Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1295: Choose (below)

After the freckled teenager hesitated again and again, his eyes finally became calm, and he knelt down towards Zhang Ziling and said, "Master Xie is kind, but...the disciple is still willing to be a handyman, guarding the magic palace to take off."

"Even if the disciple can only be a handyman all his life, the disciple is willing to dedicate his whole life until the day when the magic palace surpasses all living beings!"

"Those wealth... just give it to the brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters," said the freckled teenager.

Thump... thump...

However, just after the freckle boy spoke, disciples one after another knelt down, looked at Zhang Ziling resolutely, and rejected the golden mountain.

"We, we are willing to be a lifelong handyman, guarding the magic palace to take off, and wait until the day when the magic palace surpasses all living beings!"

The freckled boy looked at the devil's disciples kneeling behind him in shock. He didn't expect that there would be so many people who choose like him!

Even if you are a handyman, you have to wait for the magic palace to take off. If you don't have a deep feeling for the magic palace, you can't make this choice.

In the entire magic palace dojo, almost two-thirds of the disciples chose to be handymen.

The remaining disciple of the Demon Palace, who was still standing, also bowed to Zhang Ziling hesitantly, saying: "The disciple is willing to withdraw from the cultivation world and return to the field."

If they don't give up, the future will be too bitter, and they don't want to live that life.

Not everyone is willing to suffer for a lifetime for a wish.

Their lives are destined to be short, why not choose to live a happy life?

Even if you quit the world of cultivation, there is endless excitement in the mortal world.

Zhang Ziling just smiled at the choices of those disciples, and whispered, "A very wise choice."

"Xiaobei...give them a space ring and fill them with all the gold and silver treasures in the dojo."

"Yes, sir." Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, An Bei bowed slightly, and then asked for hundreds of space rings from the nine holy land ancestors, and packed the golden mountains in the dojo, each one The rings are filled with dangdang.

The wealth in every space ring is enough to buy a country in the mortal world!

The disciples of the magic palace who chose to go home were very excited when they saw the space rings filled with gold and silver jewels, and they quickly kowtow to Zhang Ziling.

With those treasures, their families can also enjoy the glory and wealth of a lifetime, enough to change the fate of the poor.

Perhaps in the future, a talented evildoer will come out of the family and be able to worship the magic palace again!

Seeing the excitement of all the disciples in the magic palace, Zhang Ziling smiled and distributed the space rings.

"Take these wealth and go down the mountain. Before the magic palace rises, you will settle in the mortal district of Qingdu City for the time being. With the size of Qingdu City, it is enough for you to live, and there is no need to worry about the attack of monsters or warriors."

"Master Xie!" The disciples of the magic palace who received the space ring excitedly thanked Zhang Ziling, holding the space ring in both hands and went down the mountain.

After two or three hundred people left, the magic palace dojo became more deserted.

The other disciples who were kneeling on the ground looked at the disciples of the Demon Palace who came down the mountain, with only envy in their eyes, and a touch of regret in their hearts.

If they also choose wealth...

Zhang Ziling looked at the disciples who chose to stay as handymen, once again released a golden mountain, and said to them: "You also have the opportunity to change your choices. In Qingdu City, the magic palace will protect your family for life, so don't worry about danger."

Looking at the golden treasure, the demon palace disciples swallowed slightly, their eyes full of desire.

Another chance!

If you choose those treasures, you can live a lifetime in comfort.

However, that also means that you will never be able to personally experience the rise of the magic palace.

After struggling again, one or two hundred disciples stood up, chose wealth, and returned to the fields.

In the entire magic palace, in the end there were only more than a hundred disciples who were still kneeling on the ground, choosing to be handymen.

They want to witness the rise of the magic palace with their own eyes.

For this, you can serve as a servant for life.

Zhang Ziling looked at the devil's disciples headed by the freckled teenager, his eyes gradually became deeper, and said: "I ask you one last time, don't you regret it?"

