
Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, An Bei was stunned at all, and didn't know what to say.

Could it be... the five thousand years that the master left, the strength has once again broken through?

An Bei suddenly remembered the scene where Zhang Ziling was restoring his palace and meridian, so that a dying emperor instantly returned to his peak state. This is simply impossible!

However, An Bei actually stood here, full of spiritual power, and even had a breakthrough!

The strong atmosphere of Dao law, and the skillful manipulation technique... At that time, Anbei's entire consciousness was vague, and he was not very clear about what Zhang Ziling had done.

But from now on thinking about it carefully, An Bei suddenly realized that Zhang Ziling seemed to have used a method that had never appeared before in the Xuanxiao Continent.

In other words, Zhang Ziling seems to have used the power of heaven.

In this world, only God can modify everything.

But now... there seems to be one more person.

Anbei's death should have been fixed, and no one in the world can save it.

The five emperors did not completely kill An Bei at the beginning, and they knew that An Bei would die, so they allowed An Bei to fend for himself and survive for another three thousand years.

But Zhang Ziling came back... but it changed everything.

An Bei, who should have fallen, came back alive at this moment!

"Master!" Thinking of this, An Bei couldn't help but surprise in his eyes, looking excitedly at Zhang Ziling's back.

In the five thousand years since the master left, the master definitely has some breakthrough!

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's mouth was with a faint smile, and the three avenues were floating around Zhang Ziling, evoking the laws of the avenues of the Xuanxiao Continent, and the sky of the magic palace suddenly changed.

"Xiao Bei, build an illusion, don't let the outside world notice the abnormal changes in the magic palace." Zhang Ziling raised his eyes and glanced at the thundercloud surging sky, and said to An Bei.


After figuring out certain things, An Bei no longer hesitated, the coercion of being a great emperor suddenly burst out of his body, causing everyone to look disgusted.

An Bei was now wearing silver armor, black hair dancing, a breath of chaos surging around her body, and mysterious and wonderful lines appeared all around the magic palace dojo.

A group of Demon Palace disciples looked at An Bei in shock, the boss with an open mouth.

Step on, Step on the Moon Immortal Emperor?

In the eyes of the disciples of the Demon Palace, An Bei is exactly the same as the person on the scroll that has been passed down in the Demon Palace at this moment!

Rumor has it that in the battle between the Devil’s Palace and the Three Hundred Sacred Lands three thousand years ago, the Five Emperors besieged the Devil’s Palace.

And since the battle, Immortal Emperor Tayue has been called by the world...

The first person under the Devil Emperor!

The two strongest existences in the Xuanxiao Continent all came from the Demon Palace, but the Demon Palace declined because of this. The dramatic ending of the Demon Palace made countless people sigh.

When Anbei followed Zhang Ziling out of Shimen, the disciples of the Demon Palace had not discovered that Anbei was the Immortal Emperor Tayue.

But now, when Anbei's aura that belongs to the emperor bursts out, changing the world...

Everyone realized it.

Immortal Emperor Tayue is still there.

The first and second people in Xuanxiao Continent are here!

Thinking of this, the disciples of the Demon Palace roared excitedly: "Treading Moon Old Ancestor!"

"Master, rest assured, even if the sky falls, people outside will definitely not be able to discover what's inside the magic palace!" An Bei was majestic at the moment, with imperial prestige pervading the world, and then completely wrapped the entire magic palace. Completely cut off from the outside world.

Although others could feel the power of Emperor Tayue Immortal Emperor, they could not feel the slightest sense of oppression.

"Good control!"

The nine holy land ancestors all looked at Anbei in shock. They couldn't do the kind of skills that could make everyone feel the imperial prestige without letting everyone feel the oppressive force.

Not to mention these nine holy land ancestors, even the five great emperors who once besieged the devil's palace can't do it!

"Xiaobei, doing a good job." Zhang Ziling couldn't help but sighed when seeing An Bei calmly isolating the magic palace from the outside world.

If it is an ordinary blinding technique, people outside the magic palace only need to observe it carefully, and they will be able to discover the strangeness of the magic palace.

However, Anbei created a small world by himself, recreated a magic palace, and placed the entrance of the small world outside the small world.

In other words, even if people outside walked into the magic palace, they could only be silently spread into the small world, and they would not be able to discover the true appearance of the magic palace.

"Master praised." Hearing Zhang Ziling's praise, An Bei's powerful aura suddenly disappeared, his face flushed, and he was quite cramped in front of Zhang Ziling, completely not what the emperor should have.

The disciples of the Demon Palace were shocked to see An Bei's appearance.

After Zhang Ziling praised An Bei, he did not spend too much time on An Bei. Instead, he looked at the disciples of the Demon Palace and said: "You all stand quietly, no matter what happens next, you Don't talk, don't move, accept it all, understand?"

"Ming, understand..." After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, a group of Demon Palace disciples nodded and agreed, and then stood quietly in several rows.

They still don't understand what Zhang Ziling is going to do, they just feel that something big must happen next.

The aura of Dao Law pervading here has opened every pore in the whole body of the disciples of the Demon Palace, but they can't enter the state of epiphany at all.

This is the performance of the talents to the limit.

In the Qingdu City, in order to suppress the Demon Palace, the Qingdu Sword Sect’s disciples with a little talent were all received by the Qingdu Sword Sect, and those disciples who wanted to worship into the Demon Palace were not taken by the Qingdu Sword Sect. He was assassinated privately by the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Because of the Qingdu Sword Sect, the Demon Palace has not received disciples with good talents for many years.

Zhang Ziling watched that the disciples didn't react at all to the surrounding Dao laws, but didn't care, and began to urge the Dao origins around him.

He wants to change everything.

The law of the way of death makes the disciples of the devil's palace apoptotic, the law of the imaginary and the real way changes their talents for body cultivation, and the law of the way of life rebirth the disciples of the devil's palace.

With these simple three steps, Zhang Ziling can change everything about the disciples wantonly. If there is the root of cause and effect, Zhang Ziling can even change the destiny of sentient beings in the world.

Top spiritual roots, top cultivation physique, top cultivation comprehension, top physique foundation... and even make the disciples of the Devil Palace become the children of luck, the constitution of the Dao, the children of destiny, the first generation of Chaos...

As long as Zhang Ziling wants to do it, he can modify the talents of the disciples of the Devil's Palace as if he is hanging out!

Of course, Zhang Ziling hasn't been able to transform a physique that transcends worldly understanding and rules, like Shixu body and Tiantian Demon Body.

To modify their physique, Zhang Ziling must first know the structure of those physiques.

Had it not been for Zhang Ziling to have the authority of the Heavenly Dao on the earth, and glimpse the database-like ocean of knowledge, Zhang Ziling would not be able to modify the talents of the disciples of the Demon Palace so easily.

In the history of the Xuanxiao Continent, no one has ever broken through the supreme realm, and no one has ever obtained the origin of the Great Dao, and no one has even replaced the Heavenly Dao...

The current Zhang Ziling is equivalent to the creator of Xuanxiao Continent and can change everything in the world.

"Then... let's first come to a group of children of destiny." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and moved the origin of Dao.

The breath of Xuan'ao began to surge in the magic palace dojo.

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