Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1230: Start, deal with traitors

"Deal with traitors?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the nine holy land ancestors threw a violent spirit all over, and their hairs stood up.

Zhang Ziling's words were extremely cold, without the slightest emotion. Just listening to the nine holy land ancestors, they felt that they had fallen into the abyss of hell.


The nine holy land ancestors did not dare to look at Zhang Ziling again, and kept kowtow to Zhang Ziling, shivering.

The word "traitor" is very sensitive to them today.

In the eyes of the world, they are the "traitors" of the magic palace.

The thirteen sacred places in the Profound Land of Heaven have been criticized by the world for this reason, and they have been called the sacred places of blood that thrive by drawing the blood of the magic palace.

When they heard these four words from Zhang Ziling's mouth, they also felt inexplicable pain in their hearts, and felt that they were alienated from Zhang Ziling.

Standing behind Zhang Ziling, Anbei looked at the nine holy land ancestors silently with complicated eyes.

Although Anbei did not blame the thirteen clan for leaving at the last moment of the magic palace, Anbei knew that he could not control Zhang Ziling's views.

Regardless of whether the thirteen clans abandoned the demon palace wisely or not, the thirteen clans watched the demon palace continue to weaken during the three thousand years, and even reduced the demon palace to the point where it was bullied by second-rate forces. This approach... An Bei also had a faint anger in his heart.

At least, after the development of the Thirteen Holy Land, it should be given shelter to the magic palace.

For the past three thousand years, Anbei has been hiding in Shimen because of serious injuries and avoiding other emperors. Only the previous palace owners of the magic palace have known Anbei's existence and have taken care of Anbei for generations.

And Anbei also witnessed the decline of the magic palace from the mouth of the palace owners of the previous generations.

In any case, it is already a fact that the 13 clan watched the devil's decline and ignored it. And the thirteen ancestors who followed the master at the beginning are still there, just this...

It is enough for Zhang Ziling to give any punishment to the Thirteen Holy Land.

Annihilation is not an exaggeration.

Even if Zhang Ziling killed the nine holy land ancestors in front of him, no one felt that there was any problem.

Including these nine holy land ancestors...

They all think they deserve to die.

Zhang Ziling looked at the shivering ancestors of the holy land, but didn't mean to let them get up, and asked faintly: "Which holy land is in the domain of the closest to the blue spirit realm?"

The tone is plain and majestic.

Everyone trembled.

Finally, it started...

Zhang Ziling had no plans to take action against these nine holy ancestors.

What he has to to deal with the other four first.

Change after knowing the wrong, copy the family, and be demoted to slavery.

Knowing mistakes and not correcting them, insisting on doing their own way... No matter what the reason, one by one will be destroyed.

Zhao family, Wang family, Jin family, Gu family.

Ye Zhiqing, Lin Mofan.

Deal with the rebels first, and then bloodbath the three hundred holy places.

Zhang Ziling was never a good person, and never had any compassion for the enemy.

All the forces that once attacked the Demon Palace and caused that monstrous karmic debt, no matter how many creatures they have, no matter how much turbulence it will cause to the Xuanxiao Continent...

Zhang Ziling didn't care.

What Zhang Ziling wanted was to let the world know that he was back.

Then the sinner pays the debt.

Even if the territory is dyed red, the sky is crying.

The name of the devil emperor reigns over the world, and has always made the world red.

Those who violated the devil's palace are the Yi Nine.

Zhang Ziling's powerful aura filled the magic palace dojo, and everyone felt a great deal of pressure.

Gu Zhuxuan stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and suddenly felt that Zhang Ziling was a different person.

Zhang Ziling now... seems to be the real Devil Emperor.

The nine holy land ancestors felt extremely fiercely cold, and they were already wet with sweat, kneeling and shivering in front of Zhang Ziling.

They just heard Zhang Ziling's words, as if they had seen the sea of ​​blood in the future.

After more than five thousand years, the world seems to have forgotten...

The terror of the devil.

"Hui, Master, the Profound Sky Realm is under the jurisdiction of the Zhao family. Because the Zhao family only has the Profound Sky Realm, the density of high-ranking monks in the Profound Sky Realm is higher than that of other realms." The ancestor of the Bai family first said to Zhang Ziling, "More The Profound Sky Realm is the center of the Profound Sky Upper Divine State, and the master can travel from the Profound Sky Realm to any other realm."

The Blue Spirit Realm is the Bai family's sphere of influence, and is adjacent to the Profound Sky Realm, so Bai briefly understands the Zhao family better than others.

"Between the Blue Spirit Realm and the Sky Profound Realm, only the Qingxuan Ancient Kingdom straddles the Blue Spirit Realm and the Sky Profound Realm. The Qingxuan Ancient Kingdom is the only country where the two realms are connected. The other places are wilderness mountains and forests, impassable."

"So if you want to go to the Profound Realm, you can use the ancient Qingxuan Country as a transit." Bai Jian helped Zhang Ziling plan the route by the way, "The Zhao Family Holy Land is 30,000 miles east of the ancient Qingxuan Country, and the distance is very short."

"The Bai family can capture the remnants of the Zhao family for the master, and will not let anyone go."

Every domain is vast, and there are barriers between domains. Even if Zhang Ziling wants to cross the big domain, it would be time-consuming to walk through the wild mountains and forests.

