Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1296: Only heaven

After a group of Demon Palace disciples made their choice, they also made up their minds and accepted their future destiny.

Anyway, before the magic palace accepts them as disciples, they will only spend their lives in poverty, just like the life of a handyman.

It is already a great blessing to be accepted as a disciple by the Devil Palace, and I don't expect more.

In this state, although they have lost the wealth of a rich and adversary country, they have got the opportunity to stay in the Demon Palace. For the remaining Demon Palace disciples, it is also an unrepentant choice.

Zhang Ziling looked at the remaining disciple of the Demon Palace, but suddenly a faint smile appeared on his calm face.

"Get up all."

Zhang Ziling said what he said, and a group of Demon Palace disciples stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, not understanding why Zhang Ziling wanted them to get up.

It stands to reason that they will be the handymen of the Demon Palace from now on. When facing the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling, they are not qualified to stand up and must kneel down and bow down.

Even, they are not qualified to look directly at Zhang Ziling!

Although all the disciples were still full of doubts, since it was the Patriarch who spoke, the disciples did not dare to defy and stood up again and again.

Since just now, they are no longer disciples of the magic palace, but handymen of the magic palace. Such a change in identity made them feel more or less a little bit sad, very melancholy.

Even if they are mentally prepared, the mood of the will take a while to adjust.

After all, the next life to be lived is to do a lifetime of chores, to be a lifetime of chores.

Seeing the disciples' sullen expressions, Zhang Ziling smiled, and then said: "With your current talents, you are indeed not worthy of the disciples of the magic palace."

"After all, our Demon Palace will surpass all the forces in the Xuanxiao Continent in the future. If the inner disciples of its family are inferior in talent than those Saint Child Saint Girls, it would be a shame for the Demon Palace."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the faces of all the disciples couldn't help but look ashamed.

Indeed, their talents are not worthy of the Devil's Palace, even the outer disciples.

"Master Pa... we will definitely serve the official disciples of the Demon Palace in the future, and we will not slacken off." The freckled teenager took the lead in adjusting his mentality and assured Zhang Ziling.

After all, they work as handymen in the magic palace, and occasionally they can listen to powerful lectures, and they may not have no chance of epiphany in the future.

"Who said that the inner disciple of the magic palace needs to serve the official disciple of the magic palace?" Zhang Ziling looked at the freckled teenager and raised his eyebrows and said.

"Master Patriarch?" The freckled teenager was taken aback for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

What does this mean?

Not only the freckle boy, but all the disciples of the Devil's Palace present, Gu Changqing, Ren Tian, ​​and the nine ancestors of the Holy Land, were all stunned.

With the talents of the current group of Demon Palace disciples, can they really be worthy of being a disciple of the Demon Palace Inner Sect?

Although their xinxing has reached the standard, their talent is ultimately flawed.

If this group of disciples were to be the inner disciples of the Demon Palace in the future, even if the Demon Palace was strong, it would probably become the laughing stock of the world.

The freckled teenager was also flattered when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, and quickly knelt down toward Zhang Ziling.

"Palace Master, please consider it again! If the Demon Palace wants to rise, we cannot use our group of strangely talented people. With our talents, if we become an official disciple of the Demon Palace, the Demon Palace will definitely be criticized by the world in the future! "

Although the freckle boy wanted to continue to maintain his status as a disciple of the magic palace, his reason was telling him...if they wanted to see the rise of the magic palace, they could not become the disciple of the magic palace!

Otherwise, in the future, the disciples of the Demon Palace will surpass all forces, but the top group of disciples will be at the Qi Gathering Realm. I am afraid that all the disciples of the Holy Land will ridicule the Demon Palace crazily in secret.

With their talents, even if they use resources, they can't reach a high level.

They would rather stay as a handyman, which already shows that they have extremely deep feelings for the magic palace. Therefore, they definitely do not want to see the magic palace because they are insulted.

Seeing the resolute appearance of the freckle boy and the other Demon Palace disciples, Zhang Ziling laughed dumbly, becoming more and more satisfied with these disciples.

The talent is only poor, so what?

"If the talents of our inner disciple of the Demon Palace are extremely poor, then I, the Palace Master, won't have to mess around in the future." Zhang Ziling's eyes were full of smiles, and he looked at the more than 100 Demon Palace disciples in front of him with a smile.

"Ancestor, Master Zu?" At this moment, the disciple of the Demon Palace was completely confused, and did not understand the inconsistent words Zhang Ziling said.

The nine ancestors of the Holy Land were also confused at this moment, and did not understand why Zhang Ziling wanted these disciples to be disciples of the inner gate of the magic palace, and said that the inner gate disciples of the magic palace must be extremely talented.

Naturally, there is a holy medicine that can change a person’s talent in the Xuanxiao Continent, but this kind of holy medicine that changes one's fate is extremely rare. I am afraid that there are no more than ten existing in the entire continent, and they still exist in the thick soil of the funeral. In the depths of the forbidden area that can't be approached.

It is simply impossible to change the talents of more than one hundred disciples with holy medicine.

Moreover, the nine holy land ancestors also thoroughly inspected the roots and bones of these more than one hundred disciples, all of which were inferior. I am afraid that cutting bones and marrow will not increase their talents much.

The only dazzling thing about the disciples of the Demon Palace was their xinxing.

Mindness is of no help to their cultivation at this stage.

Therefore, the disciples of the Demon Palace are destined to not be able to cultivate to a high level, and they will not be able to pile up with resources.

"Master... what are you?" An Bei couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling, with doubts in his eyes.

Although he also saw the more than one hundred disciples extremely pleasing to the eye, it was impossible to change their talents. It was really trifling for them to become inner disciples of the magic palace.

A big power must have the courage of a big power.

Although the words are a bit cruel, I have to say...More than a hundred disciples are not qualified to be the inner disciples of the magic palace.

"Perhaps in your opinion, this is incredible, but for me..." A smile flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, "The talent of the disciples is totally meaningless."

Zhang Ziling's whole body has the origin of the imaginary and real avenue, the origin of the way of life, and the origin of the way of death... the origins of the three highest laws are entwined.

The strong atmosphere of Dao law is flooded in the magic palace.

"This, this is..." Seeing the origin of Zhang Ziling's surrounding avenue, the nine ancestors of the Holy Land directly exclaimed, and their eyes were incredible.

They have no idea what these three crystals with a strong and supreme law aura are!

The monk mastered the origin of the Great Dao, and it had never appeared in the history of the entire Xuanxiao continent!

"Master, do you want it?" An Bei realized something and exclaimed directly.

Change reality, change birth, change destiny...

This is against the sky!

"It's just a change of fate against the sky, why are you so nervous?" Zhang Ziling said with a light smile, placing the three avenues of origin side by side in front of him.

"Master, changing your fate against the sky is because the way of heaven is intolerable and will be rejected by this world!" An Bei is extremely anxious, "the strength of the way of heaven has been much stronger than before, master, stop!"

Anbei screamed at Zhang Ziling, in front of Xuanxiao Heavenly Dao... Now even the emperor can only be madly suppressed!

"It's just the way of heaven..." Zhang Ziling didn't care, "You let him come out and try now?"

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