"No regrets! We are willing to guard the magic palace and take off!" The freckled teenager said firmly, looking at Zhang Ziling.

Although he was only in the Innate Realm, even though he could only reach the Qi Gathering Realm throughout his entire life, he still wanted to see the glorious situation of the Demon Palace more than 5,000 years ago.

For this reason, he is willing to give up everything and be a handyman all his life.

Other disciples of the Demon Palace, like the freckled teenager, were extremely determined and chose to stay in the Demon Palace.

Gu Zhuxuan looked at the disciples who were still kneeling in the dojo, her eyes turned red and her eyes were moist.

Gu Zhuxuan didn't expect that the juniors and sisters who get along day and night... the feelings for the magic palace are so deep!

Seeing all the disciples of the Demon Palace, Zhang Ziling didn't say much any more, and took back the Golden Mountain in the dojo.

"Since you have chosen to be a handyman, don't regret it." Zhang Ziling looked at the disciples of the Demon Palace and said in a deep voice, "With your current talents, it is impossible to become an official disciple of the Demon Palace."

Zhang Ziling's voice was very cold.

"No regrets!" The disciples became more determined!

An Bei, the nine ancestors of the Holy Land, Gu Changqing, Ren Tian... Seeing the decisive expressions of the disciples, they couldn't help but move.

They actually... have such a strong Taoist heart!

It's a pity that the talent is poor, otherwise...there will be no limit to these children's future achievements!

An Bei also sighed about this, secretly saying that the injustice of the heavens has caused these children to suffer such a fate.

I would rather be a handyman to guard the magic palace, even if Emperor Tayue Immortal Anbei saw these children, he was quite touched, and he couldn't help but think of the battle three thousand years ago.

At that time, the Five Emperors besieged the Devil's Palace, countless saints watched, and the three hundred sacred places and hundreds of millions of troops were ready to go.

The Demon Palace Mountain Gate was already dilapidated, the guarding mountain formation was destroyed, and countless Demon Palace disciples fled around.

Blood flowed in Qingdu.

At that time, it was also in this magic palace dojo.

An Bei faces the five great emperors in front of him alone, behind An Bei...

There are more than a hundred disciples of the Demon Palace who have followed Anbei.

Although Anbei asked them to leave, the Five Emperors also said that as long as the Demon Palace disciples abandon the Demon Palace, they would not rush to exterminate them.

But they still chose to stay in the magic palace, even if they were vulnerable in front of the emperor, it was meaningless to stay.

The disciples of the Demon Palace at that time were also faced with two choices, although the situation was completely different from now...However, Anbei believed that the two choices were extremely similar.

Seeing these more than a hundred disciples of the Devil's Palace, An Bei remembered his original tragic and vigorousness again.

The more than one hundred disciples accompany him to fight until the meridians are destroyed and the shrine is broken.

Stay with yourself... Fight to the point of collapse.

From An Bei's point of view, the expressions of these more than one hundred demon palace disciples were exactly the same as those of the demon palace disciples.


Thinking of this, An Bei couldn't help looking at Zhang Ziling's back, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Lord, he deliberately gave them these two options.

This kind of thought came to An Bei's heart, and he felt that Zhang Ziling was testing the disciples of the Demon Palace more and more.

The more than one hundred disciples who remained, although their talents were terribly poor, their xinxing... surpassed the vast majority of the people in Xuanxiao Continent, and the handful of people including the freckled teenagers... were even more amazing.

If they all have ordinary talents, I am afraid that their future achievements will never be bad, at least they will reach the Heavenly Palace Realm.

If the talent is a little better, even to the level of the Saint Child and Saint Woman, I am afraid that even if it is in the True Martial Realm, it may even attack the Saint!

With a tough mind, you can have no fear of demons!

Thinking of this, An Bei couldn't help but become excited and looked at Zhang Ziling with some excitement.

These more than one hundred demon palace disciples...

Master, how do you polish it?

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