Therefore, starting from the ancient Qingxuan country, heading to the Profound Sky is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, the ancestors of the Zhao family hadn't come, so they were determined to rebel, and it was impossible to open the teleportation formation to the Profound Sky Realm. They could only pass by themselves.

Although the thirteen of them once had a strong friendship, but now they have come to the present situation, the former friendship, at the moment when the Zhao family did not come to see the master, completely disappeared.

Therefore, how to effectively and completely eliminate the rebels is something they need to think about now.

"Is the Qingxuan ancient country?" Zhang Ziling groaned for a while after hearing Bai Jian's words, "I remember an old deceased in the Qingxuan ancient country, from there to the Profound Realm, and by the way, you can visit the deceased, but you can accept this choice. "

When Zhang Ziling's voice fell, Bai Jian immediately bowed his head to Zhang Ziling and said, "The little one will immediately go back and arrange manpower to besiege Zhao's house."

"Master, we can also attack the Zhao family from other domains and clean the Zhao family." The other ancestors of the holy land were also unwilling to lag behind and asked Zhang Ziling.

They are already slaves of the magic palace, and as slaves...only by doing more can they improve their status.

For their own family, they had to be cruel to other people.

Rebellion is the Zhao family's choice, no wonder others are cruel.

"Yes, be careful not to say anything, I don't want others to talk about my return." Zhang Ziling did not reject the proposal of the ancestors of the Holy Land, and at the same time gave them an order to keep them secret.

If the events of his return are known to the world, and if the three hundred holy places that attacked the magic palace were to flee, Zhang Ziling would undoubtedly have a lot of trouble to deal with his enemies.

Sometimes it is more convenient to act low-key.

"The nine of you each return to your own holy land, transfer resources to the magic palace, arrange for manpower to close the Profound Sky Realm, and supervise the Wang Family, the Jin Family, and the Gu Family at the same time. Don't let them leave the Profound Sky and go to the Divine State."

"Yes!" The nine holy land ancestors took their orders without hesitation.

"An Bei, you stay at the Demon Palace and teach the Demon Palace disciples to practice cultivation. Don't recruit disciples from outside for the time being, and wait until the Demon Palace disciples are able to stand alone."

"Yes!" An Bei took the lead, with a firm tone.

"In addition, to cure Gu Changqing's disease, let Ren Tian and Gu Changqing serve as the elders of transmission and punishment, respectively, and Gu Zhuxuan will be the master sister of the Demon Palace and manage the disciples of the Demon Palace."

"As for the cultivation method, Anbei, you first create ten emperor skills, and after the other holy places send the emperor skills, you will be allocated according to the emperor skills and the disciples will receive them according to the progress of the cultivation."

The devil's palace is waiting to be revived, and as Zhang Ziling has issued a series of orders, the rotten machine of the devil's palace has finally started to operate slowly.

"Yes!" Everyone in the dojo excitedly accepted Zhang Ziling's order, very excited.

"After I come back, I like to see that the magic palace has undergone tremendous changes." Zhang Ziling said to An Bei lightly after arranging various matters.

"Master, rest assured, Anbei will do everything possible." Anbei bowed deeply to Zhang Ziling and assured Zhang Ziling.

A great emperor is stationed in the magic palace, and Zhang Ziling is also extremely relieved of this.

"That's good, you all go back and do your own things."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and the figures of the nine holy land ancestors also slowly twisted and disappeared in place.

The disciples of the Demon Palace also returned to their residence excitedly, studying their talents that were modified.

Soon, the magic palace dojo became quiet.

"So... let's start." After arranging everyone, Zhang Ziling also looked in the direction of the Profound Sky, twisted his neck slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Purge traitors

Let all the rebels witness the return of the king.

"Well, that... Lord Devil Emperor, I, our Shui family are in the ancient Qingxuan country. If Lord Devil Emperor doesn't mind, we can let our Shui family pick up the dust for adults."

Shui Qinghan, who was still at the magic palace dojo, saw that Zhang Ziling was left alone, and realized that his opportunity was coming, so Shui Qinghan abandoned everything on his own, gathered courage, and said to Zhang Ziling.

If the Shui Family hugs the thigh of the Demon Palace, what will happen in the future...

Shui Qinghan just thought about it, and I felt heart trembling.

Shui Qinghan's words immediately attracted Zhang Ziling's attention.

Zhang Ziling set his gaze on Shui Qinghan, with a little surprise in his eyes.

I have dealt with a lot of things just now, but I forgot about the guys who came from this heavenly water holy land.

Shui Qinghan looked at Zhang Ziling's calm and deep eyes, his legs were trembling slightly, his head was sweating, and he swallowed quietly, very nervous.

It's up and down, it depends on Lord Demon Emperor's answer.

Zhang Ziling looked at Shui Qinghan for a while, and then remembered that the deceased from Qingxuan Ancient Kingdom did not know where he was, and indeed needed the local snakes to help find people...

Shui Qinghan brought it to the door by himself, which was much more convenient.

Waiting for Zhang Ziling to answer this period of time, it is undoubtedly difficult to clear the water, and the whole body has been wet with sweat.

"Devil, Lord Devil?"

Finally unable to withstand the pressure, Shui Qinghan asked Zhang Ziling tentatively.

"Lead the way." Zhang Ziling said faintly, and then with his hands on his back, he walked outside the Demon Palace Mountain Gate.

Shui Qinghan looked at Zhang Ziling's back, first for a moment, and then reacted, and the whole person became ecstatic.

Actually... It worked!

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