Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1299: "Flee from the Wild"

The girl stared at Zhang Ziling quietly, her perfect face was indifferent.

The powerful aura radiated from the girl's body, making the magic palace dojo extremely silent.

Even An Bei, in front of the girl, was speechless, feeling extremely stressed.

The coercion of heaven is too powerful.

The girl stared at Zhang Ziling for a while, then said faintly: "Devil Emperor, you are too much."

The girl's voice was cold and indifferent.

"I thought you wouldn't come out anymore!" Zhang Ziling didn't care about the girl's indifference, and smiled faintly.

"If you change the talents of these people, you have violated the principles of heaven. You actually want to change all of these more than one hundred people into the Primordial Chaos, and completely seize the luck of this world. I really can't help you?" The girl looked at Zhang Ziling coldly. Hmph, there is a rare anger shining in the eyes of the stars.

The Primordial Chaos is a genius who can only appear in one era. It is an existence that has gathered the world's best fortune. Regardless of any aspect of the Primordial Chaos, it will far surpass any monk in the Xuanxiao Continent.

Moreover, the Primordial Chaos had a great opportunity for air transportation, and being taken care of by the Heavenly Dao, he could cultivate to the great emperor anyway and command the Xuanxiao Continent.

In this era, if it hadn't been for the emergence of Zhang Ziling to break the rules of the world, break through to a higher realm than the emperor, and seize most of the fortune in the Xuanxiao Continent, otherwise the Primordial Chaos would have appeared long ago.

When Zhang Ziling rose step by step, Heavenly Dao did not interfere. When Heavenly Dao wanted to interfere, he found that he could no longer stop Zhang Ziling.

Now, Zhang Ziling wants to transform all the talents of these more than a hundred demon palace disciples into Primordial Chaos, but Heavenly Dao would never agree to it.

If more than one hundred Primal Chaos appear in an era, the world will definitely be affected. As the center of the universe, the Xuanxiao Continent will be in chaos, and it will definitely be furious.

At that time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, it must be impossible for Zhang Ziling to succeed!

"It is indeed a bit too much to change to Chaos First Generation." Zhang Ziling nodded unexpectedly, but did not refute what the girl said.

"The Devil, you have changed the fate of these people, and you have gone against the road. I don't care that you are already the limit. If you can make an inch of it, even if you try your best in this world, I will definitely fight you back to the emperor!" The girl glared at Zhang Ziling and shouted coldly.

As a god, it is already incredible to show anger.

"The level of the Son of Destiny is enough. I have not thought about the creation of more than a hundred Chaos First Generations." Zhang Ziling looked at the girl and chuckled.

"Then what did you do just now? When I was blind?" The girl didn't believe every word Zhang Ziling said.

"Let you come down to see me." Zhang Ziling said lightly, "After transforming the talent of the devil's disciple, you and I still have something to ask you."

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't mean to create the first generation of Chaos, the girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The anger on her face gradually disappeared and she became indifferent again, saying: "What's the matter?"

Anbei and the holy land ancestors stared blankly at the girl who transformed into the heavenly path, always feeling a little strange in their hearts.

No matter how you look at it, this girl doesn't look ruthless.

When the Three Hundred Holy Lands were besieging the Demon Palace, the final stage of the battle between the Five Emperors and Anbei, Tian Dao personally went down to participate in the battle, suppressing the Five Fang Great Emperor in one fell swoop, and the three hundred holy land coalition forces retreated, and Qingdu City was also retained.

After forcing the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces, Heaven also drifted away, leaving Qingdu ruined and nothing was done.

Since then, everyone in the world has written that the three hundred holy land coalition forces destroyed the Devil’s Palace and caused hundreds of millions of living beings to perish, causing monstrous karmic debts, so that the Heavenly Dao came forward and personally put an end to the century-long war.

In the eyes of all living beings, the way of heaven is not angry or prestigious, every move outlines the laws of heaven and earth, and all living beings are regarded as dogs.

However, when everyone saw the performance of the girl transformed into the heavens in front of Zhang Ziling, they always felt...

It's strange.

"When I left, didn't I entrust you to take care of the magic palace?" Zhang Ziling squinted at the girl. "And I have been back to Xuanxiao Continent for such a long time, you have been hiding from me. What does it mean?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the girl's indifferent eyes again showed some emotional fluctuations, and she couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling and whispered: "Devil Emperor, I hope you can see the identity of the two of us!"

"I am the Dao of Heaven, not your slave!" The girl angrily scolded Zhang Ziling, with a little grievance in her voice.

Everyone on the dojo looked at the girl dumbfounded, and did not react for a while.


what is the problem?

More than 5,000 years ago, the Xuanxiao Continent has been rumored that the Devil Emperor and Heavenly Dao are on the same level, sharing the world. The reason why the Demon Palace can be a sacred place for cultivation is also in accordance with the Heavenly Dao’s request to bring heaven and earth spiritual power into the blue sky. Relationship.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Tiandao and Devil Emperor have always been in a cooperative relationship.

When Anbei followed Zhang Ziling, he was also fortunate to have seen the transformation of the heavens, but in Anbei’s impression, the transformation of the heavens has always been unsmiling, and he is neither humble nor arrogant towards Zhang Ziling. It is completely unlike the" "Humanity" taste.

"I never said that you were my slave." Zhang Ziling stared at the girl, "I was just asking you, why did you let the magic palace fall?"

"I, I..." A frustration flashed in the girl's eyes, and then she glared at Zhang Ziling, but she stopped talking and turned into a white light and left.

"Devil Emperor, I will warn you one last time, I can't control you how you modify this world! However, you are not allowed to create the first generation of Chaos! You are not allowed to build a heavenly demon! You are not allowed to understand the law of death!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

The voice of the heavens roared in the sky, and then slowly disappeared.

After Tiandao left, everyone kneeling on the ground suddenly felt light, and the atmosphere of Tiandao around disappeared.

"Master?" An Bei looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, with doubts in his eyes.

Heavenly Dao appeared suddenly and left in a panic. He didn't do anything, so Anbei couldn't figure it out.

"This is another matter. If that guy avoids me deliberately, even I can't find her where." Zhang Ziling glanced at the sky and smiled, "I wanted to do something extraordinary to force her out. Yes, but from now on, it’s useless."

"Master, are we now?" An Bei didn't know what to say about Zhang Ziling's words, so he had to ask Zhang Ziling what he wanted to do next.

When Anbei followed Zhang Ziling, there were many things he didn't understand, and he couldn't ask them one by one.

The correct way is to do what Zhang Ziling said.

In the past, Anbei was not even the emperor, not even a saint, and could not understand many things, thinking that the vision of the two was too far apart.

Now, An Bei has become a great emperor, and he has the reputation of being the first person under the devil emperor.

But, even so, Anbei found that... he still couldn't understand what the master was dealing with.

"right now……"

Hearing Anbei's words, Zhang Ziling also turned his gaze on the nine holy land ancestors, with red glow in his eyes.

"It's time to deal with the traitor."

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