling is going to do.

In their opinion, the Demon Palace has been extremely weakened, and now these Demon Palace disciples, even if they are placed in the lowest sacred land, cannot enter the mountain gate!

For a while, the atmosphere in the magic palace dojo became subtle.

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